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Msg ID: 2822481 Congratulations to Announcer Eric Brennan    
6/16/2024 5:45:19 PM

Those who have ever sat next to me at a local short track (my apologies if you are one of those that had to sit through that experience Undecided...) know that I can be very critical of track announcers... because honestly, most of them are not very good.

Before the cries start of, "Well if it's that easy, then you do it...", I know it isn't easy... And no, I don't think I could do it, or would want to do it...  But I also can't drive a racecar at 230+ mph into the first turn at Indy, or hit a baseball 400', but I can recognize when someone has talent (as is the case when watching a talented racer, or a skilled ball player), and as is definitely the case when I listen to a good announcer/host.

....And that is why when I hear a good announcer, (I'm talking about those that do it really well), I want to take a minute and recognize it.... and that has certainly been the case with Eric Brennan.

I first heard Eric at Wall Stadium about 7 or 8 years ago, co-announcing with Earl Krause and Gary Larsen, and the three of them together provided an excellent combination of hospitality, sincerity,  "appropriate excitement", attentiveness, knowledge of the current competitors/race teams, professionalism, and the right amount of history & respect for the sport to keep old guys like me feeling relevant.  No phony FM DJ voices... No feigned excitement... No over annunciation of words...  No schtick.... Just flat out hitting all the marks that a great announcer/great host somehow does. 

I got to meet Eric at a Matheny event he attended a few years ago, and was able to let him know that I appreciated his announcing, and that I thought good things were ahead for him.  Not too long after that, I had heard that he had moved to North Carolina, and I think it was just last year or so that I stumbled on to a asphalt race on FLO, and right away, recognized that it was Eric doing the play by play.

Today, I watched the ARCA event (FoxSports1) from Iowa.  I DVR'd it earlier, and as is usually the case, I fast forwarded to the actual start of the race/green flag waving, and instantly recognized Eric's voice.  (Had to then go back and replay the very beginning, and there was Eric with sport jacket and tie up in the booth, opening the  program with co-announcer Phil Parsons.) 

As noted, the race was on FoxSports1, and I know that's not the top of the mountain yet, but I think Eric is well on his way to getting there, as he has whatever it is that those great announcers have.  He is the real deal.

Keep your eye on Eric Brennan.... or should I say, keep an ear open for Eric!

Congratulations to Eric Brennan. 

More info on Eric from 2023:

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Msg ID: 2822521 Congratulations to Announcer Eric Brennan    
Author:Eric Brennan
6/17/2024 7:32:14 PM

Reply to: 2822481

Thank you very much for the kind words! I've had a few people point this post out to me, and it means more than I can explain. I miss my home track so much, and have been so lucky to have to opportunities to do some of the things that I have been able to do. 

In terms of ARCA races on FS1: I'm currently scheduled to do Berlin (6/29), and Springfield (8/18). I'm not sure what opportunities exist beyond that point, but I've been blown away by the positive response from Iowa. 

If it wasn't for the tutelage of Earl, Gary and Jeff, as well as the opportunity from Cliff & Diane Krause, none of this would have ever been possible. 

I appreciate the support more than anything, and hope I can keep making Wall Stadium Speedway proud with every opportunity that comes to pass. Thank you again!

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