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Msg ID: 2771605 New Additions to The Vault    
4/9/2023 2:37:19 PM

Added a few more photos to the Harmony Memories page (all provided by Lee Taylor Jr/Taylor Family Collection.)

Newest images found in bottom row of table.

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Msg ID: 2771636 New Additions to The Vault    
4/9/2023 7:22:57 PM

Reply to: 2771605

Was reading the RSCA days (66 & 67) at Harmony.  It mentions that July 26, 1967 was the last RSCA sanctioned race.  What I was told is that the owner of the facilities kept raising the weekly rent on Vicari & Gaspari so they just decided to run 2 nights at Reading and ended the Harmony season then. I think the last amount they asked for was $2000 a week.

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Msg ID: 2771662 New Additions to The Vault    
4/10/2023 9:26:29 AM

Reply to: 2771636

Very possible, Kat...

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Msg ID: 2771780 Unreal coincidence!---New Additions to The Vault    
Author:Jack Kromer
4/10/2023 11:20:31 PM

Reply to: 2771605

Man.. unreal coincidence! When I looked at the Wilbur Force picture from Harmony, it looked so darn familiar. I think I found your unknown photographer--she's on the right side of my picture taking a picture of Wilbur. That was from Harmony Speedway's Camera and Autograph Day in 1971. I shot my picture about the same time as she did because the same people are behind Force's car in both pics. Geez, that's neat! When I see these old pictures show up that were made on Camera and Autograph Day there in 1971, I keep hoping I'll show up in the background, back when I was a young blonde-haired dorky kid walking around with my Kodak Instamatic camera. But it has yet to happen. Oh well...maybe someday.

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Msg ID: 2771781 New Additions to The Vault    
Author:elf 30
4/10/2023 11:47:10 PM

Reply to: 2771605
would the #12 in the autograph day picture be Kevin Collins?

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Msg ID: 2771784 New Additions to The Vault    
Author:Jack Kromer
4/11/2023 12:23:24 AM

Reply to: 2771781

Yes, that is Kevin Collins (Buskirk)

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Msg ID: 2779003 Similar Jack    
4/11/2023 8:50:49 AM

Reply to: 2771784

But I was the red haired dorky kid in the background of Jamie Tomaino's first Modified win in 1976. I wish it was a better photo, sorry. Hey, at least we're still dorky!

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Msg ID: 2779006 Similar Jack    
4/11/2023 9:40:00 AM

Reply to: 2779003

No pic available but I was both dorky and way overweight back then--now just dorky but continue to have 'Revenge of the Nerds' fantasies. Also, will refrain from responding to the Bristol post but we old timers know  that the kids are sharp as a pistol.

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Msg ID: 2779009 Haha!...Similar Jack    
Author:Jack Kromer
4/11/2023 11:26:29 AM

Reply to: 2779006

Haha, good one Kev and ED!

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