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Msg ID: 2812579 Thing that make you hummmmm +0/-0     
4/24/2024 11:34:01 AM

I see that the NJ state police is sponsoring a Xfinity car at Dover this weekend. It is using it to drum up interest in becoming a trooper. I will let you draw your own conclusions on this one . 

Msg ID: 2812580 Thing that make you hummmmm +0/-0     
4/24/2024 11:44:20 AM

Reply to: 2812579

We question that, but they do have budgets for advertising "hiring", I'm glad they use it in racing. Plus their target audience is there. I wonder if they get involved with the Drift event at Englishtown also. They have been using the highway changeable signs recently for hiring state troopers. I bet it's not that much, but when the Armed forces did it those years with Dale Jr, I'm sure that was in the multi millions.

Msg ID: 2812593 Thing that make you hummmmm +0/-0     
4/24/2024 12:17:08 PM

Reply to: 2812580

Seems to me their target audience might be found at the local tracks in nj and they could do it for a whole lot less money . But then again spending money wisely has never been a strong suit for state agencies.

Msg ID: 2812617 Thing that make you hummmmm +0/-0     
Author:Rick Shive
4/24/2024 6:33:01 PM

Reply to: 2812580

I can't imagine why else they'd be doing it.

Msg ID: 2812598 Thing that make you hummmmm +0/-0     
4/24/2024 1:25:21 PM

Reply to: 2812579

I wonder how many joined the National Guard because they sponsored Dale Jr.

Msg ID: 2812600 NJ State Police +0/-0     
Author:Pee Wee Fan
4/24/2024 2:17:09 PM

Reply to: 2812598

I've seen the NJSP advertvise for recruits on various message boards found on I-295 and 1-195.  I can only assume that their numbers are down and they are not getting a suitable number of recruits to replace retired troopers.  Personally, I respect and am thankful for all law enforcement (local and state), but I don't know why you would want to be a police officer.  For me, the risks greatly outweigh the financial reward.  Just my opinion.  Scott Ely      

Msg ID: 2812603 NJ State Police +0/-0     
4/24/2024 3:31:30 PM

Reply to: 2812600

I agree with you Don, but they are going to spend it, so I'm glad it's with racing.

The short tracks in Jersey is a real good idea. Former State Trooper Steve Slimowitz was a pretty big race fan than became the head of the Motor Racing Unit which he was real good for the racers and the state. He really knew what was going on and was real good to deal with.  He's retired now.

Msg ID: 2812604 NJ State Police +0/-0     
4/24/2024 3:36:57 PM

Reply to: 2812603 

Msg ID: 2812606 NJ State Police +0/-0     
Author:John Springsteel
4/24/2024 4:13:14 PM

Reply to: 2812604

We'll, if the car at Dover actually is advertising for hiring. They will get national exposure and maybe someone somewhere will see it and consider looking into relocating for their career.  One way to look at it. 

Msg ID: 2812613 NJ State Police +0/-0     
Author:John Mc
4/24/2024 5:14:19 PM

Reply to: 2812603
Couldn't agree with you more, Kevin. Slim did a great job with the state regarding auto racing.

Msg ID: 2812616 NJ State Police +0/-0     
4/24/2024 6:25:21 PM

Reply to: 2812613

I worked a lot with the state police with my job and with racing. Never had a problem at the track with them , always reasonable and fair. Maybe if other states had a similar deal racing would be a whole lot safer. I was a big shock when I moved to NC , the monkeys run the zoo here.

Msg ID: 2812618 NJ State Police +0/-0     
Author:Kevin Mc
4/24/2024 6:43:22 PM

Reply to: 2812616
I could fill a book with things I've witnessed at short tracks in the Carolinas that would never be allowed in NJ. They'll spend 2 hours tearing down the winners 4 cylinder engine to make sure it's legal but won't spent 10 minutes looking at the safety of the car at the beginning of the year. I think people are forgetting that race fans all over the country will see that NJ needs troopers. It's not just aimed at locals. Some cop somewhere needs a change. I wouldn't move to NJ, I did my time. But others might think about it.

Msg ID: 2812615 NJ State Police PeeWeeFan +0/-0     
Author:Bubble Goggles
4/24/2024 6:15:49 PM

Reply to: 2812600

Agree! They don't get any respect . I still respect your Uncle Tony to this day. 


Msg ID: 2812620 Thing that make you hummmmm +0/-0     
4/24/2024 6:53:51 PM

Reply to: 2812579

Just a few years ago 1 opening would get 4 or 500 apps. Now they can't hire enough officers to fill out the needs of state and local police agencies. 

Msg ID: 2812625 Thing that make you hummmmm +0/-0     
4/24/2024 9:31:42 PM

Reply to: 2812620

I would think that maybe sponsor a race night at the Jersey tracks would get more PR at the local level where the future recruits might be money better spent . Kev your right about NC when I was race director at east Lincoln they didn't have a rule book , fire extinguishers that were 20 yrs out of date shall I gooooo on. It would take a trooper with a gun pointed at me to get involved again down here and then I still would have to think about it.

Msg ID: 2812630 Thing that make you hummmmm +0/-0     
Author:Kevin Mc
4/25/2024 6:53:12 AM

Reply to: 2812625

I go to East Lincoln occasionally. When were you there? I could hear East Lincoln from the house in Lincolnton/Boger City all the time. Now we live outside of Maiden. There was one Saturday evening where I swear I could hear race cars and I assumed the wind and the air was just right for us to hear ELS even though we're 25 minutes away now. An alright track all things considered.

Msg ID: 2812646 PA State Police +0/-0     
4/25/2024 12:37:03 PM

Reply to: 2812630

at Grandview this past Saturday after an apparent fight. Hmm.

Msg ID: 2812648 NJ State Police +0/-0     
4/25/2024 12:48:16 PM

Reply to: 2812646

Sponsoring a race as posted above, would probably work better if they had recruiters at each trak. This way they could do sign ups and answer questions. Just sponsoring a race in NJ would probably be a waste of money. 

Msg ID: 2812664 Thing that make you hummmmm +0/-0     
Author:Caddy Daddy
4/25/2024 3:23:06 PM

Reply to: 2812579

I always respected those guys. Figured that if policing is the career path you want to pursue, might as well go big or go home.

Msg ID: 2812674 Thing that make you hummmmm +0/-0     
4/25/2024 5:10:44 PM

Reply to: 2812664

They are having a b0oth at Dover as they should but I am not sure the target audience is at Dover. I would hope they would have troopers at every event to answer questions and talk up the department.

Kev I was race director at East Lincoln in 2011 when Ray owned the track. There was a family of drivers who basically ran rough shod over the place when I got there. I didn't put up with there Bs and threw a couple of them out and the drivers loved it . I was as fair as anyone they had ever had there but I enforced the rules which I let the drivers have input on when we drew them up.

Ray was good to work with but he let his GM bs him which made things hard to work with. There was people sealing from the track and then the fights started so we had a few leave in handcuffs. I got no support from the GM who had no racing background but was just thrilled to be working with Ray . Things go to a point where I was getting death threats called in at the track that was enough.

The place went down hill after that with lots of fights so  Ray got out and sold the place.

There were a lot of good guys there but it only took a few to mess things up . I have not been back since , I have driven by there with shopping for a new house and the place still looks the same as it did back then, I use to hear them here at the house but not in the past few years .

It is a shame the place could be a neat little track but the don't advertise anywhere. Hell I lived here two year before I knew the was a track nine miles from the house. 
