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Msg ID: 2813600 New Egypt Speedway 4/27/24 Quick Results - Rookie Feature    
Author:New Egypt Speedway
4/27/2024 6:16:15 PM

Rookie Crate Sportsman Feature Quick Results (8 Laps): 

1.) STEVE PUGLISI 2.) John Norcia 3.) Lexi Wilson 4.) Cale Van Noordt

Msg ID: 2813603 New Egypt Speedway 4/27/24 Quick Results - Crate Heats    
Author:New Egypt Speedway
4/27/2024 6:42:29 PM

Reply to: 2813600

602 Crate Sportsman Heat Race Quick Results (8 Laps):
Heat #1: 1.) John Farissier 2.) Matt Ellery 3.) Mike Toth 4.) Ethan Bill 5.) David Miloszar Jr. 6.) John Scarpati 7.) Zac Cook 8.) Isaac Elsner 9.) Dylan Morris

Heat #2: 1.) Ryan Heim 2.) Ryan Simmons 3.) Jordon Cox 4.) Steve Davis 5) Chuckles Stone 6.) Amanda Buchel 7.) Jax Yohn 8.) Matt Pech 9) Ryan Krushinski

Heat #3: 1.) Mike Butler 2.) Aaron Weaver 3.) Nick Van Wickle 4.) Dan Fleming 5.) Andrew Bohn 6.) Jon Meyer 7.) George Gareis Jr. 8.) Shawn Cook 9.) Ricky Moran

Msg ID: 2813605 New Egypt Speedway 4/27/24 Quick Results - 4-Cylinder Heats    
Author:New Egypt Speedway
4/27/2024 7:03:54 PM

Reply to: 2813603

4-Cylinder Heat Race Quick Results (6 Laps): 

Heat #1: 1.) Kyle Hurley 2.) Bob Drayton III 3.) Dan Stein Jr. 4.) Ian Ashford 5.) Joe Garey Jr. 6.) Justin Dunn 7.) Penny Horner 8.) Garrett Mull 9.) Justin Benz 10.) John Ciallella

Heat #2: 1.) Joe Garey Sr. 2.) Bobby Drayton IV 3.) Robby Dunn 4.) Dale Mull 5.) Robbie Steinmetz 6.) Corey Carr 7.) Mark Stein Sr. 8.) Kelly Fleming 9.) Jalena Carpenter 10.) Eric Degler

Msg ID: 2813607 New Egypt Speedway 4/27/24 Quick Results - Modified Heats    
Author:New Egypt Speedway
4/27/2024 7:22:34 PM

Reply to: 2813605

Modified Heat Race Quick Results (10 Laps):
Heat #1: 1.) Dan Creeden 2.) Ryan Godown 3.) Tim Apgar 4.) Matt Stangle 5.) Jack Butler 6.) Brandon Grosso 7.) Tom Princiotta 8.) Chris Grbac 9.) Pat Wall 10.) Dakota Kessler 

Heat #2: 1.) DJ Hunt 2.) Tanner VanDoren 3.) Wade Hendrickson 4.) Paul Mancini 5.) Jordan Watson 6.) Johnny Bangs 7.) Justin Grosso 8.) Frank Venezia

Heat #3: 1.) Dominick Buffalino 2.) Davey Sammons 3.) David Schilling 4.) Kevin Borden 5.) Will Dupree 6.) Jim Housworth 7.) Anthony Tramontana 8.) Joe Brown 9.) Bucky Kell 10.) Bryan Kuhl

Msg ID: 2813610 New Egypt Speedway 4/27/24 Quick Results - Street Stock Heats    
Author:New Egypt Speedway
4/27/2024 7:39:09 PM

Reply to: 2813607

Street Stock Heat Race Quick Results (6 Laps):

Heat #1: 1.) Kory Fleming 2.) Mike Baldwin 3.) Brian Ludwig 4.) Scott Freed 5.) Doug Ashford 6.) Shane Grosso 7.) Joe Wolfe 8.) Geoff Handel 9.) Bill Liedtka

Heat #2: 1.) Ron Pavia 2.) Lee Allen 3.) Darren Cox 4.) Paul Hartwig Jr. 5.) Jeremy Doerr 6.) Patrick Force 7.) Spider Ensinger III 8.) Matt Malachatka

Msg ID: 2813612 New Egypt Speedway 4/27/24 Quick Results - Crate Consi    
Author:New Egypt Speedway
4/27/2024 7:45:41 PM

Reply to: 2813610

602 Crate Sportsman Consi Quick Results (8 Laps):

1.) Jax Yohn 2.) Matt Peck 3.) Zac Cook 4.) Ryan Krushinski 5.) Zac Cook 6.) Isaac Elsner 7.) Dylan Morris

Msg ID: 2813615 New Egypt Speedway 4/27/24 Quick Results - Modified Consi    
Author:New Egypt Speedway
4/27/2024 8:02:13 PM

Reply to: 2813612

Modified Consi Quick Results (10 Laps):

1.) Justin Grosso 2.) Tom Princiotta 3.) Joe Brown 4.) Anthony Tramontana 5.) Chris Grbac 6.) Dakota Kessler 7.) Pat Wall 8.) Bucky Kell 9.) Bryan Kuhl 10.) Frank Venezia

Msg ID: 2813617 New Egypt Speedway 4/27/24 Quick Results - Rookie Feature #2    
Author:New Egypt Speedway
4/27/2024 8:04:09 PM

Reply to: 2813615

Rookie Feature #2 Quick Results (8 Laps):

1.) STEVE PUGLISI 2.) Cale Van Noordt 3.) Lexi Wilson 4.) John Norcia

Msg ID: 2813620 New Egypt Speedway 4/27/24 Quick Results - 4Cylinder Feature    
Author:New Egypt Speedway
4/27/2024 8:58:15 PM

Reply to: 2813617

4-Cylinder Feature Quick Results (15 Laps):

1.) KYLE HURLEY 2.) Bob Drayton III 3.) Robby Dunn 4.) Ian Ashford 5.) Justin Dunn 6.) Penny Horner 7.) Corey Carr 8.) Robbie Steinmetz 9.) Mark Stein Sr. 10.) Kelly Fleming 11.) Jalena Carpenter 12.) Joe Garey Jr. 13.) Justin Benz 14.) Garrett Mull 15.) Bobby Drayton IV 16.) Dan Stein Jr. 17.) Joe Garey Sr. 18.) Dale Mull 19.) John Ciallella 20.) Eric Degler


Msg ID: 2813623 New Egypt Speedway 4/27/24 Quick Results - Crate Feature    
Author:New Egypt Speedway
4/27/2024 9:24:02 PM

Reply to: 2813620


602 Crate Sportsman Feature Quick Results (20 Laps):

1.) JOHN FARISSIER 2.) Nick Van Wickle 3.) Steve Davis 4.) Matt Ellery 5.) Ryan Simmons 6.) Ethan Bill 7.) Mike Toth 8.) Jon Meyer 9.) Amanda Buchel 10.) Matt Peck 11.) Jax Yohn 12.) Ryan Heim 13.) David Miloszar Jr. 14.) Chuckles Stone 15.) Ryan Krushinski 16.) Steve Puglisi 17.) Isaac Elsner 18.) Aaron Weaver 19.) Zac Cook 20.) Dan Fleming 21.) Shawn Cook 22.) John Scarpati 23.) Jordon Cox 24.) Mike Butler 25.) Andrew Bohn

Msg ID: 2813625 New Egypt Speedway 4/27/24 Quick Results - Modified Feature    
Author:New Egypt Speedway
4/27/2024 9:56:58 PM

Reply to: 2813623

Modified Feature Quick Results (30 Laps):
1.) WADE HENDRICKSON 2.) Dan Creeden 3.) Justin Grosso 4.) Paul Mancini 5.) Davey Sammons 6.) Tanner Van Doren 7.) Ryan Godown 8.) Brandon Grosso 9.) Kevin Borden 10.) Joe Brown 11.) Anthony Tramontana 12.) Jack Butler 13.) Tim Apgar 14.) Jordan Watson 15.) Bryan Kuhl 16.) DJ Hunt 17.) Tom Princiotta 18.) David Schilling 19.) Matt Stangle 20.) Chris Grbac 21.) Dakota Kessler 22.) Jim Housworth 23.) Dominick Buffalino 24.) Johnny Bangs 25.) Will Dupree

Msg ID: 2814104 New Egypt Speedway 4/27/24 Quick Results - Street Stock Feature    
Author:New Egypt Speedway
4/27/2024 10:54:33 PM

Reply to: 2813625

Street Stock Feature Quick Results (15 Laps):

1.) RON PAVIA 2.) Kory Fleming 3.) Bill Liedtka 4.) Paul Hartwig Jr. 5.) Scott Freed 6.) Darren Cox 7.) Mike Baldwin 8.) Brian Ludwig 9.) Patrick Force 10.) Spider Ensinger III 11.) Lee Allen 12.) Doug Ashford 13.) Geoff Handel 14.) Jeremy Doerr 15.) Joe Wolfe 16.) Matt Malachatka 17.) Shane Grosso 

Msg ID: 2814125 Pauch Jr.?    
Author:Uncle Tom1
4/28/2024 11:33:23 AM

Reply to: 2813625

Where was Billy Pauch Jr. last night ?

Msg ID: 2814127 Pauch Jr.?    
4/28/2024 12:34:13 PM

Reply to: 2814125

After Bridgeport canceled it looks like he stayed home.  He will be at BAPS today driving the #14 according to his FB page.

Msg ID: 2814138 Pauch Jr.?    
Author:david walter
4/28/2024 1:34:52 PM

Reply to: 2814125
With Fred back don't think you'll see him at NES anytime soon.
