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Msg ID: 2737129 Tire Sales Notice for NES Beginning Saturday 7/30/22 +0/-0     
Author:New Egypt Speedway
7/28/2022 7:59:17 PM
Please note, beginning Saturday, 7/30/22, tires will ONLY be sold to drivers with ID or car owners with ID. Tires will NOT be sold to anyone else going forward. ID will be required when purchasing tires. Due to the current tire shortage, tire sales will still be limited to ONE tire per car per week for NES regular weekly competitors until further notice. No tires will be sold to any driver that has not raced with us in the past 3 weeks. Please plan accordingly and spread the word. Please contact the speedway with any questions or concerns. Thank you.

Msg ID: 2737163 Tire rules part of problem +0/-0     
7/29/2022 7:06:08 AM

Reply to: 2737129

Why other than Money in pockets of promoters do they have tire us limits 

  In 1970s  we could run anything that works  M&H  Firestone Goodyear just to name a few


Msg ID: 2737178 Tire rules part of problem +0/-0     
7/29/2022 8:26:48 AM

Reply to: 2737163

Now there are only 2 race tire builders, and 100s of tire combinations. If they just had , oh lets say just 4 possible tire configurations, it would be much eaiser to build enough tires. At times we are our own worst enemy.   To solve the problem the tire builders are gonna have to take controll of the market and just say, "This is it, these are your limited options. "

Msg ID: 2737201 Tire rules part of problem +0/-0     
Author:AF IV
7/29/2022 10:36:25 AM

Reply to: 2737178

Totally agree TBONE. Tracks should not be in the tire deal. They have enough trouble putting the races on these days. Put a limit on circumference so no drag rubber is used and let the teams find their own tires. 

Msg ID: 2737266 Tire rules part of problem +0/-0     
7/29/2022 5:21:01 PM

Reply to: 2737201

What exactly is the issue with drag tires?

Please explain.

Msg ID: 2737295 MH +0/-0     
Author:AF IV
7/29/2022 10:39:47 PM

Reply to: 2737266

Not really an issue but I only say that because everyone is looking to keep costs down. The drag rubber can get expensive. Not just initial cost but they are very easy to damage with any contact. This is just my opinion of course.

Msg ID: 2737214 NES  +0/-0     
7/29/2022 11:26:07 AM

Reply to: 2737129

asphalt or dirt -

1/4 or 1/2 mi.,-


( maybe built over a native american burial grounds ?)

I loved NES when i ran (asphalt ) -more fun as a "drivers" track  than wall was-

but, somehow , then as now,they just can't get it right --

i hope they get their differences ironed out-

seems like one thing after another --




Msg ID: 2737314 NES  +0/-0     
7/30/2022 7:46:21 AM

Reply to: 2737214

new ownership fixes everything......its one self inflicted wound after another

Msg ID: 2737228 Tire Sales Notice for NES Beginning Saturday 7/30/22 +0/-0     
7/29/2022 12:55:54 PM

Reply to: 2737129

Get rid of the Track Stamps would solve part of the issues.

Msg ID: 2737501 Tire Sales Notice for NES Beginning Saturday 7/30/22 +0/-0     
Author:Bryan Kuhl
8/1/2022 8:58:14 AM

Reply to: 2737228

Currently NES has no tire stamp rule.  Just has to be American racer, and a certain size, and standard compound or harder. 

This is also not just a NES issue, talk to anyone that runs, Grandview, Big Diamond, most of the Deyo races.  Both american racer and Hoosier are having shortages and tire failures.   Bridgeport isnt selling to anyone who isnt a regular either.  



Msg ID: 2737507 Bryan.... +0/-0     
Author:John Mc
8/1/2022 10:44:06 AM

Reply to: 2737501
Are guys dropping out of races to conserve tires if they're struggling? Are they not putting on tires if they're starting way back?

Msg ID: 2737514 Bryan.... +0/-0     
Author:Bryan Kuhl
8/1/2022 12:00:56 PM

Reply to: 2737507


I dont know what many guys are doing, I,can tell you, if I start in the back, I have been putting some of my worse tires on to try and conserve. 

That being said, I have ran the same front tires every single race this year.  I ran one or 2 new left rears and keep using used stuff up every race, and I have maybe put 4 rr tires on the car, all season.   Tire wear has been great in that aspect.  

Msg ID: 2737524 Bryan.... +0/-0     
8/1/2022 12:54:52 PM

Reply to: 2737514

Bryan - I saw that you've had a couple of 2nd place finishes this year at New Egypt.  I know the effort you and your team put in the #37.  Great to see you up front and hope to see one place better real  soon!

Great job.


Msg ID: 2737581 Bryan.... +0/-0     
Author:Bryan Kuhl
8/2/2022 10:10:20 AM

Reply to: 2737524
Thanks Joe. This year has been a balance. Try to conserve equipment because pricing and availability is rough. The car I have been running all year, u planned to only run a few times, but since I never got my motor back yet, it is what I have available. And I do the best I can with it. But appreciate the compliment, we work hard, and also try to have fun while doing it. I'm glad I have some great people behind me.
