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Msg ID: 2765832 Daytona 500 Thoughts?    
2/19/2023 9:12:17 PM
  • Positive?
  • Negative?
  • ....or the ever growing in popularity, "I didnt watch it/I don't watch NASCAR anymore."

Msg ID: 2765835 Daytona 500 Thoughts?    
Author:Pee Wee Fan
2/19/2023 9:39:51 PM

Reply to: 2765832

DVR'd all 3 races.  Have really developed a dislike for big track "plate" racing.  It seems like more time than not, these races go into overtime because of the blocking and bumping. No one can get away from each other.  I know that the "big" tracks give the small teams a shot at a win but if these teams compared their total "plate track" earnings against their loses they'd find their bank accounts are in the red.  In my opinion, they should take a little of banking out of Daytona and Talledega to the point where they can't run wide open around the whole track.  Scott Ely  

Msg ID: 2765836 Daytona 500 Thoughts?    
2/19/2023 9:40:20 PM

Reply to: 2765832

I just thought it was boring with way too many commericlals. Unlike some on here, I am still on the NASCAR Train because I'll watch pretty much anyting that is racing (I watched 3 micro-sprint race at East Bay on Flo) but the idea that we are racing that long and having to pit by manufactures takes away from the actual racing. I like the "choose rule" but not if I have pick one way because my manufactor went that way.

I just want guys to race. And I kept thinking, "I'll pay $150 a year just so I don't have to sit through all these commericals."

JMO - David

Msg ID: 2765847 Daytona 500 Thoughts?    
Author:Kevin Mc
2/20/2023 6:45:46 AM

Reply to: 2765832
Kyle Busch was leading on Lap 200.

Msg ID: 2765848 Daytona 500 Thoughts?    
2/20/2023 7:37:24 AM

Reply to: 2765847

watched for the 1st time in many years. the top guys at nascar should be put in jail for what they have done to this once great sport. how many more times do i have to hear what bubba thinks frankly i dont care its not like he can drive. they drag everything out way to long its really really sad. the cars all look the same it really was unwatchable.  i would rather watch a car rust.  this is the big wheels in nascar how you can take something that was so spiecal and turn it in to something so unwatchable pat yourselfs on the back great job. 

maybe just maybe my wife is right nascar went away with dale sr after seeing this bs i have to agree just my opionion. 

Msg ID: 2765852 Daytona 500 Thoughts?    
Author:Roscoe jr
2/20/2023 8:41:52 AM

Reply to: 2765848

Totally agree!!

Msg ID: 2765853 Daytona 500 Thoughts?    
2/20/2023 8:51:22 AM

Reply to: 2765848

I watch it every year because it's become a bad habit (Indy 500 and Monaco Grand Prix in same category of must see racing but so much better). Anyway for the last 10 years or so I hide in my Man Cave and gather my income tax information from the prior year (and glance at the race when interesting). My goal is to find a deduction at every crash or commercial so this was a particularly good year even if I had to get creative. 

Msg ID: 2765854 Daytona 500 Thoughts?    
2/20/2023 9:02:21 AM

Reply to: 2765848

After being down there for half a week, I see NASCAR is putting way to much into the 500 and not enough into Speedweeks. The Twins was built up into a pretty big show, probably peeked at 90,000 fans in the late 90's early 2000's.  It was a good day and you were able to go to the short tracks after, but usually the bars.  They moved it to the night because of TV and if there are 10,000 paying fans there, it's alot. Maybe 20,000 are there, but not paying.  The Twins are sooooo bad it's unwatchable.  It's a social event for the few that are there, no one pays attention at all except at the start.

The trucks are about the only race watchable because they are not glued to the track so they dance around like the Cup cars used to. 

The town of Daytona Beach is DEAD. If you've ever been there, from Wednesday to Sunday, it was hard to walk down the streets or get into a restaurant or bar. Now, half those places are gone and the other half are absolutely empty. ZERO atmoshere.  It's sad, because of the scheduling at the big track, the excitement the Short Tracks have brought, and a few hurricanes, Daytona Beach is at make or break point and it's it's heavily weighted towards BREAK. South Daytona and Ormond are nice, Daytona Beach is like Bosnia.


Msg ID: 2765864 Daytona 500 Thoughts?    
2/20/2023 10:10:48 AM

Reply to: 2765854

Kevin - Speaking of Daytona Beach, I remember in the late 70's or early 80's, all of the hotels on the beach made you book a 5 night minimum (maybe even a week at some point?), even if you were just looking for a hotel for just Thurs, Fri and Sat of speedweeks.

Not long after that, Nascar or International Speedway Corp or whoever was in charge pretty much did the same things with their ticket policy.  If you wanted to sit in the same seat that you had been in for the previous 10 - 15 years to watch the Daytona 500 on the frontstretch (at that time it was the Campbell stand), they forced you to buy the same seats for Thurs, Saturday and Sunday.  .... And you had to have your $'s in by April 1st of the calendar year before the speedweeks that the tickets were for, so they sat on your money for over 10 months.

I mentioned it before, and it's true'er than ever after watching the races (thanks to DVR technology) from Daytona this week: I will be watching a lot more forms of racing in 2023 where there are no mirrors and no spotters on in car radio.  (Late Models, Sprints, Midgets.) 

I can respect what those guys (Late Models, Springs, Midgets) are doing behind the wheel.  I will never be a fan where blocking and shoving/wrecking determine who wins and who loses, and that is exactly what NASCAR has created for all their asphalt series (ARCA, Truck, xFinity, Cup), and now they think that type of "Boys Have at It" and the inevitable, but "unacknowledged" chaos that it creates (demands), is their Goose that is laying the Golden Egg, so they don't dare touch it...

We'll NASCAR.., that 'aint a Golden Egg laying there under the hind end of that goose....Surprised

Msg ID: 2765887 Daytona 500 Thoughts?    
Author:Freddy D
2/20/2023 11:08:31 AM

Reply to: 2765864

You guys are spot on. Patti and I went to Daytona before we had the kids then with the whole family 70s 80s 90s till the 3 wreck. All of what Joe said about the crowds was amazing even the circle track trade show was amazing. We had front stretch seats at first, then they made us buy three day tickets if you wanted to keep them which were for the long gone backstretch seats. I think the renewal tickets were in our mailbox before we returned to NJ. We will never give Nascar another dime. They pretty much ruined the the sport. Dirt late models are the best thing going now. Bridgeport is a little to far from NC lol.

Msg ID: 2765957 Daytona 500 Thoughts?    
2/20/2023 8:11:22 PM

Reply to: 2765864

What's wrong with Nascar......greed

Msg ID: 2765909 kev    
2/20/2023 12:05:20 PM

Reply to: 2765854

Well said kev-----

NASCAR is trying too hard to stay young , relate to "outsiders" etc-

for instance , in my opinion , pastrana had NO business being out there--( ask larson what he thinks)

but, to bring in a few fans of whatever else pastrana does , he made the show , and he ain't no cup driver---

At this point , i don't know if NASCAR cup racing is fixable any more --




Msg ID: 2765918 Bill    
2/20/2023 12:55:15 PM

Reply to: 2765909

Problem is, Travis Pastrana is one of my favorite athletes, so I was a little surprised, but also disappointed he was gonna race in the 500 because, I thought he would be embarassing. I was wrong because he honestly did a great job.  That last deal with Larson may have been caused by a nudge from Almirola.

There is not one person on earth today, athlete or not, that has done more daring and yes, stupid things, than he has when it comes to extreme sports. Catch some on youtube and you will be amazed.

Here's the craziest   

Msg ID: 2765976 Bill    
Author:Kevin Mc
2/21/2023 5:02:06 AM

Reply to: 2765918
I met Mr. Pastrana at Volusia last week. I wouldn't have recognized him if we tripped over each other walking down the street but my buddy is a big fan so he really wanted to see him to convince Travis that he needs to get in a sprint car. He came out of his hauler and spent a good 5-10 minutes talking to us about everything and nothing at all. Just 3 guys BS'ing at a dirt track in the middle of nowhere. My buddy was over the moon the rest of the weekend cuz he met Travis. I was like well that guy seems nice. You could do worse than have that guy as your hero.

Msg ID: 2765983 Kevin    
2/21/2023 8:19:40 AM

Reply to: 2765976

Just watch some of his stuff and think back to when you were ten trying to jump a mini bike over something.  That whole goofy persona is as real as it gets with Travis.

Msg ID: 2766055 Kevin    
Author:Kevin Mc
2/22/2023 5:15:42 AM

Reply to: 2765983
You were the 2nd person to tell me to check out some of the stunts hes pulled off. So I did last night. Alot of it is just not something I'm interested in but it was all impressive and he is indeed a true daredevil. 100 years ago he would have been a wing walker on some wooden biplane or going over Niagara Falls in a barrel. I did enjoy watching him set a new record time going up Mt. Washington. He has serious car control skills.

Msg ID: 2766011 thanks,kev (NT)    
2/21/2023 3:21:14 PM

Reply to: 2765976

Msg ID: 2765861 Daytona 500 Thoughts?    
2/20/2023 9:53:09 AM

Reply to: 2765847
Agree with Kevin Mc. I am old school. The Daytona 500 should not have the phony, gimmick stages or the choose rule on restarts. Race should end at 500 miles.

Msg ID: 2765963 Daytona 500 Thoughts?    
Author:Howie Cronce
2/20/2023 9:58:20 PM

Reply to: 2765861

I wont watch the circus anymore...Last was probably when Carl Edwards was still racing...Hate these ugly iroc cars.. Stages are so the kids can rest up and go cause more wrecks..I remember when it used to end at 500 miles and so many MAD fans if they had a wreck/yellow near the end..So they went to GWC finish to make fans happy... Now the overtime gives everyone a chance to push/move the guy in your way so you can try to win and maybe the next restart you can work your way to the front more....Sucks...I watched the you tube reruns of the Fla Dirt shows...Way Way better, nothing boring there...HtH

Msg ID: 2765898 Daytona 500 Thoughts?    
2/20/2023 11:14:24 AM

Reply to: 2765832

What a disapointment.   I wait all winter and it turns into a wreck fest.  2 lanes side by side making it very hard to move up unless it's done in the pits.  Do away with the gimmicks, stages, lucky dog, etc.  I think shaving the banking would be a good thing but it will never happen.  Rickey winning was the highlight, still jumps in a sprint car or midget every now and then, plus I think he's part owner of Sheldon Haudenschild's WOO ride.

Msg ID: 2765908 Daytona 500 Thoughts?    
2/20/2023 12:05:06 PM

Reply to: 2765898

Watched less than the last half hour of the race. There is no need to turn the race on any earlier. I got tired of listening to the announcers talk about Dillion and Busch. You can not compare Kyle to Dale just because they are known to be polarizing. Another thing the announcers bragged about, it was the longest 500 ever. Well Duh! between cautions and long delays, that's not hard to figure out.

They should end the race on a full green flag lap, even if they want to continue over time. The grandstands were at least full last night. Being the 75th anniversary probably had a lot to do with it. It will never happen but the track needs to be changed. As others have mentioned above. I did enjoy the post-race interview with Christopher Bell, not a Logano fan but he's not bad to listen to. Nice to see Wrecky kept the car in one piece, for the win. At least we did not see him burn his tires into the ground afterward.  

I will watch parts of a few more races this year on T.V. However, Nascar will not get another penny from me.  

Msg ID: 2765964 Daytona 500 Thoughts?    
Author:Howie Cronce
2/20/2023 10:03:56 PM

Reply to: 2765908

Somebody said he ran out of gas thats why no burnout...Burnouts are about the stupidest thing they can do afterward. Drive along the stands with the checkered and wave to ALL the people that paid you to do that.. Lose the burnout...

Msg ID: 2765991 Daytona 500 Thoughts?    
2/21/2023 10:50:10 AM

Reply to: 2765832

Get rid of the stages

Get rid of the choose your lane

Get rid of the manufacturer alliances

Get rid of,,,,,,,I am sure I left a few things out! Please add to the list!

Msg ID: 2766110 Daytona 500 Thoughts?    
Author:Howie Cronce
2/22/2023 9:31:18 PM

Reply to: 2765991

Probably never happen but any restart with 10 or less to go should be single file like it was before all the double file crashes started... If you earned the lead you should at least be allowed to start either lane by yourself..I think nascrap really likes the exciting wrecks for the fans till we have another Earnhardt.. Ask some of the better drivers how they like plate racing...My 2 cents again..HtH
