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Msg ID: 2736302 Wall Wednesdays +0/-0     
Author:Walt Stadium
7/20/2022 3:12:26 PM

Wall Wednesdays brought to you thanks to the site support of:


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Msg ID: 2736332 Wall Wednesdays +0/-0     
7/20/2022 7:19:21 PM

Reply to: 2736302


Msg ID: 2736336 Wall Wednesdays +0/-0     
Author:AF IV
7/20/2022 8:37:50 PM

Reply to: 2736302

Last photo is Bruce Pee Wee Griffin. One of my favorites. He had a connection at Crane Cams but I don't remember what it was. Being the son of a pretty well known car owner allowed me to get to know a lot of my hero's and Pee Wee was way up on the list. He made some unfortunate choises after he stopped driving but it's all history now.

Msg ID: 2736337 Wall Wednesdays +0/-0     
7/20/2022 8:46:51 PM

Reply to: 2736336

Anthony, back than a t-shirt went a long way!

Msg ID: 2736342 Better believe it Kevin +0/-0     
Author:AF IV
7/20/2022 9:19:45 PM

Reply to: 2736337

Yes Kevin they did and I'm sure you agree there were some great tee shirts back in the day. A favorite of mine was the California Speed Shop one (ironically it was in East Brunswick NJ) with the Dragster on it.


Msg ID: 2736372 Speed Shop tees +0/-0     
Author:Pee Wee Fan
7/21/2022 12:17:53 PM

Reply to: 2736342

"IV"-  I'll bet back in the day you and the rest of the "73" crew had a healthy inventory of "Raceway Speed Center" tees.  I know I had several myself.  Wish I still did.  Scott Ely

Msg ID: 2736408 Speed Shop tees +0/-0     
7/21/2022 7:27:08 PM

Reply to: 2736372

I wore my California Speed Sport shirt until it was thread bare.  Also wore a 1971 "Dirt Is Beautiful" shirt mith a modified on it to my high school graduation.

Msg ID: 2736370 Anthony +0/-0     
Author:Pee Wee Fan
7/21/2022 12:11:16 PM

Reply to: 2736336

"IV"- Pee Wee was my favorite too.  Started rooting for him right around the "Tasnady- Griffin" feature finish at East Windsor back in the 60s.  Given his reputation, I loved the caption in the 70s section, page 40A regarding the photo of your Dad's sedan (beautiful hot rod by the way) with Pee Wee behind the wheel. "Pee Wee in a car he didn't have a dime in, that would strike fear in the hearts of the competition."  In my opinion, Pee Wee put alot of fannies in Windsor's seats when he ran there.  Some looking for him to win while others were hoping he'd wreck.  Alot like another Floridian that drove the 73 to much success.  Scott Ely   

Msg ID: 2736375 Pee Wee fan +0/-0     
Author:Bubble Goggles
7/21/2022 1:11:42 PM

Reply to: 2736370

He was a criminal a real low life an yes i did know Griff.The last time I seen him was in are your yard.You think about drugs differently after you see what it does to people you care about. I'll understand Joe if you don't post this. But it's the truth!

Msg ID: 2736382 Bubbles Truth +0/-0     
7/21/2022 2:24:41 PM

Reply to: 2736375

Possibly a minor point to some, and I have no use for any of it, but pretty sure that Pee Wee's misadventures were with dealing in marijuana which has become legal and/or decriminalized in 15 states now. 

We're all free to determine who we think " is a low life" or not, whether it is the truth or your truth, whoever you may be.   Bubbles Goggles says that he knew "Griff", and has given their opinion and stated it as "The Truth."

I have a good racing friend who knew Pee Wee well, and his comment to me was "he's bad news."  This was about 15 years ago, and I never asked what he meant specifically, and the subject was closed.

I'll remember the little red #72 coupe, and folks wearing Pee Wee Griffin shirts/hats at East Windsor way back in the day, and will remember his driving style.  I also remember when I was a kid, eating at the Cranbury Grill where Rt 130 & Rt 539 meet, and seeing Pee Wee stop in on ocassion while me and my dad were eating, as Pee Wee's shop was right across the street from the grill at one time. 

That's all.  Much like I may remember a singer, or an actor who could make a great song, or a great movie, but who's personal life choices are 180 degrees from mine.


Msg ID: 2736383 Impressions +0/-0     
Author:George Perkins
7/21/2022 3:07:40 PM

Reply to: 2736382

I was a fan of Pee Wee back when he had the yellow car. I seem to remember him winning on dirt, maybe Nazereth then winning the next week at Old Bridge. I was at East Winsor when he was chased by the entire pit section and drove down the highway in the race car. I quit being a fan that night.

Many years later, after I had moved to Tennessee, I used to pit crew for a guy who ran the All Pro asphalt circuit, middle of the pack racer. We were at Huntsville, Alabama for a show and there was Pee Wee. He had a Camaro, covered in Mountain Dew sponsorship. He had Darryl Waltrip driving and also had Ray Dillion of Dillon Chassis on hand. He also had Ron Neal of Prototype engines there. These were the tops in the ASA at the time. Pee Wee was really loud and full of bluster, you could hear him anywhere.

Seems they had a problem and Waltrip comes over to see if we had a certain size washer. My friend pulls out a milk case, (real professional looking ) finds the correct washer and hands it to Waltrip. He thanks us and goes back to the car. They run the race and Waltrip runs second to Butch Lindley. Pee Wee is raising all kinds of hell about this and that and here comes Waltrip, who most people think is an ass, coming into our pit thanking us, in the most gentleman like manner, again for the washer. He made one hell of an impression on me that day.

Msg ID: 2736395 Didn't mean to start this. +0/-0     
Author:AF IV
7/21/2022 4:10:55 PM

Reply to: 2736383

Sorry to have started this topic. I thought a lot of Pee Wee because of the way he treated this young teen when ever he saw me at the races. I don't know anyone who condones the direction he took but like I said it's all history now.

Scott, yes plenty of Raceway Speed gear back in the day. I'm a little young when my father used to take me for a ride to the store in Bordentown. I'm thinking they were John and Cliff??

Msg ID: 2736495 Didn't mean to start this. +0/-0     
Author:Pee Wee Fan
7/22/2022 2:32:37 PM

Reply to: 2736395

"IV"- Raceway Speed Center ws owned / operated by John Skistimas and Cliff Dywer.  Joe Turkel was a third partner in the business who was bought out by John and Cliff.  Had some great times hanging out there.  You never knew which driver or owner would walk through their doors. 

As far as Pee Wee is concerned, I'm guessing the brief period he drove the 73 happened at least 6-7 years before it became public knowledge of his legal troubles.  I don't condone what Pee Wee did either, but he got caught and was punished for it.  When you consider Windsor was running Friday nights, Don Jones almost always had healthy crowds.  Windsor's list of competitors was pretty strong, but I think Pee Wee helped make that possible.  Scott Ely
