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Msg ID: 2799559 AARN renewal  +0/-0     
Author:Uncle Tom1
11/23/2023 10:29:54 AM

Hoping one of you fine people might be able to help me out. I thought that I had read or heard that there is a digital only subscription for "the paper". I can't seem to find it on their website. I'm lucky if I get the paper by Sunday, if I get it at all ! For decades, I would get it on Wednesdays like clockwork. 5-6 years ago delivery became sporadic . To be brutally honest, it's simply not worth $70/year anymore TO ME. I enjoy the product and find it on informative and entertaining when I get it in a timely manner. Its rather useless by the time I get it as all the information is old news. I can only contact our post office so many times to find absolutely nothing out. Would love to have a digital only subscription.

Msg ID: 2799567 AARN renewal  +0/-0     
11/23/2023 11:38:28 AM

Reply to: 2799559

I think around Christmas time they put out a digital only, one year deal for like $25. 

Msg ID: 2799568 AARN renewal  +0/-0     
Author:Steve Cameron
11/23/2023 11:39:29 AM

Reply to: 2799559

I don't think they offer a digital only subscription. Looking at the front page online, it lists the price for a print+ digital subscription for $69.99. 


Msg ID: 2799569 AARN renewal  +0/-0     
11/23/2023 11:41:38 AM

Reply to: 2799568

Steve, Turkey derby this year?

Msg ID: 2799571 AARN renewal  +0/-0     
Author:Steve Cameron
11/23/2023 11:56:11 AM

Reply to: 2799569

I'd love to Kev, but I'm too old to sit out in the cold while they drag the show out after the sun goes down...LOL! I will be watching on TV though. $40 for all three days is a pretty good deal! I was looking for you last Saturday during practice but didn't see you. I did get to chat with Ray Shea briefly though.

Msg ID: 2799577 AARN renewal  +0/-0     
11/23/2023 12:46:41 PM

Reply to: 2799571

I've said it for years, open the windows in the tower and turn off the heat and the show would be run much quicker.  I guess they never see the crowd leaving when the sun goes down and the main race had not started yet.  Yes, the schedules are set up to do it again! Saturday morning is about two hours of time trials. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!

Msg ID: 2799578 AARN renewal  +0/-0     
Author:Greg Collins
11/23/2023 12:46:43 PM

Reply to: 2799559

Per ad in paper, digital only is $39 per year.

Msg ID: 2799581 AARN renewal  +0/-0     
Author:Uncle Tom1
11/23/2023 12:56:55 PM

Reply to: 2799578

Thanks Greg....will look for that info when I get my paper this week, or next week, or the week after that.

Msg ID: 2799583 AARN Renewal Form +0/-0     
11/23/2023 1:41:54 PM

Reply to: 2799581

As Greg mentioned, here's from this week's paper:
