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Msg ID: 2748423 Even if you no longer watch Cup Racing...    
10/31/2022 8:48:11 AM

Do yourself a favor and check out the last lap of Sunday's Martinsville cup race.  Before you do, understand the situation that was set up with with Denny Hamlin running about 5 positions in front of Ross Chastain as they took the white flag, that Hamlin would be in the playoffs and Chastain would just miss the cut.  (It's not really needed, but if you want to further add to the storyline, understand that there's been a feud between Hamlin and Chastain for most of this year.)

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Msg ID: 2748426 Even if you no longer watch Cup Racing...    
10/31/2022 9:00:14 AM

Reply to: 2748423

Its a shame that Kyle Larson complainEd about the pass even though he tried the same thing at Darlington.Great for Chastain.Glad to see Hamlin choke again 

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Msg ID: 2748431 Even if you no longer watch Cup Racing...    
10/31/2022 9:34:02 AM

Reply to: 2748426

Not a fan of Chastain, but I sure am now. One of the most, if not the most, amazing racing thing I have ever seen. Thank goodness NASCAR did not throw their nose in and throw a caution while it was happening. He also set a new track record on that lap.

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Msg ID: 2748433 Even if you no longer watch Cup Racing...    
10/31/2022 9:48:53 AM

Reply to: 2748431

The craziest thing I've ever seen in stock car racing, the funny thing about it is that he thought that was something that he could do long before he did it. Can you imagine the times and speeds that you could attain at a track like Martinsville with set of flexible rollers on the side of a car. WinkWinkWink

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Msg ID: 2748434 Even if you no longer watch Cup Racing...    
Author:Tom from Tuckahoe
10/31/2022 9:50:45 AM

Reply to: 2748431

Chastain just became a legend.  They will talk about this forever. 

Water fountain talk this morning even amongst non racing fans will include discussion about this.

I watched it several times and it did not appear to be real.  It was amazing to see.

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Msg ID: 2748437 Even if you no longer watch Cup Racing...    
10/31/2022 10:06:02 AM

Reply to: 2748431

I have been going to races for 67 years and I have never seen anything like that ever nope never ever. For a second I thought I was havi a stroke or something because I couldn't believe what I just saw happen. I have watched it over and over again and I still don't believe it. And the best part was the look on Hamlins face after it was over. I just loved it.

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Msg ID: 2748438 Multiple views    
10/31/2022 10:11:49 AM

Reply to: 2748437  

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Msg ID: 2748453 Even if you no longer watch Cup Racing...    
Author:Frank A Jr.
10/31/2022 11:21:25 AM

Reply to: 2748431

I echo Kevin's statement. I could not believe what I was seeing. At first, I thought there was a major issue taking place! Most bazaar thing I have ever seen on a race track.

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Msg ID: 2748447 Even if you no longer watch Cup Racing...    
10/31/2022 10:44:47 AM

Reply to: 2748423

Can I also add that it serves Joe Gibbs right not getting a 2nd car into the final 4. Since he has done a terrible Job coaching and mentoring his Grandson, after what he did to Brandon Jones on Saturday in the Xfinity race.

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Msg ID: 2748455 Even if you no longer watch Cup Racing...    
10/31/2022 11:48:04 AM

Reply to: 2748447

Watched it happen live on T.V. thought it was a stuck throttle. Did not realize what happened to the replays. Nothing better then seeing Denny not make the playoffs.Nascar now has some footage for next years commercial. Martinsville had a decent crowd on hand to begin with, would bet ticket sales will be better for next year there. 

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Msg ID: 2748458 Even if you no longer watch Cup Racing...    
10/31/2022 12:04:51 PM

Reply to: 2748455

real racers do what is necessary to win. They take chances. Chastain, to me, is the best story in NASCAR this year. How often have we seen a second tier team run with the big guns? And win to boot. He actually has a legitimate shot at the title.



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Msg ID: 2748461 Even if you no longer watch Cup Racing...    
Author:Pee Wee Fan
10/31/2022 12:15:10 PM

Reply to: 2748455

Was so amazed by Chastain's last lap that I replayed for my boys who are not race fans.  They both said, "This can't be real, looks like a video a game."  When I first saw it (DVR'd the race) I thought I had accidently fast forwarded the race!  Back in the day, I remember occasionaly hot rods in the Flemington pits with a real short single leaf welded on the corner of the rea bumper, passenger side.  It looked to me like, if needed, that little leaf spring would slide along the wooden fence rather than dig into it.  I imagine it was good in emergency situations only, not for use lap after lap.  Scott Ely 

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Msg ID: 2748459 Ross "Roulette" Chastain    
10/31/2022 12:11:11 PM

Reply to: 2748423

If it hasn't already been thought of, let me be the first to offer a new nickname for Ross:

Ross "Roulette" Chastain.

If you're wondering why, watch the little white ball hear and see if it reminds you of something... Smile

Like a lot of you guys I thought the throttle stuck.  It was definitely a magic moment, but I expect NASCAR is probably drafting up an immediate rule to prevent driver's from riding the wall for more than a specific distance as it would be kind of crazy if it became "a thing", plus as Ross "Roulette" Chastain referenced after the race, he was concerned about hooking the 3 - 4 (?) gate as any opening/place where the wall jutted out could have/would be disasterous.

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Msg ID: 2748469 Ross "Roulette" Chastain    
10/31/2022 1:15:42 PM

Reply to: 2748459

How about Ross "the rim rider" Chastain.

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Msg ID: 2748467 Even if you no longer watch Cup Racing...    
10/31/2022 1:01:44 PM

Reply to: 2748423


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Msg ID: 2748527 Even if you no longer watch Cup Racing...    
10/31/2022 3:41:55 PM

Reply to: 2748423

I would not be surprised if the #1 car has trouble passing inspection at Phoenix.

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Msg ID: 2748551 Even if you no longer watch Cup Racing...    
10/31/2022 7:27:19 PM

Reply to: 2748527

He won't have a problem. NASCAR got soooo much air time over this , they love it. Now will there be a rim rider rule in the future.... count on it.

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Msg ID: 2748554 Even if you no longer watch Cup Racing...    
10/31/2022 7:54:57 PM

Reply to: 2748551

I doubt they will need a rim rider rule. All the spotters are now keen to the move. If the same situation presents itself in the future, the spotter will tell his driver to move up. 

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Msg ID: 2748565 Even if you no longer watch Cup Racing...    
Author:Lenny Swider
10/31/2022 8:28:17 PM

Reply to: 2748554
I usually don't chime in on these these kind of posts, but I did watch the race and it was totally boring, UNTIL this happened. I think Kyle Larsen needs to shut up and just drive. I equate Nascar to a Soap Opera with an ongoing storyline week after week. Instead of who's fooling around with who, it's a who's going to pay back an old ( you got it coming) debt. None of those paybacks happened, yet. Now that Denny is out, I don't know if he would do it, especially with the Bubba Wallace episode I'm curious so I'm going to keep watching. I loved the move Chastain did. Loved the crews and announcers response.

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Msg ID: 2748580 Even if you no longer watch Cup Racing...    
11/1/2022 7:40:34 AM

Reply to: 2748423

I agree with Tom from Tuckahoe

Watched it live and thought it was amazing.  There was a long period of disbelief that everyone had to process it.  Now reflecting on it, it is the same as the hole-in-one from the movie Tin Cup. 

- The line where she says, no one will remember you lost the open - but they'll be talking about this hole-in-one for years.  It was, it was immortal.

What amazes me is the appearance of his technical prowess in executing the move.  If you watch the speed of the car, it almost appears as if he plants the car in the wall, runs it hard for the middle of the corner, then lets off on exit, then coasts to the wall on the front stretch.  It's almost like he studied the fence and knew how to execute the move (which makes it premeditated).  It appears that way, I wonder if the throttle trace shows any of that.

Ironically, it seems that with Keselowski disqualified for weight, he could have made it in on the tiebreaker. I think that is what I saw.

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Msg ID: 2748583 OMG    
11/1/2022 8:37:08 AM

Reply to: 2748580

Listen to the reactions of the fans. More angles and videos. OMG!  

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Msg ID: 2748620 Premeditated     
Author:Kevin Mc
11/2/2022 4:47:23 AM

Reply to: 2748580
We watched a couple videos about the Chastain incident. I think Kenny Wallace said Ross started looking at the wall with 5 laps to go looking for gaps in the SAFER wall. So yes it was definitely premeditated. Also, you owe it to yourself to watch the clips Kenny Wallace uploads on YouTube several times a week. He is hilarious.

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Msg ID: 2748635 Premeditated     
11/2/2022 11:22:27 AM

Reply to: 2748620

Kenny Wallace definitely a good Nascar channel 

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Msg ID: 2748716 Premeditated     
11/3/2022 2:38:37 PM

Reply to: 2748620

Premeditated or not... The key is that it was executed!

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Msg ID: 2748613 Even if you no longer watch Cup Racing...    
11/1/2022 8:26:03 PM

Reply to: 2748423

Read all responses and yes very bold and exciting move on behalf of Chastlain, reminded me of of kenny Brightbill going high in the first turn at Reading back in the early 70s and passing half the field going down the back sreatch. I just hope that other drivers won't take the same CHANCE which could turn into a big contrastify. thank god it didn't happen this time. Only my opinion.

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Msg ID: 2748623 Even if you no longer watch Cup Racing...    
Author:old race fan
11/2/2022 8:19:53 AM

Reply to: 2748423



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Msg ID: 2748638 Even if you no longer watch Cup Racing...    
11/2/2022 12:23:10 PM

Reply to: 2748623

Thank you for reminding to think differently and change with the change in every aspect of my life.

Listened to an amazing interview by Howard Stern with Bruce Sprinsteen. Here are two people at the top of their trade and agree how necessary change is in life, especialy in their professions. Bruce brings up that the worse thing is when someone tells you "You've changed, I don't like it" and his response to that person is "You have not changed".  Food for thought.

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