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Msg ID: 2755818 Tex, Do I need to say his last name? +0/-0     
Author:Lenny Swider
12/8/2022 10:32:15 AM

There's alot of people that you can just say their first name and you immediately know who they are talking about. Cher, Shaq, Elvis, Ringo, Farrah, Ozzy, but when you hear the name Tex, Tex Entright immediately comes to my mind.  Tex was so colorful and exciting to watch. He actually was frightening at times. Here are just a few images that I've collected over the years. Tex, you are long gone, but not forgotten. Feel free to share any Tex stories or pictures that you might have.

Msg ID: 2755841 Tex, Do I need to say his last name? +0/-0     
Author:Lee Eggert
12/8/2022 8:01:32 PM

Reply to: 2755818

Tex and Parker Bohn at East Windsor Speedway. Loved watching him start a race from the track then run for the flagger stand.

Msg ID: 2755844 Tex, Do I need to say his last name? +0/-0     
12/8/2022 8:39:40 PM

Reply to: 2755818


Thank you for that trip down memory lane. I can remember when my dad first took me to East Windsor and he said, "Watch this." pointing to Tex on the frontstretch. 

That fourth shot of Tex staring down the field coming out of the 4th turn at Flemington is priceless. Could never happen today.


Msg ID: 2755845 Tex, Do I need to say his last name? +0/-0     
Author:AF IV
12/8/2022 9:16:37 PM

Reply to: 2755844

Great memories there Lenny, thanks. Tex was part of the show. So many things in racing have been watered down from what it once was. Tex took charge when he had those flags in his hands.

The driver with the Langhorn Qualifier cup with Tex in victory Lane at Middletown also has a famous first name "Rags".

Msg ID: 2755859 Tex, Do I need to say his last name? +0/-0     
12/9/2022 8:00:12 AM

Reply to: 2755844

The photographer for the 4th photo down with Tex staring down the oncoming pack of cars at Flemington is Jeff Scott.  Great shot - (1972 I think).

Msg ID: 2755851 Tex, Do I need to say his last name? +0/-0     
Author:Freddy D
12/8/2022 10:11:57 PM

Reply to: 2755818

What an honor it was to have seen Tex flag on the track from inside of one of my race cars. Great memories

Msg ID: 2755853 Tex, Do I need to say his last name? +0/-0     
Author:Kevin Mc
12/8/2022 10:36:46 PM

Reply to: 2755818
I dont believe I ever met him but hes responsible for me becoming a flagman. I have told several flagmen who knew less about the game than I do that a flagman must enhance the show but also remember that the flagman is not the show. Tex enhanced the show.

Msg ID: 2755867 Tex, Do I need to say his last name? +0/-0     
Author:Lenny Swider
12/9/2022 9:33:32 AM

Reply to: 2755853

I never heard the story about his work accident that he almost died from. Anyone here know the the story?

Msg ID: 2755882 A Tex question?? +0/-0     
Author:Bubble Goggles
12/9/2022 1:11:05 PM

Reply to: 2755867

What was his Native American History (Cherokee Navajo ect)

Msg ID: 2755886 Tex, work accident +0/-0     
12/9/2022 2:01:22 PM

Reply to: 2755867

I seem to remember my family elders talking about a tractor rolling over on him while farming. I could be wrong though as my 60 year old brain tends to get things mixed up from time to time.

Msg ID: 2755884 More info on bottom photo +0/-0     
12/9/2022 1:32:58 PM

Reply to: 2755818

Bill Young/Y&B Photo - Originally provided by Kevin Budden

Msg ID: 2755885 Tex, Do I need to say his last name? +0/-0     
12/9/2022 1:41:11 PM

Reply to: 2755818

Here's another great image (provided by Tommy Kosch) of Tex, and some great comments including information provided by Tex's son:

Msg ID: 2755977 Tex and the YELLOW BARREL +0/-0     
Author:Rob Renninger
12/10/2022 9:43:48 PM

Reply to: 2755885

Does anyone remember Tex and the yellow 55 gallon barrel he used to put in the middle of the track when he started races at the old Nazareth Speedway, when the grandstand was on the back stretch?  I think it was Pee Wee Griffin that would take shots at it on race starts.


Msg ID: 2756021 Tex, Do I need to say his last name? +0/-0     
Author:Greg Collins
12/11/2022 1:22:16 PM

Reply to: 2755818

So thankful that I got to see Tex in action at Harmony and Nazareth. As kids we would stage bike races, and when it was my turn to be the flagman I would do my best impersonation of Tex, running towards the oncoming bikes and leaping into the air as I waved the green flag. Thanks for posting these pictures, Lenny.

Msg ID: 2756070 Follow up on Tex. +0/-0     
Author:Lenny Swider
12/12/2022 10:47:24 AM

Reply to: 2756021

I found this link online about Tex that answers some questions.  
