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Msg ID: 2800307 This weeks edition of Lenny's Tire +0/-0     
Author:Lenny Swider
12/1/2023 6:00:49 PM

Well Guys, it's been fun. But I've reached the end. I'm going to try and get a few more drivers next year. Thanks for tagging along.

Ray Shea  (Former Driver)


Jimmy Brenn ( Former Driver)

Butch Pletcher ( Former Driver)


Frank Filacomo ( Former driver)


Gary Mondschein ( Former Driver)


Bob Foder ( Former Driver)


John Micek ( Current Driver)


Bill Nuver ( Former Photographer) Area Auto Racing News


Rob Pickering ( Former Driver)

Jim Rossell ( Former Driver)

Charlie Massey ( Former Driver- URC)

Wayne Lavcious ( Former Driver)

Lenny Sammons ( Editor and owner of Area Auto Racing News.

Karl Freyer ( Former Driver)

Msg ID: 2800309 This weeks edition of Lenny's Tire +0/-0     
Author:AF IV
12/1/2023 6:26:44 PM

Reply to: 2800307

Always enjoyed it Lenny, thanks.


Msg ID: 2800313 This weeks edition of Lenny's Tire +0/-0     
12/1/2023 6:44:31 PM

Reply to: 2800307

THANK YOU ! !!!!     LENNY

Msg ID: 2800317 This weeks edition of Lenny's Tire +0/-0     
12/1/2023 7:01:08 PM

Reply to: 2800313

Thanks for the memories Lenny!

Msg ID: 2800323 This weeks edition of Lenny's Tire +0/-0     
12/1/2023 7:57:33 PM

Reply to: 2800317

Enjoyed it Lenny!


Msg ID: 2800324 This weeks edition of Lenny's Tire +0/-0     
12/1/2023 8:38:24 PM

Reply to: 2800323

Thank you Len!   Some really great people there. Ray Shea, one of the best. He's the glue that holds one of the best vintage clubs in the country together.  Len Sammons, amazing how long and how successful Area Auto Racing News has been.  Think of all that are gone and they are still standing. 

Msg ID: 2800325 This weeks edition of Lenny's Tire +0/-0     
12/1/2023 9:07:18 PM

Reply to: 2800307

Looked forward to it every week! Thanks Lenny!

Msg ID: 2800331 This weeks edition of Lenny's Tire +0/-0     
Author:Greg Collins
12/1/2023 9:48:29 PM

Reply to: 2800307

Many thanks for collecting and sharing these memories, Lenny.

Msg ID: 2800354 This weeks edition of Lenny's Tire +0/-0     
12/2/2023 10:17:52 AM

Reply to: 2800331

Always cool to see this many names do you think you have on that old tire Lenny?

Msg ID: 2800364 This weeks edition of Lenny's Tire +0/-0     
12/2/2023 12:32:59 PM

Reply to: 2800354

Thank you for sharing all those photos Lenny! 

Msg ID: 2800365 This weeks edition of Lenny's Tire +0/-0     
Author:Pee Wee Fan
12/2/2023 12:46:17 PM

Reply to: 2800364

Lenny-  I've never been one to seek out an autograph BUT, you have compiled a who's who of local dirt/ asphalt drivers, owners, and folks tht have impacted our speed.  Your tire is, by far the best "autograph book" I have ever laid eyes on!  I'm guessing the only down side is keeping it on the coffee table.  Heck, it could be the coffee table!  Scott Ely 

Msg ID: 2800369 This weeks edition of Lenny's Tire +0/-0     
12/2/2023 1:13:38 PM

Reply to: 2800307
Thanks Lenny,you do a great job getting everyone out there,your keeping a record of our memories.

Msg ID: 2800609 This weeks edition of Lenny's Tire +0/-0     
12/5/2023 4:58:09 PM

Reply to: 2800307

Big thanks to Lenny for all the legwork in carrying that tire to all the different venues to really capture a real slice of history, in signatures, but also in the images that go along with each. 

I appreciate Lenny sharing all of the info so that we could set up a page in the main site, and for sharing additional images here on the Message Vault over the past year or so.

For those who hadn't found it yet, here's the recap page:

(Lenny - let me know if I missed any - Thanks.)

Msg ID: 2800846 This weeks edition of Lenny's Tire +0/-0     
Author:Howie Cronce
12/8/2023 10:49:32 PM

Reply to: 2800609

We need Lenny to start a new tire for us ...There is alot of new younger drivers that we dont know yet..Maybe a Hoosier RR pavement sprint/supermod tire...Alot lighter and more area to write on..Lennys getting older and the lighter tire will help...Ha Ha..

Msg ID: 2800878 This weeks edition of Lenny's Tire +0/-0     
Author:Lenny Swider
12/9/2023 12:40:27 PM

Reply to: 2800846

You're a funny guy there Howie. I'm done, no new tire. But there's a few people I still need to get. I'd like to get Coz ( Bob Cosgrove) Scottie Kania. That will about finish up the lettering greats.  I noticed that Danny Klockner signed it, but I don't have a picture of him. Some fun facts about the tire, There are 3 women on it. I totaled up the total number of wins for the Syracuse Big block winners and came up with 32 wins from 13 different drivers plus Billy Pauch's WOO sprint car. I also totaled up the wins from the Eastern States at Middletown and came up with 38 wins between 16 drivers. One not so fun fact is that we have lost 31 of these folks that I know of. 

Msg ID: 2800993 This weeks edition of Lenny's Tire +0/-0     
Author:Howie Cronce
12/10/2023 5:13:13 PM

Reply to: 2800878

That is one Highly Prized Collectible you have there...Do you have a will yet??   
