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Msg ID: 2787735 Who wins? +0/-0     
7/10/2023 1:36:26 PM

Hudson O'neal on the inside in the blue, Bobby Pearce on the outside in the red.  I know many of you know

Msg ID: 2787740 Who wins? +0/-0     
7/10/2023 3:08:21 PM

Reply to: 2787735

Correct me if i am wrong but didn't some guys get busted for having 2 transponders on their cars? One in the front and one in the back for time trials. i don't know who won the race but my call is the car on the inside. Assuming they both had their rear trnsponders activated that is.


Msg ID: 2787741 Who wins? +0/-0     
Author:John Springsteel
7/10/2023 3:14:23 PM

Reply to: 2787740

Lee Petty!

Msg ID: 2787761 Who wins? +0/-0     
7/10/2023 6:57:09 PM

Reply to: 2787741

Actually watched the race and couldn't tell by the camera angle who won. After tech (weighing and droop check) Bobby Pierce (outside car) was declared the winner by .002 of a second. It was said after the race that the scoring loop which is the official finish line is before the flag stand.

Reminded me of the finish of a 100 lapper at Flemington with Kline and Cozze in a dead heat until Ace developed his picturers on Tuesday morning.

Msg ID: 2787969 Who crossed the line first? +0/-0     
7/12/2023 10:12:02 PM

Reply to: 2787761

...and the answer then is, "What line?"

If the "official" scoring loop is not at at the leading edge of the flagstand on a dirt track, or on the leading edge of a stripe painted on the surface of the track on an asphalt track, it'd be nice to know... as a fan... as a competitor, before the event, and definitely before a decision is made.

From the camera angle, which looked pretty much in line with the flagstand, it was definitely close, but I think the #1 crossed the leading edge of the flagstand first.

For those wondering, the race was the final night of a 3 night event at Deer Creek Speedway in MN.  The winner of this particular race got $50k, so it was a big decision for sure.

Msg ID: 2788042 Who crossed the line first? +0/-0     
Author:Rick Shive
7/13/2023 8:02:33 PM

Reply to: 2787969

No race is won these days my who crossed a line first, it's by transponder. One year at the Snydersville rules meeting, the micro stock guys debated for 45 minutes what the location should be.

Msg ID: 2788043 Question re transponders +0/-0     
Author:Greg Collins
7/13/2023 8:15:58 PM

Reply to: 2788042

Is the precise placement of transponders subject to inspection by officials before a car takes to the track as well as after any on-track activity (qualifying, heats, features)?

Msg ID: 2788103 Question re transponders +0/-0     
Author:Rick Shive
7/14/2023 8:32:59 PM

Reply to: 2788043

I believe every class of racecar has a designated spot on the car for transponder. Karts are LR seat mount, sprints are LF radius rod upright. Don't know about modified.

Msg ID: 2788045 Who crossed the line first? +0/-0     
7/13/2023 8:21:53 PM

Reply to: 2788042

Yea, but unless I'm missing something, there has to be a line (or a point) of where the transponder is picked up on the track, and the competitors/fans should know that if it isn't in line with the leading edge of the starter's stand, or stripe on the track (asphalt track).

Otherwise they'd be racing, and we'd all be sitting in the stands and think that so and so won, but then find out that the transponder was tripped 10 feet before the starter... or 10 feet after the starter.... SURPRISE!

Competitors and fans should be told that before the start of the first race of the night.

Go back and watch the race with the #32 and the #1 and see who was leading 10' before, and who was leading 10' after.... or maybe even 1'  before!

Msg ID: 2788062 Who crossed the line first? +0/-0     
7/14/2023 8:51:37 AM

Reply to: 2788045

Eldora Million race they announced the finish line was at the starters stand and were using a stripe and cameras so not to have the situation Deer Creek had. 

