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Msg ID: 2740312 Friday Flips: #22H +0/-0     
8/26/2022 1:14:14 PM

Images by Nelson Ivins - Provided by Nelson Ivins and Bobby Pickell Jr:

Flemington Speedway:

For a better view, take a quick shuttle over to our main site:

Comments welcome.

Msg ID: 2740342 Friday Flips: #22H +0/-0     
Author:Pee Wee Fan
8/26/2022 4:59:58 PM

Reply to: 2740312

OUCH!!!! I remember Chic Ronan saying, "If you can drive it back on the trailer at Flemington, it was a good night".  Great series of photos.  I could be wrong but I think that's Johnny Leach in the # 130 coupe ishown in the 2nd photo.  Scott Ely 

Msg ID: 2740370 Friday Flips: #22H +0/-0     
Author:John Mc
8/26/2022 7:41:21 PM

Reply to: 2740312
37 is Augie Falcone in the former Menschner #21.

Msg ID: 2740396 Friday Flips: #22H +0/-0     
Author:Rick Shive
8/27/2022 6:33:26 AM

Reply to: 2740370

Lou Hahn's first attempt at racing. He came back a few years later and did pretty good, won a feature at Flemington I think. Lew Hann is quite often misidentified as Lou Hahn, ironically both drivers didn't live all that far from each other, and raced at the same time period. No mistaking them in person, they couldn't look more different.

Msg ID: 2740450 Friday Flips: #22H +0/-0     
8/27/2022 7:34:09 PM

Reply to: 2740396

We became so used to these wild flips that they were just a part of a regular Saturday night. I was not there for this one but I did witness Lou's flip in the #3H which was pretty bad. Underdog - I always rooted for him.



Msg ID: 2740675 Friday Flips: #22H +0/-0     
8/29/2022 4:27:45 PM

Reply to: 2740396

Thanks for the extra info guys.

In addition to Augie Falcone #37 and Johnny Leach #130, looks like maybe an early Paul Richards #49'R, and also Les Katona, Mark Hartman, and Frank Cozze sneaking by, or in some cases at least trying to.

Note:  I had a tough time piecing this one together as the negatives that I was scanning were not all in order so I pretty much had to rely on the background in each shot to try to figure out the correct order.  (I think I got it right..... Undecided.)

Msg ID: 2740965 Friday Flips: #22H - Photo #14 +0/-0     
9/1/2022 8:35:42 AM

Reply to: 2740675
Zoom in on the driver. Trying to determine what type of crash helmet is he using.

Msg ID: 2740997 Better Look: #22H - Photo #14 +0/-0     
Author:Photo Zoom'er'n'er
9/1/2022 4:30:28 PM

Reply to: 2740965

Here you go Russ:

Msg ID: 2741009 Better Look: #22H - Photo #14 +0/-0     
9/1/2022 5:45:05 PM

Reply to: 2740997

Looks like a pretty cheapo helmut...maybe $20 at best?

Msg ID: 2741025 Better Look: #22H - Photo #14 +0/-0     
9/1/2022 8:01:09 PM

Reply to: 2741009
Thanks for the blow up Joe. It looks like a football helmet complete with chin strap and a clear plexiglass bubble shield attached. Thank goodness he did not hit his head on anything during the accident.

Msg ID: 2741032 Better Look: #22H - Photo #14 +0/-0     
9/1/2022 9:15:04 PM

Reply to: 2741025

Like JH said above, it looks those helmets that many of us probably bought at "Woolco" in the early 70's for our first mini-bikes... where the coolness of the metal flake was much more important than any Snell rating.... Undecided

Msg ID: 2741122 Better Look: #22H - Photo #14 +0/-0     
Author:Pee Wee Fan
9/2/2022 4:45:34 PM

Reply to: 2741032

Joe- A great series of photos by Nelson Ivins.  For me, when I look at these photos, its like I'm reading a book that explains what its like to flip a hot rod at a Saturday night track back in the day.  Also, its like looking at the flip in super slow motion. Great job in posting them to the message board.  I'm no technical expert, but I know its not easy posting photos, especially a series like this flip.  Personally, I appreciate all those 3Widers who share their photos, and information regarding them.  It keeps racing's past alive and gives me incentive to drag my old butt to a track once in awhile.  Scott Ely          
