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The late start made for a nice afternoon of "getting crap done".  Rolled right into an awesome Port Royal High Limit Weikert Memorial race on Flo than into the Super Dirt Series at Weedsport. Caught about 2 minutes of Charlotte.

Blocking. Exists in NASCAR and basically forbidden in Indy car, which allowed for a great and safe finish at 220 mph. You know for a fact how this race would have ended in NASCAR, and I'm not slamming Nascar, but what a difference to see a pure pass instead of a blocking/crash situation.

The race had all the drama, as always. Kyle did a good job, not great, but it's what you get when you go the biggest race on earth as your first race. Too bad Michigan or another oval did not precede Indy, so he could get some "race" seat time instead of just practice/time trial seat time.