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Msg ID: 2811547 I don't usually do this but, +0/-0     
Author:AF IV
4/9/2024 3:34:07 PM

It's been four years today since my father left us. While we do miss him plenty we are always amazed by his legacy that follows Larry and I. Tony lived life on the high wire. He had many interests but only one passion. That was auto racing. He considered many on this message board his friends but even if he didn't know you he was always glad to talk Dirt Racing. He left his mark and we're proud of it. Thanks Lenny Swider for this great picture of us.

Msg ID: 2811557 I don't usually do this but, +0/-0     
4/9/2024 5:23:46 PM

Reply to: 2811547

The Boss Big Moe

Msg ID: 2811562 I don't usually do this but, +0/-0     
Author:John Mc
4/9/2024 5:53:20 PM

Reply to: 2811547

Anthony, he liked racing so much he used to show up at Devils Grove on Friday nights just to hang out with everyone and watch the go-karts.

 Quick story...went with our own 3w Joe to the Country Griddle in Flemington one night for some dinner after an FSHS meeting. I said Joe, that's Tony Ferraiuolo sitting over there. When we finished our meal we walked over to say hello...I bet if the restaurant wasn't getting ready to close we would have sat there talking racing for quite some time. Great guy.

 One more thing dad wanted to drive one of those coupes at Harmony in the worst way, lol. Shoulda, coulda, woulda...

Msg ID: 2811563 I don't usually do this but, +0/-0     
4/9/2024 6:18:12 PM

Reply to: 2811547

Wish my father had that passion, his was using my brother and me for a punching bag ! Nice looking Ford back there!!

Msg ID: 2811565 I don't usually do this but, +0/-0     
4/9/2024 6:33:54 PM

Reply to: 2811563

The Hawk is still my favorite mod ever built. Wish I still had the Whip Mulligan sweatshirt from the guy at Reading.  Great memories.

Msg ID: 2811568 I don't usually do this but, +0/-0     
4/9/2024 6:54:00 PM

Reply to: 2811547

There's not a lot of perks running a racing website, but by far the best thing about it is somehow it put me in a position to meet the Mt. Rushmore folks of the short track racing world....  By that I mean, the drivers and owners that my dad and I would sit up in the stands and watch their efforts, week after week... and then read about them in that week's AARN...  I don't know if it is possible to explain (for lack of a better term) the "wow factor" that the drivers and owners from back in the 60's & 70's had on my father and I.  Maybe a better term would be the "respect factor."

That's why I am always amazed to get to meet the drivers and owners like Mr. Ferraiuolo, and then to get to say hello again at different events.  It's hard to explain, but I'm still that 13 year old kid sitting up under the Section 3-4 sign in the first turn stands at Flemington, and I feel it more than ever when talking to someone like Mr. Ferraiuolo.  I hope to never lose that.

In addition to story that John Mc relayed in a post above, there were other events where I was fortunate to see Mr. Ferraiuolo (Warren Twsp Car Show, Legends Event at New Egypt, etc.,) and would always have some new question to ask him about his #73 racecars from the various years, or a question about his drivers.

Tony Ferraiuolo (seated in chair on right) talking racing at one of the 2011 Legends Night at New Egypt Speedway

I knew he liked talking about the cars and drivers of our favorite days of racing, so it was always a great exchange and something you always looked forward to the next time around.

I'm sure it is a sad day for you and Larry, but thank you AFIV for giving folks like us a chance to remember your dad, and the good times that come with those memories.

Msg ID: 2811575 Thanks  +0/-0     
Author:AF IV
4/9/2024 8:16:43 PM

Reply to: 2811568

Thanks for the nice words and stories about Dad (big Moe to some). It's nice to hear the stories because it brings back some of my own. He was sometimes a little hard to get to know when at the track because he he was very much there for one reason. It was after his car owning career ended that people saw the real guy. Him and my Uncle Ronny built the Excavating business and then the race team.  John, they became such friends at the Store (you know where) and I wonder if they ever discussed it?

Thanks again.


Msg ID: 2811595 I don't usually do this but, +0/-0     
Author:Rick Shive
4/10/2024 5:34:53 AM

Reply to: 2811568

Passion is what this is all about! Quite a legacy he established for your family.

Msg ID: 2811605 I don't usually do this but, +0/-0     
4/10/2024 8:25:42 AM

Reply to: 2811595

I too, met your dad at the Warren Car Show 15 or so years ago.  Ken Brenn introduced us and I was racing at Wall at the time and was impressed what he knew about Wall and of course who he knew from Wall.  Asked me all about my car and how I was doing. Asked about Gil of course. That winter was the GSVSCC induction of your Dad in 2011. ( I remember the year, as I relate it to the 2010 Eastern States 200 with Stew on the roof and Suitcase's call, and Suitcase was with you guys at the banquet, a little torture from me of course!) and your Dad called me over and said "Kevin" how did you do at Wall last year?  I was blown away how he remembered me and our conversation!  It may seem wierd, but it meant a lot to me. You Dad had that large presence.

Maybe 2014, your Dad came to Big Diamond and came by Stew's car and called me away from the car to talk. Why I say this is, because Stew was blown away that I knew your Dad, hence an introduction. Stew has mentioned to the guys many times, Eyres knows Tony Ferraiuolo,  which is a big deal !

Thanks AF IV

Msg ID: 2811619 I don't usually do this but, +0/-0     
Author:Lenny Swider
4/10/2024 10:01:15 AM

Reply to: 2811605

I can't believe it's been four years already. I'm so proud to have met your dad and you and Larry also. You guys were always the bad guys when you came to Flemington. Probably more because of Gary. Through Nostalgia Night at Middletown and other car shows and at the races of course I got to know you guys and found that you guys were the nicest people. ( Gary Too, lol). This is still my favorite picture of your dad and Ken Brenn.

Msg ID: 2811668 Great to hear +0/-0     
Author:AF IV
4/10/2024 5:22:14 PM

Reply to: 2811619

It's great to hear the interactions some of you had with him. I can picture all of those stories to be so true. As I said he ended up really enjoying the different car shows and events he attended after the pressure of racing ended. Heres something most don't know about my father. Although he became a successful car owner in his own right he really admired the owners who made their mark before him. I don't want to mention names for fear I will leave someone out but you all know who the car owners are that sit atop of the history of Dirt Modified racing. Being a part of that group is what he was really proud of.
