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Msg ID: 2795722 Flemington: (Almost Flippington) - ID Needed +0/-0     
10/7/2023 1:45:09 PM

Nelson Ivins image - Provided to The Vault by Nelson Ivins and Bobby Pickell Jr:

Looks like good friend of The Vault Nandi Palmai going by on the inside in the #V2.  Looking for an ID for the #22 from this early 80's Flemington action sequence.

Msg ID: 2795723 Flemington: (Almost Flippington) - ID Needed +0/-0     
10/7/2023 1:50:06 PM

Reply to: 2795722

Looks like it was pretty cold that day the way the crowd is dressed. I'm pretty sure this car was the 2+2. But I might be wrong. 


Msg ID: 2795725 Flemington: (Almost Flippington) - ID Needed +0/-0     
10/7/2023 1:58:21 PM

Reply to: 2795722
Can't answer the ? but looks like a cold day. A lot of tracks would be happy to have that turn out on a nice day now. I could be there liked sitting there.

Msg ID: 2795744 Flemington: (Almost Flippington) - ID Needed +0/-0     
Author:Mark Flamisch
10/7/2023 8:47:08 PM

Reply to: 2795722

Bob Tichenor in the rookie race on April 9, 1983. (Opening Night of that season).  Only the rookie feature got in that night, before rain wiped out the other features after the heats.

There is one picture of this incident in the program that covers this event.  (I honestly can't say I remember this car/driver without looking it up!)

Found it in "Modified Country" Vol. 4, #2.

Msg ID: 2795749 Flemington: (Almost Flippington) - ID Needed +0/-0     
10/7/2023 9:44:49 PM

Reply to: 2795744

Great detective work Mark!

