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Msg ID: 2786604 Jim Hurtubise Pocono June 30 1974    
Author:Jack Kromer
6/30/2023 11:13:04 AM

Jim Hurtubise in the Gohr 56 at Pocono, 49 years ago today on June 30, 1974. He finished 24th.
Under the category of learning something new every day, I just read last night that this was Jim's last Indy car race. He attempted to qualify for other Indy car races after this one at Pocono, but failed to qualify for those. Also, this car was restored in its Penske/ Donohue 1972 livery and is in the Indy museum as it originally was the 1972 Indy 500 winning car owned by Penske and driven by Mark Donohue.


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Msg ID: 2786627 Jim Hurtubise Pocono June 30 1974    
Author:elf 30
6/30/2023 3:31:42 PM

Reply to: 2786604
Would this be the same car Donahue won the first Pocono race with too?

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Msg ID: 2786661 Jim Hurtubise Pocono June 30 1974    
7/1/2023 12:21:24 AM

Reply to: 2786627

I am always amazed that cars that won Indy were sold off to other teams . If I owned a winning car I think it would be very difficult for me to sell. 

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Msg ID: 2786668 More Jim Hurtubise at Pocono    
7/1/2023 10:01:58 AM

Reply to: 2786604

Thanks for posting that picture Jack.

I was probably too young to really have watched Herk in his prime, but after reading the story about his determination to return to racing after suffering serious burns to his hands/others, I locked in on him and his story.  Like a lot of you guys, I drew a lot of pictures of race cars in my school note books, instead of school notes... and many of mine had the the #56.

I dug through some open wheel Terry Shaub photos, provided by the late Ed Shaub and found these:

Here's one of Jim at Pocono marked 1971:


Here's one marked 1973:

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Msg ID: 2786673 My day with Herk    
7/1/2023 10:36:30 AM

Reply to: 2786668

Back in the 70s Pat Singer and I were at Syracuse for dirt week. Well Saturday was nothing but rain and things got called for the day. Well we ran into Herk and after a bit of what we going to now we decided to go up to the Glen where the US Grand Prix was running . Soooo Herk says to do you know how to get there? Nope . Well Don follow me. Can you imagine trying to keep up with him through the hills and twists going to the Glen! Let's just say Pat put some fingernail marks in her dash! So we get there in one piece and walk around the pits with Herk and the first person we run into is Mario so we BS with him under the umbrella til he needs to and we go back to strolling the pits and who do we meet next , Linda Vaughan who comes running over to get under the umbrella with Herk, Pat and me. Now think about this 20 something kid standing toe to toe with Linda under this umbrella with Herk just carrying on for about Twenty minutes in the pouring rain. My back got soaked(you can figure out why ) but it was a ride and a rainy day I will always remember for sure.


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Msg ID: 2786675 My day with Herk    
Author:Jack Kromer
7/1/2023 11:14:08 AM

Reply to: 2786673

Wow! Great story!

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Msg ID: 2786689 My day with Herk    
7/1/2023 4:20:12 PM

Reply to: 2786675

well i myself and my dad were huge herk fans - at usac sprint races and anything at langhorne so 1day after he was qualifing for the roc modified race i said to my dad lets go down the street to scrappys auto body [heibers own that hence garys number 56 ] cause thats where jim would hang out - so we did and he stuck his hand out to shake mine and it was deformed from the fire well i must have had agoofy look on my face as i was stairing at his hand - he said its ok i wont hurt you, we both laughed - what a great man and what a great experience i had that day- awsome !

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Msg ID: 2786684 Jim Hurtubise - A few More From 1971    
7/1/2023 2:44:49 PM

Reply to: 2786604

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Msg ID: 2786764 Jim Hurtubise Pocono June 30 1974    
7/2/2023 11:47:10 AM

Reply to: 2786604

Great picture Jack, and like Joe commented, Jim's life story made me a fan as well, even though I was too young to see him race in his prime. Through the years I've collected tons of atricles and pictures of him at Indy and in Sprint and Champ cars.  I even got the opportunity to meet his brother (and chief mechanic on his cars in the mid 60's) Peter, many years ago, and we still talk a couple times a year. He has some great stories from their years on the road.  Bob Gates did an excellent job on his book "Hurtubise" If you can get your hands on it, you wont be disappointed!

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