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Msg ID: 2796894 Nazareth Photos 1964. +0/-0     
10/25/2023 9:13:07 AM

Here are some photo's provided by Ralph Banghart.The first one of the #555 is Bobby Bottcher,,car $14 Del Bitting.The #8 is of Freddy Adam.The inspectors did not like the way Freddy lowered the cowl.They made Freddy fix it.Freddy did so with a piece of tin across the windshield opening.With Freddy's displeasure  he put on it " Satisfaction for cry babies ".I have the photos.


Msg ID: 2797368 Nazareth Photos 1964. +0/-0     
Author:Frank A Jr.
10/30/2023 1:17:01 PM

Reply to: 2796894

Like those pics.
was not until Nov. of 1964 that I appeared!!
