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Msg ID: 2801222 The Big Picture....    
12/15/2023 10:57:08 AM

Not sure if we ever featured this one before (I had it cued up from 2021..., but not sure if I ever posted it.)  Either way, it was so long ago, some might have missed it if it was posted earlier:

As you guys who have been around for a while, when it comes to "The Big Picture", we leave the image a little on the larger size compared to usual, so that you guys can get a better look:

Msg ID: 2801225 The Big Picture....    
12/15/2023 11:50:45 AM

Reply to: 2801222

I'm thinkig Labor Day aftertoon, big race. Leaves still on the trees. To many outsiders for a regular Saturday night (Schneider, Kniesel,Lazzaro). Plus to many big names on the track for it to be a heat race.

Msg ID: 2801232 The Big Picture....    
12/15/2023 2:34:03 PM

Reply to: 2801225

Looks like Schneider is getting away with a flat left rear.


Msg ID: 2801236 The Big Picture....    
12/15/2023 3:51:54 PM

Reply to: 2801232

I think that is from the Flemington 200 when they used to hold it on Labor Day. How many times did the #121 get crossed up? That's a rare occasion  IMHO

Msg ID: 2801242 The Big Picture....    
Author:John Mc
12/15/2023 6:12:21 PM

Reply to: 2801236

The 200 was run either in October right after Syracuse or on Memorial Day.

Msg ID: 2801241 The Big Picture....    
Author:John Mc
12/15/2023 6:11:09 PM

Reply to: 2801225
Labor Day modified race during the fair was at night. They ran a support division during the day, URC, SMRC, AMSRA, etc.

Msg ID: 2801332 The Big Picture....    
Author:Bubble Goggles
12/17/2023 1:31:34 PM

Reply to: 2801222

If that Pauch in the 121 it probably 1980 I think he won the 200 Memorial Day

Msg ID: 2801664 The Big Picture....    
Author:frank rizzo
12/24/2023 4:24:33 PM

Reply to: 2801222
I'm thinking this is 1978,Memorial Day 200.
