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1997 my Uncle passed away. He was certainly a character (a polite way to put it). Long time postmaster of a town in Monmouth County. In WW II, he was a top turret gunner in a B17. The guy was BIG, and with his leather flight jacket on, the crew had to get under him and stuff him up in that turret. Anyway, plane gets shot down and all are killed......with the exception of my uncle. That’s because he couldn’t bounce around, sort of like a “containment seat”. Did lose his leg however.

Fast forward to 1997. There used to be a historical society that every summer flew some old war planes to Monmouth County Airport. You could sign up and pay them for a ride. So I figure my cousin would appreciate going up in a real B17, just like his Dad did many years ago. Bought the tickets and we both went up for a one hour flight. Went out over Belmar beach, banked left, flew up the coast, again banked left at Sandy Hook, made a circle around the Statue of Liberty, then followed the same route home. All at about 2000 feet and maybe 100mph. They allowed you to wander around the plane while in flight, with the exception of the tail gunner position. Needless to say, we took full advantage and played waist gunner to navigator. The biggest take home from the flight is how much the thing rattled and how loud it was inside! You really had to have some big brass ones to be up 35,000 feet at 300 mph, all the while taking flak and dodging German fighters.