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Msg ID: 2823320 Truck race on FS 2 tonight (NT)    
6/28/2024 6:55:32 PM

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Msg ID: 2823325 Truck race on FS 2 tonight (NT)    
6/28/2024 7:35:46 PM

Reply to: 2823320

I scaled way back on cable... No more FoxSports2 for me.

Is it on anything else or should I just read the headlines/watch highlights on YouTube tomorrow morning?

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Msg ID: 2823329 Truck race on FS 2 tonight    
Author:Uncle Tom1
6/28/2024 8:26:22 PM

Reply to: 2823325

Joe, I believe it's a "free stream" if you download the app.

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Msg ID: 2823381 Truck race on FS 2 tonight    
Author:Pee Wee Fan
6/29/2024 1:54:33 PM

Reply to: 2823325

I'm at the point where I don't even watch the trucks anymore  but I do catch the hi-lights on Youtube the night of the race (sometime after its conclusion) or any time after wards.  The xfinity and cup hi-lights can also be seen on Youtube.  On a "Saturday night" scale, you can also view a lot of hi-lights of tracks like Grandview, Big Diamond, STSS races, and tracks covered by DirtVision the day after they've run.  Scott Ely    

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