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Msg ID: 2785684 Most Memorable Finish in a Race +0/-0     
6/20/2023 11:17:26 PM

I want to think we all have one.

What is your most memorable finish of a race?  I remember last year, a race at Port Royal where Matt Sheppard flew around the top and took the lead on the final lap.  I am sure there are more out there.

Also, if you have a video link or picture, please try to include it.



Msg ID: 2785695 1981 Dogwood 500 at Martinsville... +0/-0     
Author:Steve Cameron
6/21/2023 7:56:57 AM

Reply to: 2785684

When Richie and Geoff crashed across the finish line.

Msg ID: 2785705 1981 Dogwood 500 at Martinsville... +0/-0     
6/21/2023 9:54:29 AM

Reply to: 2785695
Asphalt: 1964 Old Bridge 100 lap Modified. Wally Dallenbach in Mr Pop's #14 leading 99 3/4 laps only to be passed by Joe Kelly in the XL-1. Dirt: Flemington Memorial Day 1978. Osmun in the Ferraiuolo #73 and Brightbill in the #19 go side by side and back and forth for at least 1/2 of the race. Billy O winning by 1 car length.

Msg ID: 2785724 Whip +0/-0     
6/21/2023 12:57:23 PM

Reply to: 2785705

passing Tas in turns 3 and 4 on the outside in heat race when All Stars were at Flemington (in his own 14--not Meme's).

Msg ID: 2785729 Most Memorable Finish in a Race +0/-0     
6/21/2023 1:55:59 PM

Reply to: 2785684

1976 Daytona 500.

It was the loudest audience participation event I've ever been a part of as everybody was yelling.  I was 15, and was sitting in row 6, about 50' past the start/line.  The finish was made more dramatic by it looking like Richard Petty had enough momentum to spin through the infield, and make it across the finish line for the win, but his car stopped just short of the line, and he couldn't get it fired up right away.  His crew ran out to push him by hand, and while all of us were watching that, here comes Pearson in the Wood Brother's #21 rumbling out of the infield toward the finish line....

Locally, the most "memorable finish" (allthough ironically I can't remember who got the win) was around 1983 or 84 at Flemington, it was either a 50 or 100 lapper, and Larry Kline and Frank Cozze crossed the line in what looked like a deadheat. 

Msg ID: 2785777 Most Memorable Finish in a Race +0/-0     
6/21/2023 7:30:33 PM

Reply to: 2785729

Larry was in the L car and Cozze was in the 44. I believe it was a 100 lapper. They ran the last few laps side by side and crossed the line in a dead heat. Both cars stopped on the front stretch but no one knew who won. Both crews were on the front stretch celebrating but no winner was declared. I believe it was Tuesday morning that Kline was declared the winner after Ace Lane got his photos developed.

Msg ID: 2785731 Most Memorable Finish in a Race +0/-0     
Author:Greg Collins
6/21/2023 2:17:05 PM

Reply to: 2785684

Nazareth, 1975 season opener. Frankie powers under Stan Ploski in turn four on the last lap for the feature win. As a long-time Frankie fan I went absolutely nuts as did the entire grandstand. 

Msg ID: 2785742 Most Memorable Finish in a Race +0/-0     
Author:elf 30
6/21/2023 4:17:27 PM

Reply to: 2785731
August I think 1976. Went to Pocono Puralator 500 Richard Petty won,car #43.Left Pocono, went to Nazareth, Tommy Hager won the modified feature,car#43. Bob "Shelly" Schoeberger won his first sportsman feature, car#43.

Msg ID: 2785833 Most Memorable Finish in a Race +0/-0     
6/22/2023 12:54:56 PM

Reply to: 2785731

Nazareth 1975 season opener for me as well, although for a different reason.  I was a crew member on Stan's #27 that day.  Stood in the 4th turn and watched the move Frankie made for the win.  Still hurts to think about it today.


Msg ID: 2785752 Most Memorable Finish in a Race +0/-0     
Author:B Foder
6/21/2023 5:26:01 PM

Reply to: 2785684

1974 Fonda Spring Fling 100 Rene Charland over, Jimmy Winks, Jack Johnson, and Harry Peek.  Could have thrown a blanket over them.  Bob Pickle's Nazareth win over Johnny Harrol and Mert Hulbert.

Msg ID: 2785757 Most Memorable Finish in a Race +0/-0     
6/21/2023 5:44:30 PM

Reply to: 2785684
Flemington 69 all star race Frankie & Stan going at it for 80 laps.

Msg ID: 2785758 Most Memorable Finish in a Race +0/-0     
Author:Jim Bob
6/21/2023 5:44:36 PM

Reply to: 2785684

Flemington Speedway: Fritz in the Trenton Mack 704 and Ray Bateman in the Active 1 ran many laps side by side. Unfortunately I can't recall who won. 

Msg ID: 2785759 Most Memorable Finish in a Race +0/-0     
6/21/2023 5:46:53 PM

Reply to: 2785758

Hard to beat Ross at Martinsville. Just plain crazy.

Msg ID: 2785790 Most Memorable Finish in a Race +0/-0     
Author:AF IV
6/21/2023 8:43:49 PM

Reply to: 2785759

Wow those are some great finish's. Not much to add except I was lucky to have seen some of them in person. The one with Evens and Bodine was a little scary watching from pit road. Richie was close to going in the stands.

Msg ID: 2785772 Most Memorable Finish in a Race +0/-0     
Author:B Foder
6/21/2023 7:09:38 PM

Reply to: 2785684

Frank Schneider is win over Tigh Scott at Nazerath. One to go caution comes out Schneider pulls along side Scott holds up the one to go signal. Green comes out Schneider gets even with Scott on the back stretch going into turns 3 and 4 Schneider goes around the outside and on for that win.

Msg ID: 2785798 Most Memorable Finish in a Race +0/-0     
Author:Frank A Jr.
6/21/2023 10:28:25 PM

Reply to: 2785684
1988 Thanksgiving Day 410 Sprint Cars at Susky! Awesome. Kenny Jacobs, Kenny Adams, Chris Eash


Msg ID: 2785814 Most Memorable Finish in a Race +0/-0     
6/22/2023 7:31:38 AM

Reply to: 2785798

late 1970s or early 80s gil hearn in shinny new troyer pinto and tommy comerford in a backyard  tri color primer firebrid the last five laps wheel to wheel tommy on the inside gil on the outside. fred burdge had some snot in toms big block that night. tom beat out gil by inches. i will always remember that race i was sitting next to toms father one of the nicest people ive met in racing. 

Msg ID: 2785821 2016 Eastern States 200 +0/-0     
6/22/2023 9:20:43 AM

Reply to: 2785814

Of course a Stewie race. Stew Passed Brett Hearn in 3 and 4 to win. Place went crazy because someone beat Brett.  go to 45 mimute mark.

Msg ID: 2785830 Most Memorable Finish in a Race  +0/-0     
Author:Ronnie G.
6/22/2023 11:45:10 AM

Reply to: 2785821

#1 ) Freddy Adam/Jackie Evans dead heat feature finish at Reading Fairgrounds . Awesome very clean battle between 2 great drivers for about the last 10/15 laps of the race !!

#2 ) Reading Fairgrounds feature finish between Eddie Pratt & Tas & a lapped Larry Voss ( I think ) in the middle . Sparks flying going across the finish line 3 WIDE Smile !! Eddie won in the Herb Vail #7 sedan & Tas second in the Cozze Coach !!

#3 ) Another Reading Fairgrounds feature : Brightbill , Chamberlain , & Gerhart coming down for the checkered with Kenny flipping the Bob Wertz sedan end over end across the finish line . Memory fails as to who won because i think there was also a possible disqualification of Gerhart for some reason but I can not remember details !!

#4 ) Also the Pearson/Petty Daytona 500 . Especially because I was a big David Pearson/Wood Brothers fan


Sorry I could not keep this to one choice . Hope these bring back memories to others !! 

Msg ID: 2785852 Most Memorable Finish in a Race +0/-0     
6/22/2023 5:33:14 PM

Reply to: 2785684

Stan & Frankie my 2 favorite, Stan 1st. The way I remember it,nazareth put clay down & Frankie pulled out old drag rubber & won it on the list lap. Just got my license dad gave me the car, I'm one of the guys watching on the billboard.
