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Msg ID: 2771357 The Big Picture: Harmony Speedway    
4/7/2023 5:55:00 PM

Here's one of the nicest images I've ever seen of Harmony...  Original Taylor Family image provided to The Vault by Lee Taylor Jr:


That's Lee Taylor in the Fodor #13 at Harmony Speedway (1971).


Msg ID: 2771361 The Big Picture: Harmony Speedway    
Author:AF IV
4/7/2023 7:18:59 PM

Reply to: 2771357

That is a nice picture. I see the Meals 44 in the pits right behind the 13 as well as a white coupe on the back stretch. A sedan is just about past the opening to the pits on back stretch. Other then that a bunch of empty trailers in the pits.

Msg ID: 2771390 The Big Picture: Harmony Speedway    
4/7/2023 10:25:53 PM

Reply to: 2771361

Here's something to ponder!!  Off to the right center of the picture, looks the Raceway Speed Center parts truck. I think it was called the Raceway Rocket!!   Was large International step van, many times towing a long tandem axle trailer filled with tires.  I think Dick Lewis had installed a small block Chevy under the engine cover to give it more highway speed.  Many times, Tim Smith and Jay Keating were running the truck for Raceway John and Cliff.  WOW, more than 50 years ago!! Can it REALLY be that long??

Msg ID: 2779097 The Raceway Rocket    
4/11/2023 2:57:29 PM

Reply to: 2771390

Msg ID: 2771377 The Big Picture: Harmony Speedway    
Author:Greg Collins
4/7/2023 9:09:26 PM

Reply to: 2771357

Awesome! Many thanks to Lee Taylor Jr. for sharing this photo.  Appears to be the Ray Liss #10 to the left of the blue Meals #44. 


Msg ID: 2771380 The Big Picture: Harmony Speedway    
Author:Rick Shive
4/7/2023 9:14:20 PM

Reply to: 2771377

I see Tri State on infield tower, so this is probably 1971. Probably Lee Taylor in the 13.

Msg ID: 2771386 The Big Picture: Harmony Speedway    
4/7/2023 10:10:24 PM

Reply to: 2771380

Correct - Info was under the image but may have been missed if viewing on a phone/something other than a computer screen.

Msg ID: 2771388 The Big Picture: Harmony Speedway    
Author:Rick Shive
4/7/2023 10:19:59 PM

Reply to: 2771386

Ohhhh, I see it now. 

Msg ID: 2771448 The Big Picture: Harmony Speedway    
4/8/2023 10:50:20 AM

Reply to: 2771388

That's ok Rick.  There's plenty that we post that we need your expertise on for sure on who, what, where....  Much appreciated!

Msg ID: 2771452 The Big Picture: Harmony Speedway    
Author:Jack Kromer
4/8/2023 10:57:13 AM

Reply to: 2771357

Pretty sure that's Bill Tanzosh's blue truck and trailer.

Msg ID: 2771486 The Big Picture: Harmony Speedway    
4/8/2023 3:31:18 PM

Reply to: 2771452

I don't think I ever saw a Victory Lane photo from Harmony...

Msg ID: 2771491 The Big Picture: Harmony Speedway    
4/8/2023 4:10:28 PM

Reply to: 2771486

Harmony Victory Lane image:

Msg ID: 2771497 The Big Picture: Harmony Speedway    
4/8/2023 5:17:33 PM

Reply to: 2771491


Msg ID: 2771521 Harmony Speedway victory lane Joe Dunay    
Author:Rick Shive
4/8/2023 9:12:08 PM

Reply to: 2771497

Msg ID: 2771522 Harmony Speedway victory lane Horace Drake    
Author:Rick Shive
4/8/2023 9:13:06 PM

Reply to: 2771521

Msg ID: 2771523 Harmony Speedway victory lane Jay Beers    
Author:Rick Shive
4/8/2023 9:14:21 PM

Reply to: 2771522

Final feature ever at Harmony.
