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Msg ID: 2812252 A little help from 3Wide crew?    
4/19/2024 3:52:40 PM

I know that the guys on here have a wealth of information and are usually willing to share. 

For Christmas this year my girlfriend got us tickets to the Indy 500.  Starting Friday May 24, we are camping at a site a little over an hour from the Speedway.  We have heard many stories about parking for the race. 

I would like to:

  1. Have some idea of what time we need to leave on race day
  2. Whether we should pursue tickets in a Speedway lot, or chance parking at someone's private parking
  3. What we should expect to pay. 

We did try to join a group from the Speedway, but right away those people were insulted about us asking the same question as hundreds of other people have asked in the past. 

I would appreciate any sincere advice from you guys. 

Thank you!


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Msg ID: 2812253 A little help from 3Wide crew?    
Author:Kevin Mc
4/19/2024 4:45:36 PM

Reply to: 2812252

I stayed on N. Auburn for years. You could see the Pagoda from my late friends deck. 2023 will be our last year there but I think they were charging $40 to park there last year.  Good safe neighborhood. My wife and I parked cars for the guy across the street earlier that weekend while he was away for an hour.  He let us keep what we made.

The saying on Race Day there is, "If you leave at 9am you'll miss the start."

I cannot comment much on any parking lots as we always arrive on Thursday and leave on Monday morning. The whole neighborhood where we stayed was gridlock for a couple hours after the race every year. I will say it's a breeze getting out one day after the race lol.

Go to  and set up a screen name. It is an Indy-centric message board.  Ask any questions you have there. I've been on there over 20 years and everyone is happy to share knowledge.

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Msg ID: 2812283 A little help from 3Wide crew?    
4/19/2024 9:10:43 PM

Reply to: 2812253
Thank you Kevin, we appreciate the advice! We were planning on leaving the campgrounds around 6, so we were right with that. I've always been a dirt short track follower, so I am not used to large events. The unknown of yard parking and how close do I try to get before I just say "this is it"is not something I'm looking forward to. 🤔 I figured it would be a huge cluster after the race, so I won't be planning on hurrying out.

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Msg ID: 2812292 A little help from 3Wide crew?    
Author:Kevin Mc
4/19/2024 11:03:56 PM

Reply to: 2812283
Where will you be staying? Where will you be sitting? If it was me I'd pick a departure time and leave an hour before you think you need to leave. I'd rather sit in a parking lot or someone's yard an extra hour than be sitting a mile from the track 30 minutes before green.

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Msg ID: 2812296 A little help from 3Wide crew?    
4/20/2024 8:18:06 AM

Reply to: 2812292

We are staying at Brown County State Park, which on a normal day is supposed to be a little over an hour away from Speedway.  Our seats are in the North East Vista Turn 3.

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Msg ID: 2812308 A little help from 3Wide crew?    
Author:Kevin Mc
4/20/2024 12:34:45 PM

Reply to: 2812296
We are also sitting in turn 3. North East Vista. Great seats. Our third consecutive year in turn 3. With that being said you need to find a parking place north of Crawfordsville Rd. The neighborhood I mentioned previously would be alright. It's a bit of a walk, but you're gonna be walking no matter where you park. Look up Speedway High School on Lyndhurst Dr. That could be a good place to aim for. It's directly west of the where we stayed on N. Auburn from 2011 to 2023. That park you're staying at is near Bloomington which will have any store you may need. Bloomington Speedway runs on Friday night that week. Little 500 is a good show but it will be a long drive back to where you're staying considering what time you'll need to wake up on Sunday. I would leave no later than 5:30am on race day. But that's me. Pack some bagels, folding chairs and make a nice morning out of it wherever you park. If you're going to be around the track every day that weekend a visit to Charlie Browns on Main St in Speedway is mandatory. Great food, great atmosphere. The walls are a museum of Indy 500 history. Get the breaded tenderloin sandwich.

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Msg ID: 2812285 A little help from 3Wide crew?    
4/19/2024 9:38:14 PM

Reply to: 2812252

2 years ago was our first visit.  Stayed about 30 minutes away on a normal day.  Left arond 630AM and took at least 3 hours in traffic to get there & park.  We had purchased parking on the grounds.  What I noticed nearing the track that prices range from about $25 to a $100.  The closer you get to the track, the more it costs.  Not sure shat advice to give there.  Depends how far you want to walk.  

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Msg ID: 2812297 A little help from 3Wide crew?    
4/20/2024 8:24:50 AM

Reply to: 2812285

Thanks, Katman!  Our Campground is about an hour away on an average day.  This is the part that scares me.  I was hoping that after all of these years, that they had the parking down to a science.  I guess for the seasoned veterans it's nothing, but as I stated before I'm used to PA NJ NY short track dirt racing.

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Msg ID: 2812299 A little help from 3Wide crew?    
4/20/2024 9:14:14 AM

Reply to: 2812297

Just north of Indy is Anderson In., Saturday night they run the "Lil 500". 33 non wing sprint cars on a high bank 1/4 mile asphalt track for 500 laps. Not a bad seat in the house and ya gotta see it to believe it.

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Msg ID: 2812305 A little help from 3Wide crew?    
4/20/2024 11:33:17 AM

Reply to: 2812299

I went to the Cup races in 94 & 95 and they had busses that left from the Hoosier dome.  A lot of parking there and right to the speedway.  We were fortunate enough to be on the Goodwrench dealer deal, so our busses were police escorted in .  That deal is lonnnnng gone!

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Msg ID: 2812309 A little help from 3Wide crew?    
4/20/2024 12:37:32 PM

Reply to: 2812305

It was over 40 years ago, but Kevin's post above reminded me of how we used to get to and from the track on race day. (Did it throughout the 70's, and well into the 80's.)

My father and I would park downtown (right across from the main bus station) and they had all of the city buses dedicated to running closed off routes back and forth to the speedway (about a 20 minute ride if I remember correctly.)  We would get to the downtown parking lot probably 3 - 4 hours before the start of the race, and then board a bus that would drop us off right near the first turn of the speedway.  If we arrived early enought to get on a bus, it was really stress free because not everyone was trying to get from downtown to the track at the same moment, so it was kind of a slow build.  That was the easy part.

The tougher part is when everyone (a few hundred thousand!) are all trying to leave right around the same time, right at the end of the race.  The line for buses then was huge, especially if your seats were not near where the buses were picking up (again, back then it was right near turn 1), as those seated closer to the departure point would be able to get in line for the buses ahead of those of us who had farther walks.

I don't know if there is 2024 version of city buses running from downtown to and from the speedway, but I do remember it was reasonably priced and we at least had the confidence that we'd get to the track... and to then not have to worry about finding a parking spot once we got out there.  If it still exists (buses from downtown), it might be worth looking into, but as everyone has agreed in their earlier post, being a lot earlier for things rather than a little late, will pay dividends as far as getting to the track and enjoying the event.

If you are fortunate enough to get to the track early, there's also a lot of pagentry (sp?) and stuff to watch/enjoy before the race... Plus it's a great day for people watching as you'll see it all and then some when 400,000 people all show up for a race....

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Msg ID: 2812360 A little help from 3Wide crew?    
4/21/2024 9:38:48 AM

Reply to: 2812309

Hey Joe,  It sounds like you and your Dad had a good plan for going in when you went.  I agree that on the way out could be an issue.  We are sitting in the third turn, so we would probably be #280,000 in line to get the bus after the race. LaughingFoot in MouthSurprised

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Msg ID: 2812359 A little help from 3Wide crew?    
4/21/2024 9:33:39 AM

Reply to: 2812305

Sounds like you did have a great deal there with the Goodwrench bunch...escorted in!!  Did you ever attend the Indy 500, or just the Brickyard? 

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Msg ID: 2812358 A little help from 3Wide crew?    
4/21/2024 9:30:01 AM

Reply to: 2812299

Thanks Gene!  I have heard and read about the Little 500.  It does sound pretty ambitious for us to attend.  Probably if we were staying in between the two tracks I would have loved to take that in as well.

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Msg ID: 2812311 Parking down to a science.     
Author:Kevin Mc
4/20/2024 1:02:08 PM

Reply to: 2812297
Local police agencies do have it all down to a science from 100+ years of trial and error, but IMS is not like say Pocono where there's countless acres of parking lot. Think of Wrigley Field or Lambeau Field. The town swallowed up the facility so it's literally in the middle of neighborhoods now. They'll get you near where you want to go but the last mile or two takes some homework. Which you're doing correctly. The police get people in and out as best they can considering the roads they have to work with. Going to the 500 is like going o Disney World if you've never been to one or the other before. Lots of research beforehand can make the difference between a great or a terrible experience.

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Msg ID: 2812338 A little help from 3Wide crew?    
Author:Kevin Mc
4/20/2024 8:59:34 PM

Reply to: 2812252
My number is Eight O 3 Three 5 one 58 seven eight Text me any and all Indy 500 questions Don't call. It won't go thru out here in the woods

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Msg ID: 2812354 A little help from 3Wide crew?    
4/21/2024 9:26:02 AM

Reply to: 2812338

Thanks again Kevin!  We really do appreciate your expertise.  We may go to Bloomington Friday night if all goes well.  Then take it easy Saturday, figuring in that Sunday will be a long day for sure.  Right now, I feel that we can't leave too early on race day, maybe setting a goal of 5am.  Also thanks for your number, it's in my phone.

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Msg ID: 2812361 A little help from 3Wide crew?    
4/21/2024 9:46:20 AM

Reply to: 2812354

I went twice to the brickyard and twice for the F1. The F1 we stayed in a camper across from the track so I can't tell you about the transportation. I could never make the 500 because I usually race it Wall Stadium and Memorial Day weekend was a big race weekend. I definitely want to go to the 500, but actually the TV coverage is so good because all the pagentry stuff they show up close, you cannot see unless you were sitting on the front straightaway.   It's not a great site lines track. 

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Msg ID: 2812447 A little help from 3Wide crew?    
4/22/2024 8:00:18 AM

Reply to: 2812361

I agree, as far as viewing it is better on today's TV.  It is a bucket list thing for me because of the "experience".  This will probably be my one and only time there.  I may try to stop back again to see the museum sometime, but not during race week.  I also have the Chili Bowl on my radar to try at least one time.  Thanks, Tom

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Msg ID: 2812466 A little help from 3Wide crew?    
Author:Kevin Mc
4/22/2024 11:06:24 AM

Reply to: 2812447
You won't be getting in the museum this year anyhow. Massive and long overdue remodel underway. Closed to the public until 2025.

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Msg ID: 2812413 Forgot to add...    
Author:Kevin Mc
4/21/2024 2:33:31 PM

Reply to: 2812252
Bring a wide brim hat for race day. Don't bring a brand new pair of shoes. You will put some steps in. Comfortable walking shoes are essential.

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Msg ID: 2812480 Forgot to add...    
4/22/2024 2:54:45 PM

Reply to: 2812413

I understand the curator of the museum is the grand daughter of Joe Julian, owner of Julians Towing in Sayreville. Joe past away this January.

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