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Msg ID: 2731034 NOSTALGIA NIGHT SAT. AT OCFS +0/-0     
6/1/2022 6:10:28 AM

Weather looks good so this is a reminder and final call for responses. Tailgate and food around 4:30 in the parking lot (not drive-in). Kevin is making burgers; I'm making smoked sausage sandwiches; and Rich is bringing some homemade shoo fly pies. Bring snacks like pretzels and chips if you must and bring your own drinks except beer which I am bringing (bring your own if you want Blue Moon w/ an orange slice and a parasol). We have a pretty good idea who is coming but if you haven't responded here or to Kevin or me, please do so so we can plan. There are 6 of us leaving the Hellertown park and ride at 2 sharp so there is room for 2 more. Also, Kevin, Rich and I have supported the 3-Wide Vault as a sponsor or friend so ask us how business is (we may not answer but want to write off the weekend, including travel). Thanks, hope to see you there and actually meet some 'new' people.

Msg ID: 2731039 NOSTALGIA NIGHT SAT. AT OCFS +0/-0     
6/1/2022 8:11:52 AM

Reply to: 2731034

PS If you want to respond privately to Kevin or me, scroll down to my 5/18 post on this topic which includes our e-mail addresses. Because the IRS is apparently monotoring this site, I may have been joking about writing it all off. Speaking of jokes, bring your best one for the group gathering. My latest involves a nervous elderly lady who gets a ride in the nursing home van to an adult bookstore. 

Msg ID: 2731042 NOSTALGIA NIGHT SAT. AT OCFS +0/-0     
6/1/2022 8:38:08 AM

Reply to: 2731039

Like that guy posted on the Main Message Board, you're shot!  lol . Myself, 3 Wides Joe, Don Wolf, and Bernie Bailey are meeting at Hooters on Route 18 in East Bruswick around 2 pm. Have room for one more.

Years ago we would have met there at 11 am and had a few (too many), Joe and I meet there to go to races and we have never been in there. Really!

Msg ID: 2731077 NOSTALGIA NIGHT SAT. AT OCFS +0/-0     
Author:John Mc
6/1/2022 1:16:01 PM

Reply to: 2731039

That crack about the parasol was good enough for me, lol!🤣

Msg ID: 2731082 NOSTALGIA NIGHT SAT. AT OCFS +0/-0     
Author:Greg Collins
6/1/2022 2:26:17 PM

Reply to: 2731077

I appreciated the IRS write-off reference!

Msg ID: 2731060 NOSTALGIA NIGHT SAT. AT OCFS +0/-0     
6/1/2022 11:34:46 AM

Reply to: 2731034

Thanks for setting this up Ed -  Looking forward to it and I hope some other 3 Wider's will stop by and enjoy a burger/other.

As Kevin mentioned, I'll catch a ride up with him and provided we're not busy BS'ing like the last time I rode up with him and drove right past our exit, we'll be there at 4:30pm!

Msg ID: 2731081 Hmmm ...NOSTALGIA NIGHT SAT. AT OCFS +0/-0     
6/1/2022 1:26:15 PM

Reply to: 2731034

Thinking of attending but I'm not too crazy about numbered seating at OCFS ... last time I was there your ticket assigned a numbered seat, which is not desired.    Thinking of going to Bethel Motor Speedway ... toss-up between the two.


Msg ID: 2731089 Hmmm ...NOSTALGIA NIGHT SAT. AT OCFS +0/-0     
Author:292 fan
6/1/2022 3:39:38 PM

Reply to: 2731081

Honestly, seats 1-10 are taken...that's all that goes there.. Lol  Did not know about the seating deal.

Msg ID: 2731090 Hmmm ...NOSTALGIA NIGHT SAT. AT OCFS +0/-0     
6/1/2022 3:41:14 PM

Reply to: 2731089

Do they still sell general admission in parts of the Grandstand?


Msg ID: 2731095 Hmmm ...NOSTALGIA NIGHT SAT. AT OCFS +0/-0     
6/1/2022 4:48:18 PM

Reply to: 2731090

All I know is, when I was there last, the Centennial race ... when I bought a ticket at the booth, it gave me a numbered, assigned seat.  Maybe that was just for the Centennial, I don't know.  I haven't been back since then.  The seat was a numbered seat, in the large stands to the left of the big old main grandstand ... Called the "Half Grandstand" on their seating map.    


I was just putting that out there as my experience.   I'll most likely head up to Bethel.   


Msg ID: 2731110 Hmmm ...NOSTALGIA NIGHT SAT. AT OCFS +0/-0     
Author:AF IV
6/1/2022 8:21:08 PM

Reply to: 2731095

My brother Larry and I look forward to seeing everyone. 

Msg ID: 2731140 Hmmm ...NOSTALGIA NIGHT SAT. AT OCFS +0/-0     
6/2/2022 8:36:35 AM

Reply to: 2731110

You and Larry, burgers?  or hot dogs/sausage?

Msg ID: 2731158 Nostalgia Night MEETING AREA +0/-0     
6/2/2022 10:48:32 AM

Reply to: 2731140

Somewhere in this area. 

Msg ID: 2731190 Kevin +0/-0     
Author:AF IV
6/2/2022 3:30:56 PM

Reply to: 2731140

Burgers are fine as long as we can put our share in the kitty.  

Msg ID: 2731176 Hmmm ...NOSTALGIA NIGHT SAT. AT OCFS +0/-0     
6/2/2022 1:43:42 PM

Reply to: 2731081

I don't think you get a numbered seat ticket anymore....... but if you do, there will be plenty of unused seats you can pick from regardless ofticket number.

Msg ID: 2731191 Anthony +0/-0     
6/2/2022 3:39:49 PM

Reply to: 2731176

All good.  You get Steak night!  lol

Msg ID: 2731233 Bethel speedway  +0/-0     
6/3/2022 8:02:57 AM

Reply to: 2731081

Just a heads up Joel , i went last weekend to bethel , very low car counts , BMS mods 5 cars , dirt mods 4 cars, street stocks 6 , 4 cylinders had 4 divisons with no more than 4 cars in each , I also believe Brad Pasiley is playing at Bethel Woods , could be a mess getting home . 

Msg ID: 2731237 Bethel speedway -Thanks Eric! +0/-0     
6/3/2022 9:15:08 AM

Reply to: 2731233

Thanks Eric, much appreciated.  I was up at Bethel a few weeks ago and the car count was low on that night also, got rained out unfortunately too.  Hmm, yeah, the concert crowd ... I hadn't thought of that.  

I do like that track, and the cars there though. 


Msg ID: 2731330 Bethel speedway -Thanks Eric! +0/-0     
6/4/2022 6:06:45 AM

Reply to: 2731237

My pleasure Joel , I enjoy going there also on our nights off at OCFS , Check there schedule , I believe NO racing this week , Just practice .  

Msg ID: 2731332 No racing@ Bethel  +0/-0     
6/4/2022 8:26:19 AM

Reply to: 2731237

Joel , NO racing at Bethel tonight , just having practice

Msg ID: 2731228 NOSTALGIA NIGHT SAT. AT OCFS +0/-0     
Author:#27 Racing
6/3/2022 6:58:28 AM

Reply to: 2731034

We're bringing 3 guys with me, with the car.  Is it to late to get in on a cheeseburger?  It's ok if it is,  mainly want to say hello

Msg ID: 2731243 NOSTALGIA NIGHT SAT. AT OCFS +0/-0     
6/3/2022 10:29:48 AM

Reply to: 2731228

27 racing...added ok.   

Eric 44  Those are actually very good numbers for Bethel !  

