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Msg ID: 2737246 Friday Flips: #1B (Flemington) +0/-0     
7/29/2022 3:01:51 PM

Images by Nelson Ivins - Provided by Nelson Ivins & Bobby Pickell Jr.

Info/comments welcome.

Msg ID: 2737250 Friday Flips: #1B (Flemington) +0/-0     
Author:Rick Shive
7/29/2022 3:30:20 PM

Reply to: 2737246

Don't recognize that one. I'll ask Jim Rufh, number 8 Falcon.


Msg ID: 2737271 Friday Flips: #1B (Flemington) +0/-0     
7/29/2022 6:12:25 PM

Reply to: 2737250

I think (maybe wrong) that Bruce Wheeler drove a #1b but this car says #1d.

- David

Msg ID: 2737282 Friday Flips: #1B (Flemington) it’s 1D +0/-0     
Author:Bubble Goggles
7/29/2022 7:55:05 PM

Reply to: 2737271

Look at the deck lid Bruce Wheeler 

Msg ID: 2737286 Friday Flips: #1B (Flemington) +0/-0     
Author:Rick Shive
7/29/2022 8:57:37 PM

Reply to: 2737250

Jim doesn't know who it is.

Msg ID: 2737280 Friday Flips: #1B (Flemington) +0/-0     
7/29/2022 7:27:45 PM

Reply to: 2737246

Is that Bob Barone taking a scenic tour?

Msg ID: 2737292 Friday Flips: #1B (Flemington) +0/-0     
7/29/2022 10:34:09 PM

Reply to: 2737280

Barone was 7B always i think?

Msg ID: 2737289 Friday Flips: #1B (Flemington) +0/-0     
7/29/2022 9:39:41 PM

Reply to: 2737246

Thanks for the correction on the #.

Here's a little better look at the back panel: 

Msg ID: 2737313 Friday Flips: #1B (Flemington) +0/-0     
7/30/2022 7:08:19 AM

Reply to: 2737246

Definitely Bruce Wheeler aka uncle buck

Msg ID: 2737323 Friday Flips: #1B (Flemington) +0/-0     
7/30/2022 8:59:21 AM

Reply to: 2737313
Too bad Flemington waited until the mid 80's to replace the wooden rails with steel guardrail. It would of saved a lot of equipment. I was always surprised since NJ was so very strict about racing rules and regulations that they did not mandate steel guardrail or "Jersey Barriers" for the short tracks, or that the insurance companies never stepped in and banned the wooden hub rails.

Msg ID: 2737357 RuCu: Flemington +0/-0     
Author:Jack Kromer
7/30/2022 2:32:53 PM

Reply to: 2737323

I totally agree with you on that one and I though about that often though the years (and also while lying in the hospital from one of those boards.) New Jersey was the strictest with safety rules in racing, yet they allowed (sometimes easily-breakable) wooden boards for walls. It just didn't make sense. Most all other tracks had concrete walls at the time and a few had steel.
