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Msg ID: 2763265 Notice anyone?    
Author:AF IV
1/26/2023 8:50:07 PM

Msg ID: 2763269 Notice anyone?    
1/26/2023 9:41:50 PM

Reply to: 2763265

I see some familiar folks there Anthony - Post again at a larger size when you get a chance.


Msg ID: 2763281 Notice anyone?    
Author:AF IV
1/27/2023 5:30:41 AM

Reply to: 2763265


Msg ID: 2763290 Notice anyone?    
1/27/2023 7:47:55 AM

Reply to: 2763281

Great group there, between owners and drivers, only one missing, Ken Brenn Sr..  A few wins there to say the least!

Msg ID: 2763328 Notice anyone?    
Author:AF IV
1/27/2023 3:11:16 PM

Reply to: 2763281

Which Norcia is that in the front row? Tony or John? I wonder if anybody is sharp enough to know the guy in the blue shirt in second row next to me? Kevin, Ken Brenn Sr is there somewhere. Probably just to the left of this picture. 


Msg ID: 2763736 Notice anyone?    
1/31/2023 8:39:52 PM

Reply to: 2763328


To your question, that's John Norcia in the front row next to Bob Pickell.

Msg ID: 2763345 Notice anyone?    
1/27/2023 5:27:36 PM

Reply to: 2763281

Maybe Dean Gulick to the left of Stan on the left in the top row.  Also think I see Red Coffin and Nate Strunk in the top row to the right.  Ty Constantino with sunglasses and mustache in 2nd row from the top.  Ray Liss (leather hat), Karl Freyer in the middle row, Jim Horton (coach) in the green shirt maybe in the row 2nd from the bottom.  John Norcia, Bobby Pickell and Tony Ferraiuolo in the bottom row.  Gotta mention the King #73 and the Cozze Coach looking real good there too!

Msg ID: 2763336 Notice anyone?    
1/27/2023 4:36:53 PM

Reply to: 2763265

The Polish Prince on the top row right where he belongs! I'm sure he's still a little salty about the time Gary B. plugged him in the 3rd turn wall. LOL!

Msg ID: 2763346 Notice anyone?    
Author:Lenny Swider
1/27/2023 5:33:34 PM

Reply to: 2763336

Msg ID: 2763358 Now I see.    
Author:AF IV
1/27/2023 8:10:03 PM

Reply to: 2763346

Starting to see some now. Thanks for the info Joe. In Lenny's angle I see KB Jr. I don't know if a better group has ever posed for a Picture. ,

Msg ID: 2763363 Now I see.    
Author:Rick Shive
1/27/2023 9:19:11 PM

Reply to: 2763358

I'm behind Ray Liss, my brother Randy in red shirt beside him.

Msg ID: 2763370 Now I see.    
Author:Lenny Swider
1/27/2023 10:28:52 PM

Reply to: 2763363
I see Ken Brenn jr., Clyde Cox, Duck Durica, Stan Ploski, Red Coffin on the Top Row. I also see Newt, Pickell, Anthony and Tony, Mason Jr.

Msg ID: 2763562 Now I see.    
Author:AF IV
1/29/2023 8:17:18 PM

Reply to: 2763370

The guy in the blue shirt in second row is Steve Mockocy Jr.

Msg ID: 2763571 Now I see.    
1/29/2023 10:23:44 PM

Reply to: 2763562

Joe Hall all the way over to the left about 3 rows up with sunglasses on.

Msg ID: 2763788 Now I see.    
Author:Ricky Rutt
2/1/2023 7:06:11 PM

Reply to: 2763571

That's me third row to the right. Next to Karl Freyer.

Msg ID: 2763958 Now I see. Follow up.    
Author:Lenny Swider
2/3/2023 10:05:48 AM

Reply to: 2763788

I have another group shot here that might rival that one. See how many you can name. 



