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Msg ID: 2762623 Motorsports 2023--Billy Pauch & Friends/Bruce Larson +0/-0     
Author:Jack Kromer
1/21/2023 2:30:48 PM

Fun time listening to great racing stories during the 'Billy Pauch and Friends' part of Motorsports 2023 in Oaks, PA and also great stories by drag racing legend, Bruce Larson.


Billy Pauch, Fred Rahmer and Jimmy Horton 

 Fred Rahmer, Jimmy Horton and Sammy Beavers

Writer Buffy Swanson and Glenn Fitzcharles


Paul Szmal and Bruce Larson



Msg ID: 2762636 Motorsports 2023--Billy Pauch & Friends/Bruce Larson +0/-0     
Author:Greg Collins
1/21/2023 8:46:32 PM

Reply to: 2762623

Jack, thanks for posting these images of true racing legends.

Msg ID: 2762657 Greg: Motorsports 2023--Billy Pauch & Friends/Bruce Larson +0/-0     
Author:Jack Kromer
1/22/2023 9:49:16 AM

Reply to: 2762636

You're welcome!

Msg ID: 2762649 Motorsports 2023--Billy Pauch & Friends/Bruce Larson +0/-0     
1/22/2023 7:33:20 AM

Reply to: 2762623

So,,, Billy + Freddie + Jimmy + Sammy + Glenn = how many wins total?  

Msg ID: 2762658 Motorsports 2023--Billy Pauch & Friends/Bruce Larson +0/-0     
Author:Jack Kromer
1/22/2023 9:50:27 AM

Reply to: 2762649

Between Billy, Fred and Jimmy alone there are 1704 wins!


Msg ID: 2762659 Motorsports 2023--Billy Pauch & Friends/Bruce Larson +0/-0     
1/22/2023 10:03:22 AM

Reply to: 2762658

Add in Sammy and Glenn it's probably over 2,000 wins.

Msg ID: 2762690 Motorsports 2023--Billy Pauch & Friends/Bruce Larson +0/-0     
1/22/2023 5:32:19 PM

Reply to: 2762623

Thanks for posting these Jack.  Looks like all were having a good time up there!

Msg ID: 2762772 3Wide: Motorsports 2023--Billy Pauch & Friends/Bruce Larson +0/-0     
Author:Jack Kromer
1/23/2023 10:26:12 AM

Reply to: 2762690

You're welcome! Yes, they told some funny stories.
