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Msg ID: 2821389 Larson news... +0/-0     
6/4/2024 12:36:12 PM

NASCAR: Kyle Larson officially receives playoff waiver after missing Coca-Cola 600 (

Msg ID: 2821397 Larson news... +0/-0     
6/4/2024 2:39:39 PM

Reply to: 2821389

Could you imagine if they did not give him the waiver?  I am betting that is the only reason they gave it him, because the waiver basically defies the whole rule in this case.

Rule is in place so guys don't win and automatiaclly get in the palyoffs than go on vacation.

Msg ID: 2821414 Larson news... +0/-0     
6/4/2024 7:49:47 PM

Reply to: 2821397
Playoffs are for 1 ball sports.

Msg ID: 2821459 Larson news... +0/-0     
Author:Pee Wee Fan
6/5/2024 11:55:25 AM

Reply to: 2821414

Not a fan of the playoffs, but they are probably here to stay.  Given that, my take on this palyoff waiver business is this.  DO AWAY WITH WAIVERS.   I know waivers have been granted for injuries, but hasn't Nascar granted waivers to drivers that missed races due to suspensions?  Regardless, If you qualify via wins and are 30th or higher in points, you're in.  Simple as that. Personally, I think top 20 in points is a better base line.    Scott Ely


Msg ID: 2821467 Larson news... +0/-0     
6/5/2024 1:07:54 PM

Reply to: 2821459

I agree that if you are in the top 20 in points and have a win, you're in no matter how many races you have run.  If you miss one race like Larson did and can stay where he is in points, that shows you belong.  If you miss too many races, the points hit will eliminate you.

Msg ID: 2821488 Larson news... +0/-0     
6/5/2024 4:57:39 PM

Reply to: 2821467

Probably a reason for the potential "if you miss one race, you're out" strong arm tactic is so that the NASCAR "stars" are always racing at their events. 

I see lots of times when the big name basketball players sit out games... because the coach (or they) decided to "rest them."

Kinda sucks if you spent big money to take your kid to a game and the top players aren't involved.  It doesn't effect me because you couldn't pay me to go to a basketball game, and/or any other stick and ball sports at this point....  (Well... maybe a Phillies game but when I hear how much they're being paid, it does make me wonder.)

Think about back in the day if you had tickets to Charlotte... or Richmond... and you find out sometime before the race that Earnhardt, or Gordon... etc., were not participating in that particular event.

NASCAR rule makes it less likely that any of the big names will be absent from any of their events.

I'm glad they gave Larson the pass out, and it was a win/win for everyone except those who were planning on seeing him race at Charlotte.
