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Msg ID: 2793476 Sad +0/-0     
9/14/2023 9:36:37 PM

Msg ID: 2793508 Sad +0/-0     
Author:Pee Wee Fan
9/15/2023 1:00:42 PM

Reply to: 2793476

Kev-  Sad indeed.  It still irks me to no end about the demise of East Windsor Speedway.  A development is built just off the 4th turn.  Several years later, the track succombs to the constant noise complaints and strick noise regs.  In cases like EWS, its not right as the track was there about 30+ years before the first "4th turn" house was built.  That number would be even bigger if you include the old Hightstown 1/4 asphalt track.  But, it comes down to a numbers game,  the promotor, and maybe a few fans and/or racers, versus the many residents of that development off the 4th turn.  I honestly don't know how Bridgeport hs survived this long given its proximity to I-295 and Philadelphia.  Don't know if its true but I heard years ago that the land where Bridgport is located, as well as the surrounding area, isn't suitable for housing.  Something to do with the water table maybe?  Scott Ely   

Msg ID: 2793565 Sad +0/-0     
9/15/2023 2:11:46 PM

Reply to: 2793476

I always wanted that house in turn 4 at EWS, I figured I could lay in bed and see the races for free.  I've heard rumors about Port Royal residents free or discount tickets, true or not I don't know.  Lincoln has houses along the front, one with a second story deck I'm sure you could see from.  Kyle Reinhardt lives in one of them.

Msg ID: 2793981 Sad +0/-0     
9/18/2023 2:09:13 PM

Reply to: 2793476
This is a sad thing. What makes it worse are places like Nazareth and Harmony township who have laws against using "existing race track properties" as race tracks ever again.


Msg ID: 2797348 Sad +0/-0     
10/30/2023 11:49:09 AM

Reply to: 2793476

sad and $$$ hungary---
