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Msg ID: 2790160 Meet my new driver. Hopefully, someday. +0/-0     
Author:Rick Shive
8/8/2023 10:16:51 PM

On August 1, my daughter Katie and her husband Kolby welcomed our granddaughter Aisley Jade Rutherford into the world, our first grandchild. A few years back, when I was still racing, both of my girls told me that none of their kids would ever race. This past Easter the family was all together, and with Katie expecting I told my Mom that story. My son in law then said "never say never, I expect to see her on a dirt bike someday"! So there's still hope! Especially with the new popular Juice Box class of karts. Electric Radio Flyers, ages 2-5, cute as can be. 

Msg ID: 2790161 Meet my new driver. Hopefully, someday. +0/-0     
Author:Ronnie G.
8/8/2023 10:34:23 PM

Reply to: 2790160

Congratulations , Rick . A real cutie :)  ENJOY !! Because the time goes so quick & you turn around & they are off to college & out in the world !! 

Msg ID: 2790192 Meet my new driver. Hopefully, someday. +0/-0     
8/9/2023 5:20:12 AM

Reply to: 2790161

Congratulations, I'm sure with a grandfather like you, she will be involved in racing.

Msg ID: 2790197 Meet my new driver. Hopefully, someday. +0/-0     
Author:John Mc
8/9/2023 6:37:58 AM

Reply to: 2790160
Grandkids are the best, enjoy!

Msg ID: 2790203 Meet my new driver. Hopefully, someday. +0/-0     
Author:Greg Collins
8/9/2023 7:15:50 AM

Reply to: 2790160

Congrats to you and your family, Rick! As John said, grandkids are the best! Question: will her kart's color be orange and numbered 95?!


Msg ID: 2790327 Greg… +0/-0     
Author:Rick Shive
8/9/2023 9:57:30 PM

Reply to: 2790203

Hopefully blue 62, if Pop Shive is her favorite driver!

Msg ID: 2790438 Rick… +0/-0     
Author:Greg Collins
8/10/2023 8:33:03 PM

Reply to: 2790327

You'd be a proud Pop to be lettering that racer!  Will she be considered, via family connections, as an extended member of the Upper Black Eddy Gang?!

Msg ID: 2790441 Greg, oh yeah! +0/-0     
Author:Rick Shive
8/10/2023 9:03:18 PM

Reply to: 2790438

Upper Black Eddy blood flows through her veins!

Msg ID: 2790205 Meet my new driver. Hopefully, someday. +0/-0     
8/9/2023 8:32:13 AM

Reply to: 2790160

Hey Rick, she already has a racing last name: Rutherford!!

Msg ID: 2790207 Meet my new driver. Hopefully, someday. +0/-0     
8/9/2023 8:34:55 AM

Reply to: 2790160

She already has a racing last name: Rutherford!!

Msg ID: 2790208 Meet my new driver. Hopefully, someday. +0/-0     
8/9/2023 8:36:04 AM

Reply to: 2790207

Congratulations Rick!  Keep her away from race tracks! Only kidding.  Enjoy every minute Gramps!

Msg ID: 2790211 Meet my new driver. Hopefully, someday. +0/-0     
8/9/2023 9:17:25 AM

Reply to: 2790208

AJ Rutherford.... can be anything but a race driver... and cute too , can't miss. congratulations 

Msg ID: 2790326 AJ Rutherford! +0/-0     
Author:Rick Shive
8/9/2023 9:56:23 PM

Reply to: 2790211

Boy, is Grammy gonna hate me calling her that! But sounds like Pop has his own personal nickname for her!

Msg ID: 2790222 Meet my new driver. Hopefully, someday. +0/-0     
8/9/2023 10:25:03 AM

Reply to: 2790160

Congratulations Rick -

May I suggest for bedtime stories that you use your collection of Flemington/other programs? Smile

Great times ahead Rick - Congratulations!

Msg ID: 2790236 Meet my new driver. Hopefully, someday. +0/-0     
8/9/2023 11:18:53 AM

Reply to: 2790160

 a new crewchief in the future , get that shop ready ! 

Msg ID: 2790237 Meet my new driver. Hopefully, someday. +0/-0     
8/9/2023 11:26:00 AM

Reply to: 2790236

Congratulations Rick. A new life chapter beginning.

Msg ID: 2790243 Meet my new driver. Hopefully, someday. +0/-0     
Author:AF IV
8/9/2023 11:53:33 AM

Reply to: 2790236

Congrats to you and your family Rick. Wishing the best for that little girl.

Msg ID: 2790249 Meet my new driver. Hopefully, someday. +0/-0     
8/9/2023 12:33:40 PM

Reply to: 2790243

Congratulations on the newest addition to your family Rick! A few years from now you can teach her to letter, her race car ;>) 

Msg ID: 2790269 Meet my new driver. Hopefully, someday. +0/-0     
Author:elf 30
8/9/2023 3:36:05 PM

Reply to: 2790249
Congratulations, now get to work on that development deal!

Msg ID: 2790288 Meet my new driver. Hopefully, someday. +0/-0     
8/9/2023 5:25:25 PM

Reply to: 2790269

Congratulations! Please pass my best wishes on to Katie.

Msg ID: 2790298 Meet my new driver. Hopefully, someday. +0/-0     
8/9/2023 6:34:42 PM

Reply to: 2790288

Congratulations Grandpop!
