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Msg ID: 2779608 Split ?    
4/15/2023 11:31:08 AM

The buzz down here is that the owners and drivers are not real happy with the way Nascar is handling the new tv deal. Word is the boys in Daytona want to get rid of the charters to get more new teams in the sport and the teams want 10 million each year from the tv money. The tv guys don't want to pay the 1 billion they have been paying due to falling ratings.  They aren't even trying to meet anymore.  There is a group of heavy hitters that could just make a move to do their own deal . Should be interesting. Can you say SRX. 

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Msg ID: 2779623 Split ?    
4/15/2023 3:01:27 PM

Reply to: 2779608
Let them run for 25 or perhaps 30 percent if they are lucky of the gate receipts back to the way it was in rhe sports formative years. Or they can pass the hat around for donations from the fans on their way out. I am sorry to even think this but the sport is dying a slow death.

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Msg ID: 2779856 Split ?    
Author:Frank A Jr.
4/16/2023 8:55:35 PM

Reply to: 2779623
I completely agree with the slow death comment. Things look good at special events, but will that sustain a Speedway throughout the year??

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Msg ID: 2779625 Split ?    
4/15/2023 3:29:55 PM

Reply to: 2779608

Go woke go broke

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Msg ID: 2779637 Split ?    
Author:Engine Guy
4/15/2023 5:57:10 PM

Reply to: 2779608

Pretty sad the car owners pulled a no show, us fans have been a no show for awhile! The cars sure aren’t stock cars anymore and I’m sorry but the Indy cars at Texas are proof that the problem with nascar isn’t the race tracks they run on but cars they run...

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Msg ID: 2779676 Split ?    
Author:John Mc
4/15/2023 9:11:54 PM

Reply to: 2779637
I really don't want to fall into the Nascar bashing trap, but I gotta say I really don't like what it's turned into and most of all...I hate these cars. They're sports cars and they're trying to run them everywhere, which does not work. Running them on dirt is a 3400 # joke.

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Msg ID: 2779774 Split ?    
Author:Kevin Mc
4/16/2023 8:21:30 AM

Reply to: 2779608
The team owners and the sanctioning body are arguing over payments they will receive from a TV contract that doesn't even exist yet. The networks are watching this family feud thinking the longer this goes, the less we pay them. Tumbling TV numbers doesn't help either. The ratings were up slightly last year but they're crashing back down this year. Also, the number that gets tossed around is $20M in TV money goes to each track every time they hold a Cup race. That's all well and good except NASCAR controls about half the races so they're paying themselves about half the time. So of course they don't want the tracks to get less TV money. Like watching a train wreck, it's a mess but you can't stop watching it happen. There will be no split however. Look at all the tracks controlled by NASCAR/ISC. Those will all be off limits to any new series that goes off the reservation.

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Msg ID: 2779813 Split ?    
4/16/2023 2:42:54 PM

Reply to: 2779774

I am not sure loosing Daytona and Taladaga will upset car owners who most of time bring home junk and the drivers are tired of follow the leader racing and the chance of really getting hurt. SRX has proved real racing isn't important it's the show that counts and the tv numbers prove it. They want to get rid of the characters and the owners want them to be made permanent. If you look at the guys who are reps for the teams there is plenty of money to make things happen, and Smith owning eleven tracks giving plenty places to run. The drivers and owners would love to see a shorter schedule and 22 races from March to October may be very appealing for everyone involved. Everyone thought Wilksboro was history and the Rock is getting roll again. Never say never.

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Msg ID: 2779916 Split ?    
4/17/2023 9:58:21 AM

Reply to: 2779813

SRX is what most people complain about, cookie cut cars, no inginuiety.

Smith family owns most of the boring, cookie cutter 1.5 milers, tri-ovals.

Charters make it an exclusive club. The biggest name in NASCAR is sitting out of Cup because of the cost of a charter. 

This is only going to get greedier and greedier from both sides and yes the TV guys will be laughing at it.

Let's get this bad weather out of here. Open Wall Stadium again. Get Flo racing rolling and enjoy what we enjoy and let all your Denny Hamlins and billionaire owners arge this out. This is going to get ugly.

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Msg ID: 2779947 Split ?    
Author:Kevin Mc
4/17/2023 4:18:07 PM

Reply to: 2779916
And let us not forget the random cautions in SRX thrown out there if the leader gets too far ahead. I think Danica called it a "Fun Caution" in the first race. Give her credit where it's due. The cautions are thrown just for fun sometimes. SRX really is everything us old fans dislike about NASCAR in the 2020s. Also I doubt Ray wants to build another 24 cars to get a full field. 😄 You can forget about using the Nex-Gen Cup cars as well. That's all intellectual property that cannot be used in any other series I'm sure so any teams that would like to go out on their own would have several million dollars of race cars rotting away in the shop while they have to build a new fleet. And good luck getting support from Toyota, Ford or Chevy.

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Msg ID: 2779948 Split ?    
4/17/2023 4:46:23 PM

Reply to: 2779947

Is ray still a part of this deal? didn't see him or hear his name mentioned last year. Your fight about srx being more of a show than a race but so is cup these days, but srx seems to be getting more eyes and NASCAR seems to loosing fans every week. The fans ain't going to like the street races and I can't see how this will make money when it comes to all the safety problems these big cars are going to create. I don't think these will be a mainstay as they are running out of gimmicks to get the fans back. It's sad but no sport can go on without the fans and not just at the cup level but at your local tracks as well.

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Msg ID: 2779956 Split ?    
4/17/2023 6:59:48 PM

Reply to: 2779947
ARDC was known for throwing a phantom caution flag or 2 during their feature events way back in the day [50's - mid 60's]

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Msg ID: 2779966 Split ?    
Author:Kevin Mc
4/17/2023 9:44:20 PM

Reply to: 2779956
Something else to consider about SRX; they only run 6 races over 6 weeks. what happens if they suddenly decided to bump the schedule up to 20 or 30 races every year? Also they sell alot of tickets but they don't have to fill 60,000 seats. Big difference. In all honesty, last year I was already not remembering it was on or just watching a few laps here and there. It was cool in Year 1 but by year 2 it was already becoming something I didn't need to see no matter what.

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Msg ID: 2780037 Split ?    
4/18/2023 7:34:53 AM

Reply to: 2779916

Slit won't happen, the Smith family won't take the chance of making NASCAR angry and loosing dates if it falls apart.  Plus weren't there rumors several years ago of the Smith family forming a series?

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Msg ID: 2780039 Split ?    
4/18/2023 8:02:31 AM

Reply to: 2780037

The split years ago forced the France's ISC to buy the Penske tracks because Bruton Smith owned more tracks than ISC. Gave all the power back to ISC. Bruton was the only person who could have split and maybe survived. 

A strike by the charter owners could really put a final nail in the coffin.  Look how the IRL/Champ Car struggled, if it was not for the INDY 500, not sure that would have survived.

Nice thing now is how a Saturday night NASCAR race barely effects a short track Saturday night. For a few years it looked like short tracks would have to shut down on a Bristol or Richmond Saturday night. 

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