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Msg ID: 2817982 Memorial Day    
5/27/2024 8:10:35 AM

Always remember.

Bobby's Camera

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Msg ID: 2817994 Memorial Day    
Author:Greg Collins
5/27/2024 12:18:48 PM

Reply to: 2817982

Bobby's Camera is still so impactful when I look through the pictures and reflect upon this young man who sat in the stands as we all did, cheered on his favorite drivers. May his sacrifice, as well as that of all military members, never be forgotten or taken for granted.

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Msg ID: 2818132 Memorial Day    
5/30/2024 8:12:55 AM

Reply to: 2817994

Sad, but this holiday slipped by. Thank you to all our Vets. If not for them, this country would be far different. Thank You, present and past!

Humorous but sad note. I recently heard a comedian making fun of all the different groups that take on a month to honor themselves ie. "Gay pride month" etc. and then how our veterans only get a day. Think about it, it's pretty sad.

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Msg ID: 2821421 Memorial Day    
6/4/2024 8:48:46 PM

Reply to: 2818132
A tear runs down my cheek everytime I review Bobby's Camera pictures. Congress should switch the holidays. The spring May holiday should be Labor Day. Decoration (Memorial) Day should be permanently moved to September 11th.

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