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Msg ID: 2789407 Bloomsburg shut down  +0/-0     
8/1/2023 12:52:22 PM

From the track's web page -

On July 31, 2023, the Judge granted the Town’s Petition, and although we are disappointed with the Court’s decision, racing will halt at this time in compliance with the Court’s Order. The Fair is presently considering its appellate rights in relation to this Order, and will continue to pursue damages against the Town for its losses in relation to this temporary shutdown of racing operations.

The town imposed a noise restriction below 65 decibels. That's worse than what East Windsor had.  

Msg ID: 2789436 Bloomsburg shut down  +0/-0     
8/1/2023 4:31:22 PM

Reply to: 2789407
That sounds like an impossible level to expect.East windsor had a 72 decibel max. Your average ring tone from a cell phone gives off 60 decibels from 15 feet, and 76 from 3 feet. (Just looked that up) seems the township set a ruling they could use against them at any time. Shame of it is that in today's world the squeaky wheel gets catered to always !


Msg ID: 2789465 Bloomsburg shut down  +0/-0     
8/1/2023 8:58:46 PM

Reply to: 2789436

Follow the money.... like Minnesota Fats use to's all about the caaassshhhh.

Msg ID: 2789486 Bloomsburg shut down  +0/-0     
8/2/2023 7:38:00 AM

Reply to: 2789465

Put street legal mufflers on the cars and go race!

Msg ID: 2789487 Bloomsburg shut down  +0/-0     
8/2/2023 7:55:10 AM

Reply to: 2789465

No offense intended Harley fans, but my neighbor's (and most) H-D is well above that dB level.

Msg ID: 2789513 Bloomsburg shut down  +0/-0     
Author:Pee Wee Fan
8/2/2023 2:17:56 PM

Reply to: 2789487

Sounds like East Winsdor all over again.  Windsor had one (1) close neighbor for years until they built ather  development of homes just off the 4th turn.   Didn't take long those folks to complain and take action against their EWS neighbor. regarding noise levels.  I guess it doesn't count if "you were there first", only who has the most voices (and votes and tax rateables).  I never could understand how someone would buy a home that close to a speedway when you were anti-noise.  Maybe its me, I don't get it.  But, I am a race fan. Scott Ely

Msg ID: 2789549 Bloomsburg shut down  +0/-0     
8/2/2023 7:24:46 PM

Reply to: 2789436

Not 100 percent sure, but if I remember right, we had to be 92 db or less at EWS. I not even sure 72 db is even attainable on a crate car or modified. Some one with a lot of power and money is behind this whole deal.

Msg ID: 2789510 Bloomsburg shut down  +0/-0     
Author:B Foder
8/2/2023 1:21:05 PM

Reply to: 2789407
So are most lawn mowers guess the lawns are going to be pretty high in that town.

Msg ID: 2789557 Bloomsburg shut down  +0/-0     
Author:Jim Bob
8/2/2023 9:06:54 PM

Reply to: 2789510

Where were all of these people when the track plans to bring auto racing back to the fairgrounds ? I'm sure there would have been public meetings regarding the renewal of the track after years of no activity. Hell, I remember when I lived down the street from New Egypt Speedway and they wanted to add a kart track on the property. I was interested to get a kart for my son and attended meetings in the municipal building. Never came to furition thanks to all the whiners near the speedway. So, I guess this was all a suprise to the folks that live near the track and didn't have a clue?  Well how was the track rebuilt ? I'm sure it was not a secret that racing was coming back to the fairgrounds and how was the upgrade funded ?

I was fortunate to make it to Bloomsburg to see the USAC sprint cars when it reopended and the people who live across the road where on the roofs of homes to see the races for free.

Msg ID: 2789593 Bloomsburg shut down  +0/-0     
8/3/2023 12:34:40 PM

Reply to: 2789557

Went to the STSS event there a few years ago when it just reopened and driving into town, to the track, I said to myself, no way this could track can make it being in basically in the center of town. Especially a small college town. 


Msg ID: 2789597 Bloomsburg shut down  +0/-0     
8/3/2023 1:38:34 PM

Reply to: 2789407

In all fairness, and before anybody jumps on me, and I miss East Windsor as much as anyone, but they didn't have racing there for a long time.  I bet maybe 50% of the home owners moved in after the track closed down.  They didn't even know about the track.

Msg ID: 2789633 Bloomsburg shut down  +0/-0     
8/3/2023 5:00:04 PM

Reply to: 2789597
You could be right Fred about the 72 or 92 decibel limit. As far as the people buying those houses.....I bet there was never a Friday open house held during the summer !

Msg ID: 2789710 Bloomsburg shut down  +0/-0     
8/4/2023 1:49:52 PM

Reply to: 2789633

Well Port Royal is right in the middle of town,,,they don't seem to ever have any complaints about the noise or dust...just sayin..

Msg ID: 2789747 Bloomsburg shut down  +0/-0     
8/4/2023 8:38:47 PM

Reply to: 2789710

The Mayor of Port Royal races at the track!

Msg ID: 2790328 Bloomsburg shut down  +0/-0     
Author:Howie Cronce
8/9/2023 10:16:21 PM

Reply to: 2789747

In NC the Bowman-Grey 1/4 mile paved flat track was a running track for school.. Its in town of Winston-Salem and owned by the city from what I understand.. Its packed every week and a few track fights with cars and without cars..If they ever tried to close it Im sure the fans would Go Seattle on them...HtH 
