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Msg ID: 2749444 20 Years    
11/13/2022 5:42:16 PM

 Congratultions Joe on 20 years of 3 Wides Picture Vault. I really appreciate the hours and hours you have spent developing and maintaining the Best site on the internet. Thank you for the integrity that you have upheld protecting and preserving our sport. Thank you!

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Msg ID: 2749452 20 Years    
11/13/2022 7:59:57 PM

Reply to: 2749444

I agree !

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Msg ID: 2749454 Congrats Joe    
11/13/2022 8:32:51 PM

Reply to: 2749452

I know the work that goes into keeping the site running and appreciate it!!  THANK YOU!

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Msg ID: 2749457 20 Years    
Author:Steve Cameron
11/13/2022 8:52:11 PM

Reply to: 2749444

Congratulations Joe, and thank you and all of the contributors that make this site happen! I haven't been along for the entire 20 years, but I've tuned in every day since my brother made me aware of it! 

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Msg ID: 2749461 20 Years    
Author:Greg Collins
11/13/2022 9:03:36 PM

Reply to: 2749444

Sincere thanks and appreciation for "keeping the lights on" for 20 years, Joe.  I echo Kevin's comments.

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Msg ID: 2749472 20 Years    
Author:bobby pickell jr.
11/13/2022 9:38:14 PM

Reply to: 2749461

THANK YOU JOE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Msg ID: 2749474 20 Years    
Author:Rick Shive
11/13/2022 9:45:59 PM

Reply to: 2749472

Thanks Joe!

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Msg ID: 2749475 20 Years    
Author:John Mc
11/13/2022 9:51:49 PM

Reply to: 2749444

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Msg ID: 2749488 20 Years    
Author:Greg McGowan
11/13/2022 10:23:02 PM

Reply to: 2749475

Thanks Joe, much appreciated 

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Msg ID: 2749476 20 Years    
Author:Rick Cozze
11/13/2022 10:00:51 PM

Reply to: 2749444

Thank you Joe. When I  think of the racing history that would have been lost without your efforts....

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Msg ID: 2749547 20 Years    
11/14/2022 12:34:04 PM

Reply to: 2749476

MY go to every day!

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Msg ID: 2749494 20 Years    
11/14/2022 12:02:39 AM

Reply to: 2749444

Thanks Joe

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Msg ID: 2749495 20 Years    
Author:Jack Kromer
11/14/2022 12:31:16 AM

Reply to: 2749444

Thank you, Joe!

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Msg ID: 2749497 20 Years    
11/14/2022 5:57:13 AM

Reply to: 2749495

Thank you. I appreciate what you do. I check out this site every day.

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Msg ID: 2749499 20 Years    
Author:Frank A Jr.
11/14/2022 6:45:39 AM

Reply to: 2749444
Congrats Joe! I check in every day.

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Msg ID: 2749500 20 Years    
11/14/2022 7:14:25 AM

Reply to: 2749499

Seems like only yesterday..... Thanks, Joe

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Msg ID: 2749501 20 Years    
11/14/2022 7:18:47 AM

Reply to: 2749499

Thanks Joe.  Maybe another 20, hope so

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Msg ID: 2749503 20 Years    
11/14/2022 7:36:21 AM

Reply to: 2749444

Thanks Joe!  

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Msg ID: 2749504 20 Years    
Author:Ernie Saxton
11/14/2022 7:44:20 AM

Reply to: 2749444

Just want to say thanks for all that you have done and continue to do for the sport. It is much appreciated.

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Msg ID: 2749507 20 Years    
11/14/2022 8:06:14 AM

Reply to: 2749504


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Msg ID: 2749508 20 Years    
Author:Tom From Tuckahoe
11/14/2022 8:11:22 AM

Reply to: 2749504

Thank you Joe.

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Msg ID: 2749518 20 Years    
Author:le sieurs
11/14/2022 8:41:33 AM

Reply to: 2749504

Thanks Joe

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Msg ID: 2749505 20 Years    
11/14/2022 7:51:06 AM

Reply to: 2749444





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Msg ID: 2749517 20 Years    
11/14/2022 8:40:48 AM

Reply to: 2749444

Congratulations Joe!!!  Much appreciated!  Thanks for all you do.


                Tom D.

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Msg ID: 2749523 20 Years    
11/14/2022 9:09:40 AM

Reply to: 2749444

Can't thank you enough Joe, for the nostalgia, history, knowledge & info.provided by this site. Always a treat, never disappoints.

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Msg ID: 2749525 20 Years    
11/14/2022 9:14:42 AM

Reply to: 2749523

Thanks, Joe!  Check the site daily even when I'm travelling, and thoroughly enjoyed meeting the people who contribute regularly. 

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Msg ID: 2749527 20 Years    
Author:don rounds jr
11/14/2022 9:44:11 AM

Reply to: 2749444

Fantastic job Joe

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Msg ID: 2749529 20 Years    
11/14/2022 10:10:47 AM

Reply to: 2749444

Thanks, Joe. Start my day checking out the site and end it with one last look. Appreciate the opportunity you give all of us to relive some of those childhood memories. 


 - David

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Msg ID: 2749534 20 Years    
11/14/2022 10:57:41 AM

Reply to: 2749529

Thank you Joe.

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Msg ID: 2749538 20 Years    
11/14/2022 11:35:41 AM

Reply to: 2749529

Congrads on 20 years, most sites vanish in a few short years. Thank you for all the hours you have put in,for keeping the best racing site alive! 

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Msg ID: 2749543 20 Years    
11/14/2022 12:01:01 PM

Reply to: 2749444

Echoing everyone else's thoughts...thank you for all that you do for us.

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Msg ID: 2749544 20 Years    
11/14/2022 12:02:07 PM

Reply to: 2749444

Thank you Joe and conrats on 20 years !!!!

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Msg ID: 2749546 20 Years    
11/14/2022 12:16:54 PM

Reply to: 2749444

Thanks Joe..congratulations  and appreciate all you do for us

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Msg ID: 2749557 20 Years    
Author:Earl Krause - AARN/Wall Stadium
11/14/2022 2:47:13 PM

Reply to: 2749546

Joe: Thanks for your dedication to local racing history over the past 20 years! 3Wide's brings the memories back to life. It's much appreciated by all of us! Earl Krause - Area Auto Racing News/Wall Stadium

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Msg ID: 2749561 20 Years    
Author:Uncle Tom1
11/14/2022 4:05:28 PM

Reply to: 2749546

Congrats for a job well done ! I've met a lot of fun people on this board and it has not only enhanced my experiences at the track, with a couple of these knuckleheads, but also enjoy just perusing at home.

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Msg ID: 2749560 20 Years    
Author:right gear
11/14/2022 3:19:24 PM

Reply to: 2749444

Thank You JOE

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Msg ID: 2749567 20 Years    
11/14/2022 5:21:27 PM

Reply to: 2749444

Appreciated indeed.  The amount of time I've spent roaming the 3wide hallways is substantial.  Thank you Joe.

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Msg ID: 2749587 20 Years    
Author:elf 30
11/14/2022 8:20:45 PM

Reply to: 2749567
Thanks again Joe for all you do here. My wife just started her own website,and put it up today. 20 years ago I know it wasn't as easy for you.

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Msg ID: 2749591 20 Years    
Author:AF IV
11/14/2022 8:49:58 PM

Reply to: 2749587

Can't say anything more that everybody hasn't said Joe. Just a big thank you. 

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Msg ID: 2749594 20 Years    
11/14/2022 9:11:52 PM

Reply to: 2749591

Thanks Joe!

We appreciate your dedication to preserving the past and giving us a place to remember.

Allen Urry

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Msg ID: 2749573 20 Years    
Author:Freddy D.
11/14/2022 6:45:26 PM

Reply to: 2749444

Thank you Joe.  I check the site out several times a day. 

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Msg ID: 2749602 20 Years    
Author:Scott Pacich
11/14/2022 10:33:29 PM

Reply to: 2749444

Seems like only yesterday...

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Msg ID: 2749604 20 Years    
Author:B Foder
11/14/2022 11:14:51 PM

Reply to: 2749444
Great job, thanks for all your efforts.I hope this site can go on for future generations.

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Msg ID: 2749742 20 Years    
Author:Car 21
11/17/2022 4:36:04 PM

Reply to: 2749604

Joe, Thanks for keeping our racing alive...Ray Neary was sooooo proud of what you accomplished.

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Msg ID: 2749608 20 Years    
11/15/2022 6:56:02 AM

Reply to: 2749444

This site is a great place to visit, thank you !!

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Msg ID: 2749611 20 Years    
11/15/2022 8:09:33 AM

Reply to: 2749444

Congrats !!

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Msg ID: 2749616 20 Years    
Author:Barbara Kuhlman
11/15/2022 9:07:29 AM

Reply to: 2749611

Thank you for 20 years of dedication in keeping us in the loop, not to mention being in touch with friends we don't see often. I know first-hand as the former spouse of a media guy the dedication it takes to do what you do...very much appreciated!

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Msg ID: 2749618 20 Years    
11/15/2022 9:16:12 AM

Reply to: 2749444

Thanks joe for all you do. Here's to 20 more.

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Msg ID: 2749636 20 Years    
Author:Lenny Swider
11/15/2022 4:38:20 PM

Reply to: 2749618

Remember when we did this map of how far 3wides reached across the country and outside too?


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Msg ID: 2749623 20 Years    
Author:Engine Guy
11/15/2022 12:05:20 PM

Reply to: 2749444

Congrats on a successful 20 years 3wide and Thanks for a positive place to check out racing past and present.

Engine Guy 

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Msg ID: 2749625 20 Years    
11/15/2022 12:20:55 PM

Reply to: 2749444

Thank you for your dedication to keeping "our" forum alive for all this time.Lunch wouldn't be the same without my daily reading material.

Ken Thompson

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Msg ID: 2749637 20 Years    
11/15/2022 5:09:10 PM

Reply to: 2749444

Thanks Joe for sharing our sports history!

Bob Y

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Msg ID: 2749670 20 Years    
11/16/2022 2:16:46 PM

Reply to: 2749444

Yes ... thanks Joe, and everyone for the years of history, discussion and commoraderie!  


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Msg ID: 2749701 20 Years    
Author:Howie Cronce
11/16/2022 9:43:24 PM

Reply to: 2749670

Thanks Joe.. I really enjoy your site.. All the history you guys put on here is incredible..

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Msg ID: 2749690 Thanks for Checking in Folks    
11/16/2022 6:47:20 PM

Reply to: 2749444

Some know that I've been on fumes lately, and the comments provided are good for the soul....

To clarify, I started 3 Wide's Picture Vault on November 13th 2002 with tech support from Todd J and Rob P who already had South Jersey Dirt Racing up and running.  I proposed the original idea for The Vault to just be a section on their site (SJDR), but time/other just wasn't making that possible to make happen, but they offered to show me how to build a website (which nowadays is pretty much just filling in a template with text and adding pics, but back then, was quite an undertaking using "Frontpage 98" which at the time was the latest and greatest when it came to creating websites.) 

The idea was to have a place where with the support of photographers and collectors, we could respectfully display photos, and add a few comments along the way.  It was a way to recognize and to show appreciation to those drivers... owners... crew members... track personnel... photographers...., that their efforts, although maybe shoved to the back of the stage for a while, had never been forgotten.  I wanted them all to realize how important those years... those "forever" memories that they created for us were, and as we have learned over the past 20 years, still are.

As for The Message Vault (which is the forum here that you are on now), I'm not really sure when we started this, but I'll figure it out someday... If I had to guess, I'd say probably close to 15 years(?)

Both sites have given me the opportunity to meet folks that I never would have met.  Both have taught me so much more about the sport than I ever knew.

I say it all the time, the thing that I am most proud of is you guys.  It's really an amazing group of folks that somehow have found their way here....  Whether for only a few months, or for many years. 

Folks that all have that one thing in common, and that's refusing to forget about "the show"... and the folks that made it all possible. 

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Msg ID: 2749816 Thanks for Checking in Folks    
Author:Roger Laureno
11/18/2022 4:40:01 PM

Reply to: 2749690

Thank you Joe,for all the work and dedication to keep this thing going . Probably don't post as much as I used to but still check in every day. I'll catch up at some point. 

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Msg ID: 2749711 20 Years    
11/17/2022 7:05:37 AM

Reply to: 2749444

Thanks so much for all you do Joe!

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Msg ID: 2749731 20 Years    
11/17/2022 2:27:05 PM

Reply to: 2749444

Thanks for all your time love the site  

Bob Turlip

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Msg ID: 2749822 20 Years    
11/18/2022 6:32:14 PM

Reply to: 2749444

Excellent work Joe.

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Msg ID: 2750656 20 Years    
11/28/2022 11:28:13 AM

Reply to: 2749444

Thanks Joe, 3wide's is our bible.


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Msg ID: 2750772 20 Years    
11/29/2022 10:19:41 PM

Reply to: 2749444

Congratulations - it says a lot about this site that, even though I rarely visited NJ speedways (living in upstate NY and Long Island all of my life) that this is the primary racing website I visit.  I have learned so much about racing and racing history here, and look forward to commenting whenever I have a bit of knowledge to share about a car or track.  I appreciate your policy regarding racing photographs and respect for those who have taken those shots.  Cheers to many more years! 

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