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Please respect that this is a forum to host discussions about racing. It is a place where folks can enjoy their time visiting here, sharing their memories and experiences from what many will always consider their favorite days of racing. While many of us may have strong political opinions, they are better served elsewhere on the web. Moderators will delete any thread that becomes political. Please respect our message board for what it is meant to be.

The board is also not a place to declare that anyone that has a different opinion than yours is stupid or foolish. Posts like that do nothing to change opinion and instead only invite those with a different opinion to feel compelled to respond with their version of who is stupid or foolish. Other sites thrive on this. It will not be accepted here. Thank you in advance for not going down that low road.

Be original. Please do not post images unless you have the original image. Please always provide photographer information when available, always let us know when it's not... (At least you tried, right?) We hope you enjoy our site, and thank you for visiting!

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