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Msg ID: 2756881 Ownership - The Transition +0/-0     
12/22/2022 1:41:46 PM

Been wanting to write something in regards to transitioning from "Driver" to "Owner" and with a Holiday weekend upon us, perhaps others have their opinions and experiences on the subject. I will try my best to keep it as short as possible (probably going to be tough). LOL.

I frequently see a picture on the computer of a kid standing and staring into an old racecar and the caption reading: "It starts witha dream". (I wish I was compitent enough to post the picture). My dream started riding on the battery box in my fathers '33 Plymouth coupe while my brother sat in the seat as we flat-towed it to Freeport Speedway on Long Island. Fast forward 40+ years and my driving career seeing the white and chckered flags waving, I started to wonder what my next step was going to be. Let's face I can state for myself...I don't know how NOT to do it. Like most of you, it's my lifestyle and sometimes life itself. As most racers, we have an EGO (have to call a spade a spade).

For MANY years I always said that you have to be crazy to spend all this money, do all this work and have somebody have the"fun" and the glory. I fought the "youth movement" for a while but when you're in the car and start concerning yourself about crashing/fixing the car if this "move/hole" doesn't work, It's time to think about other options but I kept saying that there is no way I would put some kid in the car that doesn't have a good work ethic which is hard these days.

Long story a little shorter, I bought a tour-type modified for my friends son that I have known since he was born and have been helping and his career is moving forward. For a 21 year old "kid", he not only is a good race car driver, but a recent college graduate and a now full time grammar school teacher and all around hard worker. I grew up that good behavior and work ethics should be rewarded and like the opportunity that someone gave me when I was younger I took thet leap and gave him a shot at moving up.

It's only 1 season complete but I have to tell you that so far it has been pretty awesome. We might not be banging nerf bars with the leaders just yet but watching, helping, mentoring someone is (in my opinion), as rewarding as doing well yourself. When you surround yourself with good people, good things happen.

I don't know how long I will have the wallet to carry it but I'm going to embrace it and enjoy it for as long as I can. Ive had the pleasure of getting to know and being involved with A LOT of good people along the way and that to me is is priceless. You can't put a pricetag on memories. I'm VERY FORTUNATE to still be able to drive to the races with my almost 88 year old DAD in the passenger seat of the truck. Yea, I'm sure he wishes I was still driving but modern day racing is a whole different level. It came to a point where I had to find/(PAY) compitent help or become the help. It's easier and cheaper to become the help. LOL.  I wouldn't change it for the world!

Again I'm sorry if this was long winded but I hope someone can relate to MY story and I look forward to hear someone elses opinion(s) and/or stories.

Merry Christmas And Happy New Year to ALL!

Kenny Matlach

Msg ID: 2756886 Ownership - The Transition +0/-0     
Author:John Mc
12/22/2022 4:27:47 PM

Reply to: 2756881
I like it. Makes a lot of sense....probably too much for this game. It just shows the lure of racing that can wane a bit but never really goes away. Once that hook is set, it's about impossible to get out.


Msg ID: 2756920 Ownership - The Transition +0/-0     
12/23/2022 8:20:17 AM

Reply to: 2756881

Kenny, Congratulations on a stellar driving career. No better way than to go out a winner.

I am confident your time as an owner will be just as rewarding.

merry Christmas to you and your Dad.

Msg ID: 2756921 Ownership - The Transition +0/-0     
12/23/2022 8:30:44 AM

Reply to: 2756920

Kenny is king of the Turkey Derby!  Always remember him winning at the Derby. I tried ownership and lasted one race. LOL  Cool story Ken. 


Msg ID: 2756966 Ownership - The Transition +0/-0     
12/23/2022 5:42:24 PM

Reply to: 2756881

Great story.....would like to hear more!
