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Msg ID: 2739986 Tuesday Night in Black & White +0/-0     
8/23/2022 11:24:30 AM

..brought to you this week by our great site supporters:




All images are from East Windsor Speedway.

Photographer info and photo provider info as marked in each image:

Comments welcome.

Msg ID: 2739988 Tuesday Night in Black & White +0/-0     
8/23/2022 11:49:42 AM

Reply to: 2739986

The Trim's #25 with a wing is Jimmy Boyd, The Emrich #1 with a wing is Lynn Paxton.  Both photos when Jack Gunn took KARS on the road in 1975.  Any shots of the Al Hamilton 77 that day?

Msg ID: 2739995 Tuesday Night in Black & White +0/-0     
8/23/2022 1:55:11 PM

Reply to: 2739988

Bob - The ID's you provided match up with what was written on the back of the photos (thanks for confirming).  Unfortunatley, those were the only open wheel shots in the group from that day.  If I see more, I'll definitley post them.

Msg ID: 2740022 Tuesday Night in Black & White +0/-0     
Author:John Mc
8/23/2022 4:40:11 PM

Reply to: 2739988
Wasn't Opperman in the 77 then? I think I remember him getting upside down in that car at EWS. Also, the 25 was owned by Trim Gunnels who I believe was Jack Gunn's brother.

Msg ID: 2740041 Tuesday Night in Black & White +0/-0     
8/23/2022 7:24:46 PM

Reply to: 2740022

Correct, Jack and Trim were brothers.  Jimmy Boyd is married to Jay Opperman's widow.  Yes Opp drove the 77 once at EWS in '75, but I don't remember him upside down.  The non wing cars are probably URC before they put the wings on and before I got to Windsor.

Msg ID: 2740049 Tuesday Night in Black & White +0/-0     
Author:.John Mc
8/23/2022 8:36:13 PM

Reply to: 2740041
I remember seeing them putting the car back together in the pits after the races. Did Mitch Smith possibly drive it there?

Msg ID: 2740002 Tuesday Night in Black & White +0/-0     
8/23/2022 2:20:11 PM

Reply to: 2739986

The third photo at least 1968, new Chevy pick up behind it.


Msg ID: 2740021 Tuesday Night in Black & White +0/-0     
8/23/2022 4:38:15 PM

Reply to: 2740002

No dates on the photos....  On the Chevy pick ups, I'm thinking the one in the background in the 3rd photo could be anywhere from a 1967 to a 1972, so I guess it's possible that the picture could even be a little before 1968 just looking at that.  Are there any other telltale signs that date the photo?

Msg ID: 2740013 Tuesday Night in Black & White +0/-0     
8/23/2022 3:43:00 PM

Reply to: 2739986

great photos !! thanks !!

man !!--------------

yhe guys who drove those '60's sprinters 

had stones the size of church bells !!


blessings !! bill------------

Msg ID: 2740040 Tuesday Night in Black & White +0/-0     
8/23/2022 7:21:04 PM

Reply to: 2740013
First 3 pics are of URC cars. URC went from roll bars in 1969 (cages might have still been optional) to cages in 1970, to wings in 1971. Earl Halaquist retired from racing when the cages were mandated, he felt that the drivers would become less respectful and more aggressive.
