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Msg ID: 2800986 Flippington - Sprint - ID Needed +0/-0     
12/10/2023 3:44:47 PM

Note: I'm not 100% sure that the 2nd photo from the top is part of this same sequence/same car, as the negatives received were in small strips/might not be in the correct order as scanned.  I figure you guys and figure it out for us.

There seems to be too much RR tire left in the bottom few pictures for it to be the same car.... (?)  Also, the car in most of the pictures has unique header turnouts, and there not really that clear in the 2nd from the top image.

Images by Nelson Ivins - Provided to The Vault by Nelson Ivins and Bobby Pickell Jr:

Comments welcome.

Msg ID: 2800987 Flippington - Sprint - ID Needed +0/-0     
Author:John Mc
12/10/2023 4:00:39 PM

Reply to: 2800986
Are you sure that's Flemington?

Msg ID: 2800989 Flippington - Sprint - ID Needed +0/-0     
12/10/2023 4:06:07 PM

Reply to: 2800987


45+ year old negatives.  Nothing marked.

Could be anywhere.. and anyone.

Msg ID: 2801001 Flippington - Sprint - ID Needed +0/-0     
Author:Rick Shive
12/10/2023 8:32:29 PM

Reply to: 2800989

I'm not convinced that's Flemington. No idea of drivers.

Msg ID: 2801005 Maybe a Clue.... +0/-0     
12/10/2023 9:31:00 PM

Reply to: 2800986

Here's two more that were most likely in the same batch of negatives that were scanned/coverted to digital as the images posted above.  (Maybe the same track as above?)

There's more background here, so maybe it's a clue to what track or tracks it is?  Like I said - nothing is marked, so it's up to you guys to help solve....

Msg ID: 2801006 Maybe a Clue.... +0/-0     
Author:Rick Shive
12/10/2023 10:36:11 PM

Reply to: 2801005

Now that's Flemington. 7 is Leroy Felty, still don't know flipper.

Msg ID: 2801013 Maybe a Clue.... +0/-0     
12/11/2023 8:32:33 AM

Reply to: 2801006

By the scrapes on the belly pan, it is the same car.  That's a hard hit!!!

Msg ID: 2801053 Question for Rick +0/-0     
12/11/2023 2:53:27 PM

Reply to: 2801006

Are you saying that the just the picture with Leroy Felty in the #7 is Flemington, or are you saying that both, the picture with Leroy Felty, and the picture of the #5 upside down with the tent in the background is also Flemington?

Msg ID: 2801070 Question for Rick +0/-0     
Author:Rick Shive
12/11/2023 5:40:10 PM

Reply to: 2801053

I initially thought this was the same crash, but it's not. So for sure the picture with Felty is Flemington, but I don't think the other is. If it's Flemington, I can't figure out what the people in background are sitting on.

Msg ID: 2801073 Question for Rick +0/-0     
12/11/2023 5:49:46 PM

Reply to: 2801070
Rick think its Flemington turn 3 low bleachers before they put in the high bleachers.

Msg ID: 2801039 Maybe a Clue.... +0/-0     
12/11/2023 12:02:30 PM

Reply to: 2801005

Back stretch Flemington during fair week !

Msg ID: 2801048 Flippington - Sprint - ID Needed +0/-0     
12/11/2023 1:38:36 PM

Reply to: 2800986

Looks like Flemingtons 3rd turn before the bleachers were put in. You could  back your vehicle up to the fence, same people parked in the same spot every week

Msg ID: 2801052 So... Two Questions: +0/-0     
12/11/2023 2:49:02 PM

Reply to: 2800986

Question #1:  Do you guys who are participating in the thread think that the picture of the #44 (in the lead in post of this thread) is definitely the same car in the other pictures, and belongs in this sequence?  As mentioned, I'm not really sure as most of the time I have to take individual images and try to figure out which ones below with which...and in what order.

Question #2:  Do you guys think that the pictures of the car in the lead in post to this thread (#44/car on it's side) is from Flemington?

Here's a few more images from the same photographer/possibly around the same time period that are from Flemington, that may or may not help with figuring out the location.

Here's two pictures from the above thread:

...and here's a few from the same photographer:

Msg ID: 2801058 So... Two Questions: +0/-0     
12/11/2023 3:36:33 PM

Reply to: 2801052

Same car

Msg ID: 2801065 So... Two Questions: +0/-0     
12/11/2023 4:09:43 PM

Reply to: 2801058

.... but the question is, is it the same car as the #44 (where you can't see the belly pan?) Undecided

Msg ID: 2801071 So... Two Questions: +0/-0     
Author:Roger Laureno
12/11/2023 5:41:54 PM

Reply to: 2801065

There are 2 things that make me think the # 44 is not the same car as the flipping car in the other photos.

I don't see the big exhaust turn outs on the end of the headers

The triangle design on top of the wing of the 44 is different from the other car 

Msg ID: 2801072 So... Two Questions: +0/-0     
Author:Roger Laureno
12/11/2023 5:47:10 PM

Reply to: 2801071

nevermind   there is no shot of the top of the wing in the other pics.

Ken Reebe's 45 ( maybe Ollie Butler driving) tangles with Freddy D

Msg ID: 2801059 So... Two Questions: +0/-0     
12/11/2023 3:38:55 PM

Reply to: 2801052

Pics 2-7 same building in back, 1st ???

Msg ID: 2801084 Flippington--catch fence  +0/-0     
Author:Jack Kromer
12/11/2023 9:45:42 PM

Reply to: 2800986


That's the Flemington pole-with-angle-iron-triangle style catch fence there in that first pic.

Msg ID: 2801095 Flippington--catch fence  +0/-0     
Author:Rick Shive
12/12/2023 8:23:09 AM

Reply to: 2801084

Looks like it is! Different angles really throws things off.

Msg ID: 2801103 So... I think we're down to one question: +0/-0     
12/12/2023 11:23:14 AM

Reply to: 2800986

If we're pretty sure that this is the 3rd turn at Flemington before they put in the bleachers (by the way, thank you to EVERYONE that responded!), then the question that still remains is, is the car in all 3 images below the same car/same incident?

Like I said, the negatives are not numbered/sequenced, so just trying to put the images in the correct place, and correct order, as it happened 45+ years ago!

Msg ID: 2801114 So... I think we're down to one question: +0/-0     
12/12/2023 12:57:41 PM

Reply to: 2801103

I would say they are all from the same wreck.  In the middle picture, the back wheel has most of the rim exposed, and the one front wheel is ripped from the car. In the bottom picture, you can see the front wheel is missing in the photo and the back wheel has the tire still attached. However, it looks like a big chunk of the rubber is ripped from the wheel, behind the back of the car.  

Msg ID: 2801115 So... I think we're down to one question: +0/-0     
12/12/2023 1:25:17 PM

Reply to: 2801114

Also,  check the left side nerf bar.  Looks the same.

Msg ID: 2801116 So... I think we're down to one question: +0/-0     
12/12/2023 1:39:00 PM

Reply to: 2801114

If it's not the same wreck, I hope this guy quit racing after the second!

Msg ID: 2801168 ID answers  +0/-0     
Author:Rick Shive
12/13/2023 6:06:19 PM

Reply to: 2800986

First off, the two sets of pictures are two different crashes. The 44 is either Eddie Apple, or Bill Heywood. Both were before my time with URC, and each answer came from reliable sources. 
The number 5 flipping in the other set of pictures is Monty Wernett, and that answer came from Monty himself. And the number 7 is Len Seroka, not Leroy Felty. Easy confusion because both Leroy and Len each used an open face helmet into the early eighties, as well as using numbe 7. 

Msg ID: 2801173 ID answers  +0/-0     
12/13/2023 7:51:02 PM

Reply to: 2801168


Is the car laying on its side with the driver crawling out the #44 of Eddie Apple?



Msg ID: 2801179 ID answers  +0/-0     
Author:Rick Shive
12/13/2023 9:19:09 PM

Reply to: 2801173

Yes, either Apple or Heywood, depending on who was right.

Msg ID: 2801197 ID answers  +0/-0     
12/14/2023 12:11:57 PM

Reply to: 2801179

Thanks Rick - I'll label it as "Flemington" and will put both drivers names as possibilities.
