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Msg ID: 2785616 Tuesday Night in Black & White +0/-0     
6/20/2023 1:35:54 PM

Photographer Paul Irving - Provided to The Vault by Paul Irving:

(We posted the last image a little bigger so that you guys could get a better look.)

Comments welcome!

Msg ID: 2785620 Tuesday Night in Black & White +0/-0     
Author:elf 30
6/20/2023 2:41:49 PM

Reply to: 2785616
#1- Harry Behrent #3, #2-A great "on the outside?" shot of Lou Lazzaro.#3? #4- Gary Balough and Brett Hearn.#5- Richie Eurich, Buzzie and Wayne.#6- Jeff Heotzler#17 coupe.

Msg ID: 2785650 Tuesday Night in Black & White +0/-0     
6/20/2023 6:03:23 PM

Reply to: 2785616
Pic1 harry b #3,pic2 lou #4 pic #4 gary b.pic 5 urich buzz is & wayne.

Msg ID: 2785656 Tuesday Night in Black & White +0/-0     
Author:John Mc
6/20/2023 6:39:02 PM

Reply to: 2785650
1st pic is Barry Cone leading Harry Behrent. I believe that's Osmun in the 73, not Balough. Antny?

Msg ID: 2785659 Right John +0/-0     
Author:AF IV
6/20/2023 7:08:40 PM

Reply to: 2785656

Billy O in 73. 1978.

Msg ID: 2785676 Tuesday Night in Black & White +0/-0     
6/20/2023 9:14:59 PM

Reply to: 2785616

I think that's Bob Malzahn in the 77 in the 4th pic.

Msg ID: 2785727 Tuesday Night in Black & White +0/-0     
Author:B Foder
6/21/2023 1:33:17 PM

Reply to: 2785616
Last picture,car7 Don Ronca,97 Don Ackner,31 Gibby Foutian,2H Mert Hulbert,the weld car in back Ed Delmolino,28 Tommy Corellis,car with back to us is the Barrel Head Root Beer car driven by either Kenny Shoemaker,or Billy Pauch.Track Albany Saratoga.

Msg ID: 2785743 Tuesday Night in Black & White +0/-0     
Author:elf 30
6/21/2023 4:20:42 PM

Reply to: 2785727
O.k. I thought they were all from Orange County.Good call!

Msg ID: 2785744 Tuesday Night in Black & White +0/-0     
6/21/2023 4:36:42 PM

Reply to: 2785743

No location provided on photos.  Photographer & Artist Paul Irving took most of his photos at OCFS, but did get out to a few other tracks.  I don't recognize the cars in the bottom photo, so I'll leave it up to you guys to figure it out for me!
