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Msg ID: 2730620 Local track +0/-0     
5/27/2022 10:50:38 PM

One of my local tracks.  Why I don't attend live.  12 classes.  Dgray


Msg ID: 2730638 Local track +0/-0     
Author:Kevin Mc
5/28/2022 7:04:59 AM

Reply to: 2730620
And the modifed street, factory stock and street stock classes probably all look alike and run similar lap times. 602 AND 604 late models? WHY???? It's a Carolina problem as well. I almost never go to the local short tracks unless I have to. An 8 division show with 90 cars signed in is not uncommon. And they invariably run heats for everyone. Why you have to run 4 car heat races I do not know.

Msg ID: 2730648 Local track +0/-0     
Author:.John Mc
5/28/2022 8:57:52 AM

Reply to: 2730638
Because the inmates run the asylum now. And when the track closes because of low or no attendance they'll all ask why. God forbid they run the crates together because the perception is there's a competitive imbalance, which is BS because the SAME GUYS ARE GONNA WIN ANYWAY !!

Msg ID: 2730668 Local track +0/-0     
5/28/2022 11:29:14 AM

Reply to: 2730648
The ad states "Season Finale", very foreboding for all local short tracks and racing in general

Msg ID: 2730678 John Mc +0/-0     
5/28/2022 12:38:00 PM

Reply to: 2730668

You should remember when Sportsman and Modified ran  together when we were younger

Msg ID: 2730744 John Mc +0/-0     
Author:John Mc
5/28/2022 11:45:14 PM

Reply to: 2730678
Sure do, that's how my dad got started running modified with his Sportsman. EWS did it by starting the Sportsman up front. I think it ended in 1970. I actually talked to some of the Sportsman guys at NES when it became apparent the crates were on the horizon, maybe tweak the rules a bit and start them in the front...very little to no interest. Oh well.

Msg ID: 2730702 Season Finale of series not track +0/-0     
5/28/2022 4:00:06 PM

Reply to: 2730668

This race is the seaon finale of Ray Cook's Spring National Series; not the track itself.  The races were scheduled to be run at Dixie and Rome Speedway. 


Msg ID: 2730697 Local track +0/-0     
5/28/2022 2:54:02 PM

Reply to: 2730648

I have no idea what short track racing looks like beyond the Northeast, it is however possible that in more rural locations there are actual fans that attend races simply for entertainment.

As you well know the back gate pays the purse, I suspect that you remember paying $30.00 to enter the pits at EWS in the late 80's (-:


Msg ID: 2730703 Local track +0/-0     
5/28/2022 4:05:41 PM

Reply to: 2730697

By merging classes they would not have to payout all those purses. Combine the 602 & 604s make it $1500.00 to win instead of $1000.00 each. Could even add a nice bonus or $250 for the first 602 across the line. Same with the multiple street stocks classes.

Msg ID: 2730735 Local track +0/-0     
Author:Kevin Mc
5/28/2022 9:53:55 PM

Reply to: 2730703
They dont pay $1500 to win. I guarantee that. I just saw a local track post that they have 108 race cars signed in tonight. Sounds great until you look at the schedule and realize theres EIGHT divisions racing.

Msg ID: 2731362 Local track +0/-0     
Author:Dan McMahon
6/4/2022 7:44:57 PM

Reply to: 2730697

I have to agree.  I was from the N.E. also.  The south for some reason has six plus divisions a night.  None have a full 24 car count.  Somehow if they would merge a few divisions and have a full field, racing would be better.  For a new fan with the cookie cutter cars it is difficult to tell the differance between the divisions.

Msg ID: 2730755 Exactly why... +0/-0     
Author:Frank A Jr.
5/29/2022 8:50:58 AM

Reply to: 2730620

I stopped going on a weekly basis down here. The weekly shows were weak! I'm guessing they still are.
Duck River is a track on my list but will never attend a show with that many divisions.
Crossville did the same thing when they had their Spring National race so I stayed home.
