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Msg ID: 2796879 couplea' things +0/-0     
10/24/2023 9:41:43 PM

 Went to Fremont for a rain out make up race tonight. Around here street stocks and trucks are popular support divisions. So they threw the several rule books in blender and came up with a package end of the year series, so everyone can run.  Well they were all fairly equal, and with all the banging and beating one can assume everyone has new cars on order for next season.

 But prior to the event, they passed out 8x10 chekered flads and people in the stands stood at the front stretch wall, those in the pits on the inside straightaway.  Then the hurst carring Art Ball's body made a lap. He passed the other day. You probably never heard of Art. He ran a street stock for 50+ years, he ran up front and won 300+ features, and did it without traving all over, he stayed close to home. His blue 01 cars weren't pretty, but they ran good. I was there when Art one a feature on his 75 birthday, and that was 10 years ago. Ya know it ain't the big names that make racing so special, it's guys like Art Ball.


Msg ID: 2796899 couplea' things +0/-0     
Author:John Springsteel
10/25/2023 9:49:49 AM

Reply to: 2796879

That's what it's all about, local hero's.

When I was a little kid, I thought everyone knew who Parker Bohn was. 

Msg ID: 2797536 GENE SS +0/-0     
10/31/2023 11:57:32 AM

Reply to: 2796879




Msg ID: 2797586 couple'a things +0/-0     
10/31/2023 6:28:29 PM

Reply to: 2796879

I respect those that were able to win features and championships, but I also respect those that did what they could to be part of the show.  Often, the guys I rooted for didn't always qualify for the feature, but when they did, it was a good night...  And if they finished in the top 10, it was a great night.

Sometimes the spotlight is brighter when it is a bigger stage, but as Gene said, it was the guys that supported my favorite local tracks like Flemington and East Windsor that made racing special.
