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Msg ID: 2823150 Wall Wednesdays    
6/26/2024 10:42:37 AM

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Msg ID: 2823152 Wall Wednesdays    
Author:Frank A Jr.
6/26/2024 10:57:17 AM

Reply to: 2823150

I think that may have been Jamie's second year behind the wheel.

Was the 12 of Hearne not a former X3 of Hendrickson?

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Msg ID: 2823154 Wall Wednesdays    
Author:Frank A Jr.
6/26/2024 11:25:35 AM

Reply to: 2823150

Check out the sign in pic 5.

Banner Night - I entered a few of those through the years. Great way to get the fans involved. Back in the days of actually promoting!

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Msg ID: 2823167 Wall Wednesdays    
6/26/2024 12:29:27 PM

Reply to: 2823154

That's what was nice about that board, plenty of clear info that is easy to read. That board probably drew more people than anything else they did. Young John Baker banner of his favorite driver, Jim Markey X-1. I'm sure John's father was not too happy! LOL  (John Baker Modern Stock 23)

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Msg ID: 2823168 Wall Wednesdays    
6/26/2024 12:35:10 PM

Reply to: 2823167

John Baker Jr. went onto a nice career of protecting president's in the Secret Service. Began with Bill Clinton and retired with Joe Biden. Now head fuel man for One Two One Motorsports.  Glad his art days are behind him!

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Msg ID: 2823170 Wall Wednesdays    
Author:John Springsteel
6/26/2024 1:12:37 PM

Reply to: 2823168

1975 pics for sure. I did my only banner night the following year. Me and my cousin Mike, for our father's. 
"78 and 04, who else should we be root'n for"  It was painted on the tin from an old pool that we used to have. It was fun just be able to walk down the track. 

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Msg ID: 2823181 Wall Wednesdays    
Author:John Springsteel
6/26/2024 5:35:34 PM

Reply to: 2823170

In the modern sto, 78 Steve Springstee, 28 Richie Beridino, 15 Neil Rutt, 20 Mickey Baceil?

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Msg ID: 2823214 john #20     
6/27/2024 9:51:25 AM

Reply to: 2823181

i/m pretty sue you are correct on 1975-

i was in this race-

# 20 micky basile or john holmes ? -----i think it's  holmes

blessings, john !!



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Msg ID: 2823224 pic #5-car #47    
6/27/2024 10:40:44 AM

Reply to: 2823181

car #47 -Gary Rogers, Walt's brother --fun to run against & good people ,TOO --



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Msg ID: 2823221 john baker jr.    
6/27/2024 10:21:10 AM

Reply to: 2823167

ha ha ,kev !! constant source of ball busting for john , as little johnny's favorite driver was Jim Markey from the bayshore !!

i remember johnny making that banner for jim !!

thanks for the photo's & memories  kev !!

blessings !!


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Msg ID: 2823218 Wall Wednesdays    
6/27/2024 10:12:41 AM

Reply to: 2823154

All entered got "Modified Call Of Wall"!!!!!

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Msg ID: 2823219 Wall Wednesdays    
6/27/2024 10:15:37 AM

Reply to: 2823218

Thanks Frank, I still have mine. Disproved the theory, "They could'nt give those things away"!

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Msg ID: 2823227 Wall Wednesdays    
Author:John Springsteel
6/27/2024 10:57:01 AM

Reply to: 2823219

I didn't get the album. I did have the coloring book. But, probably bought it. 

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Msg ID: 2823229 Wall Wednesdays    
6/27/2024 11:26:19 AM

Reply to: 2823219

Undecided  For those who clicked on this thread, but aren't all that familiar with Wall, you might want to let us in on what you are talking about.  Call of Wall???

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Msg ID: 2823238 Wall Wednesdays    
6/27/2024 12:03:14 PM

Reply to: 2823229

"Call of Wall" was an album announcer Charlie Roberts made to sell. I think they sold 3 copies but gave away 1000 of them.  It's basically announcing some fake races. I had them transferred to CD's and gave a few away. In 2009 I put one in the PA system at Wall for Turkey derby. I bet it's still there. lol

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Msg ID: 2823254 Wall Wednesdays    
6/27/2024 4:24:49 PM

Reply to: 2823238

Thanks for the extra info.

Did you buy yours or did you end up with one of the free ones?

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Msg ID: 2823286 Joe    
6/28/2024 8:50:01 AM

Reply to: 2823254

The Rich Laubenstien method...FREE!  Participating in banner night as a kid you got one free. I have three, all unopened if you want one?  Put it on your record player and enjoy a nice evening with your wife with Charlie Roberts crooning in the background! Better than Frank Sinatra!!!

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Msg ID: 2823312 Joe    
6/28/2024 5:41:25 PM

Reply to: 2823286

It's not that I don't appreciative the offer Kevin.... But I have two words for you:  "E"   "BAY."  Laughing

...And yes, let me beat you to the punch here....  I do still have my two Technics SL202 Turntables with Stanton 680EL Cartridges, Numark 1550 Mixer, and Sounds Craftsman D450 Amp, and Stacks 2' X 3' Speakers with 15" Woofers... and half of a headset unit to use as my ear cue, all in the basement, waiting for just one more request, to be fired up once again!  (Is it still 1982?)

That's my co-DJ Joe C on the right.... Easy to see who did all the work....  Joe C was good at walking around and schmoosing....  I was fine staying behind on the turntables.  It worked...  We both made silly $'s as a part time gig and had a lot of fun doing it.  I'm not sure, but this might have been a party held at that ritzy place on Rt 9, just south of the split with 35 between Sayreville and Oldbridge.  I can't remember the name now...  Probably somewhere around 1980 - 1982.



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Msg ID: 2823313 Joe    
6/28/2024 5:48:55 PM

Reply to: 2823312

lol !!!  That's some collection including the Call of Wall !  You guys had it going on!

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Msg ID: 2823316 Joe    
6/28/2024 6:23:56 PM

Reply to: 2823313

I wasn't sure if you'd notice that gem ready to go on the turntables next in the milk crate behind my left shoulder.  Laughing

We may not of had "Call of Wall,", but we had just about everything else.l....  Dance, Rock, Country...  Usually about 7 or 8 crates of LP's and EP's (probably about 40 - 50 in each crate, and I'm not talking about 602 crates), and a thress 2" long boxes of 45's.  (Younger people reading this would probably say, "what's a 45?)

We took pride in having what we thought was most likely to be needed for whatever the specific ocassion was.  Did a class of '57 reunion at the Forsgate Country Club in Monroe, and had to have Big Band and Swing music. 

Now, DJ's show up to a gig with everything on a thumbdrive or linked to the cloud with an infinite amount of music available to them, compared to what we had in those 8 crates..... 

My back will never be the same.... Undecided

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Msg ID: 2823253 Wall Wednesdays    
6/27/2024 4:22:30 PM

Reply to: 2823150

Pic #1 - 314 cu in, I believe the limit was 318 in the Sportsman at that time. Wasn't Tomaino's car a Tobias chassis? I seem to recall Graves and Cunliff running Tobias chassis in the Sportsman class then too.

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Msg ID: 2823261 Wall Wednesdays    
Author:Caddy Daddy
6/27/2024 5:37:08 PM

Reply to: 2823253

314 cubic inch is a 307 Chevy bored 40 over.

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