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Msg ID: 2796166 Flippington: Danny Barker #V8 +0/-0     
10/15/2023 1:51:07 PM

Photos by Nelson Ivins.  Provided by Bobby Pickell Jr and Nelson Ivins:

Danny Barker rides out a rough one, up and over the 3rd turn fence at Flemington.


Msg ID: 2796193 Flippington: Danny Barker #V8 +0/-0     
10/15/2023 10:16:15 PM

Reply to: 2796166

Ray Huntly is the car #H car that Barker gets tangled up with. In one photo you can see the fuel cell flying through the air. 

Trying to avoid the wreck is Doug Pagett #39, Mark Fusco, Don Menzel and Fred Orchard. 

The fans seem to be unnerved by it all. Just another Flemington flip. 

 - David

Msg ID: 2796259 Flippington: Danny Barker #V8 +0/-0     
Author:Howie Cronce
10/16/2023 11:41:40 PM

Reply to: 2796193

Danny was testing one of our Burnett chassis...That one didnt buff out to well...Glad he was ok...I was there and saw most of that wreck...It went on forever...HtH
