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Msg ID: 2755336 Who wants to own a racetrack?    
12/1/2022 11:32:53 PM

Very nice facility that averages about 125-150 cars a week.

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Msg ID: 2755339 Who wants to own a racetrack?    
Author:Kevin Mc
12/2/2022 4:59:28 AM

Reply to: 2755336
If only they ran just a few more classes weekly...

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Msg ID: 2755347 Who wants to own a racetrack?    
Author:John Mc
12/2/2022 8:16:28 AM

Reply to: 2755339
I wouldn't be too popular there because half those classes would get combined or axed.

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Msg ID: 2755350 Who wants to own a racetrack?    
Author:Kevin Mc
12/2/2022 9:13:37 AM

Reply to: 2755347
Welcome to my world Mack.

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Msg ID: 2755345 Go for it Fred!    
Author:John Mc
12/2/2022 8:10:27 AM

Reply to: 2755336
Come over to the dark side!

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Msg ID: 2755362 Who wants to own a racetrack?    
12/2/2022 12:25:09 PM

Reply to: 2755336

Looks like the track was once a 1/2 mile? I notice the cash flow is listed as zero. Sounds like a great business venture.

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Msg ID: 2755516 Who wants to own a racetrack?    
12/3/2022 11:16:08 PM

Reply to: 2755362

The track was actually a 5/8 before being reconfigured a few years ago because guys couldn't keep engines together. 

If I could get a few investors, I would love to get a shot. I would also do the same as John said and combine a few classes.

I have attended 4-5 races there and they put on a good show. Once the track is run in, they don't usually touch it all night and there are 3-4 and even sometimes 5 grooves that they race on. I probably would improve a few safety things on the track also, lol. 

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