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Msg ID: 2784575 Dare I ask Dirtiest Driver???... +0/-0     
Author:Frank A Jr.
6/7/2023 10:31:53 AM

May not be in their actions behind the wheel but that could be the case or perhaps their appearance after a grueling main event...


Msg ID: 2784583 Dare I ask Dirtiest Driver???... +0/-0     
6/7/2023 11:30:59 AM

Reply to: 2784575

Bruce "Pee Wee" Griffin behind the wheel, Tom Hager after the race.

Msg ID: 2784586 Dare I ask Dirtiest Driver???... +0/-0     
Author:John Mc
6/7/2023 12:36:44 PM

Reply to: 2784583
What he said, lol.

Msg ID: 2784630 Dare I ask Dirtiest Driver???... +0/-0     
6/7/2023 9:31:20 PM

Reply to: 2784583

Wild Bill Williams, Hatfield

Msg ID: 2784647 Dare I ask Dirtiest Driver???... +0/-0     
6/8/2023 7:35:40 AM

Reply to: 2784583

I should add, dirtiest after the race, any open cockpit driver after racing on the oiled dirt at Langhorne.

Msg ID: 2784593 Dare I ask Dirtiest Driver???... +0/-0     
Author:Jim Bob
6/7/2023 2:42:44 PM

Reply to: 2784575

Ryan Modown

Msg ID: 2784597 Dare I ask Dirtiest Driver???... +0/-0     
Author:Lenny Swider
6/7/2023 2:54:50 PM

Reply to: 2784593

Paul Sandy Rochelle.

Msg ID: 2784596 Dare I ask Dirtiest Driver???... +0/-0     
6/7/2023 2:54:08 PM

Reply to: 2784575
The top 5 in any asphalt modified race. 👀

Msg ID: 2784603 Dare I ask Dirtiest Driver???... +0/-0     
Author:Rick Shive
6/7/2023 3:37:36 PM

Reply to: 2784596

I never actually saw him race that much, because he raced mainly at Orange County, but I've heard that Bill Mingey takes the cake as dirtiest.

Msg ID: 2784608 Dare I ask Dirtiest Driver???... +0/-0     
Author:Leinbach 9
6/7/2023 3:51:05 PM

Reply to: 2784603

Mose Moore. A real name from the past.

Msg ID: 2784612 Dare I ask Dirtiest Driver???... +0/-0     
6/7/2023 4:20:15 PM

Reply to: 2784603

Dusty Malsberry   No pun intended 

pee wee  

the blewetts

Msg ID: 2784624 Dare I ask Dirtiest Driver???... +0/-0     
Author:John Mc
6/7/2023 7:16:58 PM

Reply to: 2784603
Lol, I've heard that too.

Msg ID: 2784656 Dare I ask Dirtiest Driver???... +0/-0     
6/8/2023 10:42:02 AM

Reply to: 2784624

Just responded to Air Quality and cleanest driver so I'll add 3 nicknames here--the Doctor, Modown, the Tampa Temper.

Msg ID: 2784665 Dare I ask Dirtiest Driver???... +0/-0     
6/8/2023 1:10:56 PM

Reply to: 2784656

Some of the nicknames of drivers that infer to that style of driving - are C.D. (Crash & Destroy) Coville. Danimal Danny Johnson, Ryan (Modown) Godown, up at Grandview people have accused CVD and Rahmer back in the day that would run you over.

Asphalt would Jimmy Showtime Blewtte currently. I won't name, names. However, there are 2-3 drivers at Wall Stadium. (Sportsman and Modified division) Who are usually in a wreck just about every week. 

Msg ID: 2784658 Dare I ask Dirtiest Driver???... +0/-0     
Author:Herb Yonkers
6/8/2023 10:56:13 AM

Reply to: 2784603

Rick Shive you heard right

Msg ID: 2784672 Dare I ask Dirtiest Driver???... +0/-0     
Author:elf 30
6/8/2023 3:08:56 PM

Reply to: 2784658
I heard a story one time, 2nd hand so I don't know if it really happened, but it involved Tom Hager going to Frankie Schnieders pit after a heat race and smashing Frankies mirror. Anybody else?

Msg ID: 2784676 Dare I ask Dirtiest Driver???... +0/-0     
6/8/2023 5:02:38 PM

Reply to: 2784672
Tom broke his mirror every piece. Frank went back to the truck & put a brand new one in its place.

Msg ID: 2784706 Dare I ask Dirtiest Driver???... +0/-0     
6/9/2023 4:46:16 AM

Reply to: 2784676
If my memory serves me right.Frankie said I have alot in my yard. He also brake checked him for doing that. It was the Weld Car that weighed a ton. I think Tommy's teeth might have rattled.

Msg ID: 2784702 Dare I ask Dirtiest Driver???... +0/-0     
Author:Howie Cronce
6/8/2023 10:49:26 PM

Reply to: 2784672

Hey Elf - I heard that Mike Grbac did same thing to frankies mirror about mid Naz..

Msg ID: 2784756 Dare I ask Dirtiest Driver???... +0/-0     
Author:elf 30
6/9/2023 2:36:35 PM

Reply to: 2784702

Great stuff! Mike Grbac too huh? I always get a kick out of seeing pics of him, always was smiling at the racetrack.

Msg ID: 2784770 Dare I ask Dirtiest Driver???... +0/-0     
6/9/2023 6:15:56 PM

Reply to: 2784756
Yes sir always smiling and was cool with a 16 yo kid.
