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Msg ID: 2733955 Tuesday Night in Black & White +0/-0     
6/28/2022 3:20:47 PM

..brought to you this week by our great site supporters:



Photographer info and photo provider info as marked in each image:

Comments welcome.

For a recap of past "Tuesday Night in Black & White" from 2018 to present, visit the main site:> .

If you see a picture in the recap section on the main site that is not identified correctly, please let us know the year, and the photo, and the corrected info, and we'll make the change.  (Thanks in advance.)

Msg ID: 2733996 Tuesday Night in Black & White +0/-0     
Author:Bubble Goggles
6/28/2022 8:46:24 PM

Reply to: 2733955

86 Peter Revson

Msg ID: 2734032 Tuesday Night in Black & White +0/-0     
Author:Greg Collins
6/29/2022 8:02:48 AM

Reply to: 2733996

Track appears to be Trenton. If this pic is a continuing part of the series of pics from Trenton 1972 then the driver this day would have been Gordon Johncock.

Msg ID: 2734077 Tuesday Night in Black & White +0/-0     
6/29/2022 7:57:07 PM

Reply to: 2734032

I don't remember that building in the background. There were farm buildings coming out of four that were used for State Fair , but the catch fence didn't run the length of the front stretch. I don't remember. 


Msg ID: 2734080 Tuesday Night in Black & White +0/-0     
6/29/2022 8:09:05 PM

Reply to: 2734077

I Googled the track, and there is a view from above of this building. It's freaking huge, and it may have been an indoor horse ring. I think Hamilton Fire house accidentally burned it down during some training mishap. The line in the foreground is pit enter. And now I see it's people, not bushes in picture. End of the uncovered grandstand. 
