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Never wrong in calling out  "Big E". He certainly didn't start the trend, he just perfected it. 

The other thing i thought of that is causing all these shennanigans is how close they are racing these days. I know all the ole schoolers are gonna flame me but the truth of the matter is the racing is far better, closer and more competitive then it's ever been. 

To prove my point just go back and pick any NASCAR race from the 60's 70's 80's or even 90's and read the box score. Look at all the stats and then compare them to the races we have know.

Look at: 

Margin of victory

How many cars finished on the lead lap

How many lead changes.

How many cars failed to finish.

Theres no way you can tell me the racing was better back in the day. Simple fact of the matter is, they are all running basically spec kit cars. Then through in the areo crap, and you have a recipe for bump and run racing. Hell look at the restarts nowadays. they're basically on top of one another for the next 10-15 laps. 

Remember it's not only the lively hood of the driver but also his team and all the personel back at the shop that rely on his finishes as far as sponsoship $ and bonus money paid out to the team at the end of the year. If Joey hadn't of done what he did I am sure there would have been whisperings back at the Penske shop amongst the employees.

I'm in no way trying to defend what Joey or anyone esle is doing. I'm just saying it's far more complicated then the casual observer on the barker lounge knows.

If we didn't have this kind of stuff going on, not only would the team sponsorship dry up, but also the TV revenue.