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Msg ID: 2764295 intermission show +0/-0     
2/5/2023 8:16:19 PM

NASCAR should fine itself for 'actions determental to stock car racing', for putting on that embarrasing performance of trash.

Msg ID: 2764307 intermission show +0/-0     
Author:John Mc
2/5/2023 9:52:21 PM

Reply to: 2764295
Look up the actual words to that song. The Nascar bigwigs would have a heart attack if they knew them.

Msg ID: 2764340 intermission show +0/-0     
2/6/2023 8:16:52 AM

Reply to: 2764307

Spot on John... I'm pretty much wide open in my musical taste,  and "Insane in the Membrane" has that catchie hook, but I did exactly that last night (looked up the lyrics) after hearing "These pigs wanna blow my house down." 

That shi+show, (refering to the race, the "entertainment", the entire offering) proves just how lost NASCAR is. 

I actually felt embarassed for them. 

There's an old saying that really applies here and that's:  "What should you do if you find yourself in a hole?"... 

Somebody ought'a tell NASCAR that it's time to "Put the shovel down...."

Msg ID: 2764342 intermission show +0/-0     
2/6/2023 8:35:56 AM

Reply to: 2764340

spot on ... perfect !

Msg ID: 2764350 intermission show +0/-0     
2/6/2023 10:03:52 AM

Reply to: 2764342

Gene, I dropped my phone when I read your comment I was laughing so hard!   Thanks!

We are far from experts but Nascar thinks they are gaining new fans while pissing off all the existing fans.  So there is probably a lot more loss than there is gain.  Pretty sad . 
Worse yet, is the drivers are doing their best job to put on a good race but the platforms provided to them are terrible.  Mix ok racing with an absurd half time deal, how bad!

Msg ID: 2764352 intermission show +0/-0     
2/6/2023 10:13:59 AM

Reply to: 2764350

I knew I would not like the intermission show, left the room when it came on.  I would imagine most of us "traditional" racing fans feel the same way.  You're right, Joe  NASCAR needs to put down the shovel!


Msg ID: 2764354 intermission show +0/-0     
Author:Roger Laureno
2/6/2023 10:20:28 AM

Reply to: 2764350

The production crew did a good job in one area. Amazingly, they were able to film the streets in L.A. without showing one homeless encampment, one drug addict urenating or deficating in the street, one armed robbery in progress or even one gang related shooting. Had to be a lot of editing going on.

Msg ID: 2764362 intermission show +0/-0     
Author:Pee Wee Fan
2/6/2023 11:05:33 AM

Reply to: 2764354

Didn't watch it, and from your comments, I'm glad I watched an espisode of 2 & 1/2 Men instead.  Scott Ely

Msg ID: 2764369 intermission show +0/-0     
Author:Roger Laureno
2/6/2023 11:59:40 AM

Reply to: 2764362

As long as it was one with Charlie you did the right thing

Msg ID: 2764383 Intermission show thought. +0/-0     
Author:Lenny Swider
2/6/2023 2:48:07 PM

Reply to: 2764369

 I'm trying to keep an open mind here. We've been beating this dead horse for years on here. Nascar not only lost a lot of viewers to boring shows, but to aged Viewers that have past, viewers who have lost their favorite driver to retirement and never replaced them. I watched the halftime show and yes, it's not my favorite music, but I bet you some of the young drivers and crew members like it. Nascar knows their viewers and attendees are dropping and I'm sure they're getting nervous. They have to try something new because OLD isn't working. My two sons like this kind of music and they aren't from California, and they knew everyone of the performers.     I'm not a Kevin Harvick fan, but he's probably the last of the old regime and it'll be sad to see him go. I'm not crazy about the new booth announcers either. Thank god Mike Joy is still there. As much as we don't like what's going on, we have to be careful we don't expedite their demise. Look at Indy car. I don't think they are anywhere near as popular as Nascar is and if not for Roger Penske trying to keep it afloat I think they would probably be gone. Let's be careful. Remember, our parents didn't like Rock & Roll and this new Country music either.  

Msg ID: 2764395 Intermission show thought. +0/-0     
Author:John Springsteel
2/6/2023 4:13:59 PM

Reply to: 2764383

Well put, Lenny. 

Msg ID: 2764401 Intermission show thought. +0/-0     
2/6/2023 4:55:59 PM

Reply to: 2764383

You can keep trying to sell me Lenny, but you've got a long way to go if you're expecting me to pay to see a stock car race and then after watching half of the race, to then have to sit there and listen to "a performance" that includes a guy rappin that "Pigs wanna blow my house down."

I didn't watch any more of it, so not sure if Cyprss Hill also included another one of their other offerings simply called "Pigs" in their set, but if you get a chance Lenny, check out the lyrics of that one.

I just find it a little inconsistent after sitting through lots of NASCAR programing where they trip over themselves messaging unity, etc., and then they take your money to listen to a guy refer to cops as pigs, and tell us what a great performance we just saw.... (I think they took somebody's money, although I still question how many seats were sold at regular pricing as I saw a lot of folks that looked like they just kind of wandered in.)

I guess I'm guilty of whatever you are saying about any of us who didn't enjoy the Kool Aid last night, but having "a good beat... and it's easy to dance to..." is a quite a bit different than the anti-police message served up from NASCAR on Sunday night.


Msg ID: 2764667 iJoe... +0/-0     
Author:John Mc
2/9/2023 10:32:04 AM

Reply to: 2764340

Actually I was referring to the Wiz Khalifa stuff...he sanitized it but the real words the interview they did with him was so awkward. He didn't have and answer for her questions, he should have just said "I'm here for the check"...

Msg ID: 2764728 John... +0/-0     
2/9/2023 9:42:51 PM

Reply to: 2764667

I didn't bother looking him up... Never heard of him.  Cypress Hill was enough for me, but I did see the interview that you're talking about.  Super awkward.  It's all so forced. 

Speaking of awkward, did you see when the inside of Ty Gibb's car caught fire and he had to bail out.  Just like we saw last year with Buesher, Harvick and others.  That means NASCAR had almost a year to figure it out and fix it.  Instead of any of the announcers showing any level of being upset that it is still a dangerous situation after all this time... or showing any type of disappointment in a lack of a solution from NASCAR, leave it to Ol' Clint to put a positive "NASCAR spin on things by saying, to everyone's credit, this is the only first that they've seen so far this year....  (I'm not making that up....)  Then after a commercial break he sucked up even more by saying that "they were just assuming that it was the same problem as last year, but that it might not be...."

Less NASCAR for me, in 2023!

Msg ID: 2764760 John... +0/-0     
Author:John Mc
2/10/2023 1:45:28 PM

Reply to: 2764728
Uggghhh...I didn't see the fire. If it happened after lap 85 I was in bed. After watching that display after intermission fir about 10 laps I said the hell with it and shut it off.

Msg ID: 2764782 John... +0/-0     
2/10/2023 4:21:31 PM

Reply to: 2764760

The Gibb's #54 fire happened during practice, but there was Clint Boyer.... at the ready....  as Gibbs was climbing out, with the black smoke bellowing out the DS window, and the flames licking up throughout the driver's compartment.... Clint wasted no time in praising NASCAR by making sure we all knew that it was the only fire so far throughout the practice session....


Msg ID: 2764397 intermission show +0/-0     
2/6/2023 4:17:50 PM

Reply to: 2764295

I had important things do do when I saw the intermission.  Empty the dishwasher and straighten my sock drawer.

Msg ID: 2764424 intermission show +0/-0     
Author:Dave Daniels
2/6/2023 6:35:39 PM

Reply to: 2764397

I actually watched the last 60 some laps. It is painful to watch a beloved motorsport die a slow death. When I was involved in the mid 90's it was radically different than now. Once that door of appeasement is opened to a certain demographic, it's a death blow. The short tracks are all we have left. Enjoy them while they are still here.

Msg ID: 2764436 Joe +0/-0     
Author:John Springsteel
2/6/2023 8:16:49 PM

Reply to: 2764424

It's just a nursery rhyme. Oh, wait. Never mind, I see it now. Lol

Msg ID: 2764463 Marketing +0/-0     
Author:Marty 13R
2/7/2023 1:08:53 AM

Reply to: 2764436

The trick in expanding your customer base is to bring in new without losing existing customers. Nascar could have found young entertainment without going so extreme. A blend of music that would be easier to accept by existing Nascar fans, and potential new younger fans, would have been a better business move. The fact that any of this is being written about on 3Wide demostares that Nascar went to far.  

Msg ID: 2764464 Joe +0/-0     
2/7/2023 1:09:55 AM

Reply to: 2764436

Didn't choose to watch any of it, and from what I'm reading, good choice.


Msg ID: 2764473 Joe +0/-0     
2/7/2023 8:11:36 AM

Reply to: 2764436

Think I was watching a Matlock rerun to get pumped up for work, but Joe, don't forget that Sam the Sham did "Lil' Red Riding Hood" and "The Hair on my Chinny Chin Chin". 

Msg ID: 2764489 Ed and all of the other Sam The Sham Fans... +0/-0     
2/7/2023 1:44:21 PM

Reply to: 2764473

I think Sam The Sham did Wooly Bully too, right? (or am I thinking of somebody else?)  I'm having a 50+ year flashback of reading the songs listed on the table top jukebox glass index's in the booths at the Barnegat Diner around 1967 or '68?

Keeping in the lanes here Ed, I'm ok if it's "wolves wanna blow my house down", but after my self-imposed boycott of the NFL for the last 2-3? season's, and after getting beat over the head for at least 2 years with NASCAR's extremely intentional "unity" messaging, I'm really not interested in seeing another professional sport embrass anyone that refers to law enforcement the way NASCAR's hand picked act did on Sunday....

Either they didn't know about the pig reference (and if so, they've had over 48 hours to issue an apology and a statement of how the halftime act expressed views that were "not consistent with the views of NASCAR....whatever... whatever... whatever...."....  Or they assumed/calculated that any actual race fans wouldn't notice, or would be fine with going right along with the pig reference(s).

Hey wait a minute... maybe that's it...  Maybe NASCAR figured that there'd actually be very few race fans attending or watching, so it wasn't a concern/nothing to see here folks.  You know... appealing to what they hope is their new base with little to no concern of what it might do to the remnants like us.

Like I said before... they really need to put the shovel down rather than continuing to do things that just make the hole deeper.

Msg ID: 2764493 Nascar Hypocrisy  +0/-0     
2/7/2023 2:08:22 PM

Reply to: 2764489

Since I did not see the show, I looked into the lyrics of "Insane in the Membrane" which is one of the songs they performed on Suncay that Joe mentioned above. In the song lyrics, the singer keeps referring to himself as the "N" word. The same exact word that they banned Kyle Larson for a few years back Undecided.

Msg ID: 2764501 Nascar Hypocrisy  +0/-0     
Author:Bubble Goggles
2/7/2023 3:51:23 PM

Reply to: 2764493

Good point!! 

Msg ID: 2764562 Opperman4x +0/-0     
2/8/2023 11:14:23 AM

Reply to: 2764501

I couldn't agree more.  Bruce's halftime show was the best.
