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Msg ID: 2821522 D-Day     
6/6/2024 1:00:23 PM

Today is the 80th Anniversary of the Normand Invasion. Another important day that is slowly fading into memory. 

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Msg ID: 2821526 D-Day     
6/6/2024 2:13:24 PM

Reply to: 2821522

I could aways count on a broadcast of the Longest Day on June 6th.  Not this year.

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Msg ID: 2821528 D-Day     
Author:Greg Collins
6/6/2024 2:14:36 PM

Reply to: 2821522

These heroes were truly from "the greatest generation." May their sacrifices never be forgotten.

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Msg ID: 2821530 D-Day     
6/6/2024 2:21:14 PM

Reply to: 2821522

My wife said she was watching a ceremony being held in Normandy this morning, and the veterans that were in attendance were all in wheelchairs, yet made every effort to stand when being recognized, still showing that they will always be the greatest generation.

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Msg ID: 2821536 D-Day     
6/6/2024 2:49:50 PM

Reply to: 2821530

If I saw it correctly they said there are less then 1% still alive from that day. On average 130 pass away each day. When you think about it the entire generation will probably gone in the next 5-10 year.

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Msg ID: 2821538 D-Day     
6/6/2024 3:08:17 PM

Reply to: 2821522

If we as a nation let this memory fade away, we will have just ignored the greatest generation that ever lived and we should be thankful for every liberty we have today is because of them !! Never forget !!

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Msg ID: 2821543 D-Day     
6/6/2024 3:53:52 PM

Reply to: 2821522

I can not comprehend the amount of fear when the ramp on the landing craft dropped.  

If anyone out there is in the Bedford Va. area someday, visit the National D-Day Site.  Very moving.  Bedford lost 20 men on Omaha Beach.  That's the largest pecentage of any town in the USA on D-Day.

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Msg ID: 2821544 D-Day     
6/6/2024 4:42:59 PM

Reply to: 2821543
This is what pride really means, the sacrifices these men made, and the ones who made it home didn't try to draw attention to themselves, just went about their business. I will always be thankful that I got to know and especially work with some of these guys from the greatest generation.

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Msg ID: 2821549 D-Day     
6/6/2024 6:57:11 PM

Reply to: 2821544

GOD BLESS those brave young men! What incredible sacrifices they and their families made. i can not imagine the sights/experiences those young men saw and endured. COURAGE!!!


Allen Urry

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Msg ID: 2821577 D-Day     
6/7/2024 11:35:59 AM

Reply to: 2821549

My brother-in-law got hit that day and died on the ship coming home.21 years old. RIP

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